On Github Snugug / RWD-with-Sass-Compass
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Hold up your hand if you own a smartphone
Lower it if you have the exact same phone (make, model, carrier, and OS version) as your neighbors
Put your hands back up
Lower it if you only use your phone while you're distracted, on the go, and want a dumbed-down or lite experience
We start with our content first
It’s not about mobile first (or just small screen first) – it's about content first. But it happens that thinking about what works for mobile does work for other things as well.
Jeffery ZeldmanWe design using mobile as a focusing lens
But don't take that the wrong way…
[T]here is no mobile web. There are plenty of mobile devices. And equally there is no desktop web. It is just the web. [O]ne web.
Jeremy KeithWe use web standards, progressive enhancement, and modern best practices
All while staying device agnostic, avoiding common user experience pitfalls, and staying future friendly.
Oh, and throw away “Pixel Perfect”
Of Course Responsive Web Design is Hard.
It's Design.
Mason WendellThe Web is an Inherently Unstable Medium
Ethan Marcotte Let's Embrace the EntropyAs outlined in Ethan Marcotte's Phrase-Coining A List Apart article, Responsive Web Design needs the three following things:
gem 'extension', '~>X.Y.Z'
require '{extension}'
@import '{extension}';
Start with the small screen first, then expand until it looks like shit.
Stephen Haygem 'breakpoint', '~>2.4.0'
require 'breakpoint'
@import 'breakpoint';
// Your basic media queries, min-width and min/max width, are super easy! $small: 543px; $medium: 794px; $fence-sm: $small $medium; #foo { content: 'No Media Queries'; @include breakpoint($small) { content: 'Small Media Query'; } @include breakpoint($fence-sm) { content: 'Fenced Media Query'; } }
/* Nested Breakpoint calls become separate media queries */ #foo { content: 'No Media Queries'; } @media (min-width: 543px) { #foo { content: 'Small Media Query'; } } @media (min-width: 543px) and (max-width: 794px) { #foo { content: 'Fenced Media Query'; } }
/* Setting $breakpoint-to-ems: true will write Media Queries in Ems! */ @media (min-width: 33.9375em) { #foo { content: 'Small Media Query'; } } @media (min-width: 33.9375em) and (max-width: 49.625em) { #foo { content: 'Fenced Media Query'; } }
// Advanced "and" media queries and "or" media queries made simple $print-land: print monochrome (orientation landscape); $fenced-landscape: screen 321px 543px, handheld (orientation portrait); #foo { @include breakpoint($print-land) { content: 'Monochrome Print in Landscape'; } @include breakpoint($fence-landscape) { content: 'Screen media type between 300px and 500px or Handheld media type in Portrait'; } }
/* Advanced "and" media queries and "or" media queries made simple */ @media print and (monochrome) and (orientation: landscape) { #foo { content: 'Monochrome Print in Landscape'; } } @media screen and (min-width: 321px) and (max-width: 543px), handheld and (orientation: portrait) { #foo { content: 'Screen media type between 300px and 500px or Handheld media type in Portrait'; } }
// Resolution media queries are a pain. Breakpoint makes them easy. We use the standard DPPX units. $hidpi: min-resolution 1.5dppx; $cross-reso: max-resolution 143dpi; #foo { @include breakpoint($hidpi) { content: 'Device Pixel Ratio of at least 1.5'; } @include breakpoint($cross-reso) { content: 'Cross Browser Resolution Query' } }
/* Breakpoint will transform the DPPX unit into cross-browser compatible resolution queries and DPI units into cross-browser DPR queries! */ @media (min-resolution: 1.5dppx), (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (min-resolution: 144dpi) { #foo { content: 'Device Pixel Ratio of at least 1.5'; } } @media (max-resolution: 143dpi), (-webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio: 1.48958), (max--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.48958) { #foo { content: "Cross Browser Resolution Query"; } }
// _mqs.scss $touch: pointer fine, 'no-query' '.no-touch'; $no-queries: 678px, 'no-query' '.no-mqs'; #foo { @include breakpoint($touch) { content: 'Fine Pointer'; } @include breakpoint($no-queries) { content: 'No Media Queries'; } }
// style.scss $breakpoint-no-queries: false; $breakpoint-no-query-fallbacks: false; @import "mqs";
// touch.scss $breakpoint-no-queries: true; $breakpoint-no-query-fallbacks: '.no-touch'; @import "mqs";
/* style.css */ /* Only the Media Query gets printed out here! */ @media (pointer: fine) { #foo { content: 'Fine Pointer'; } }
/* style.css */ /* Only the Media Query gets printed out here! */ @media (pointer: fine) { #foo { content: 'Fine Pointer'; } }
/* touch.css */ /* Only the Meida Queries with a .touch no-fallback get printed! */ .no-touch #foo { content: 'Fine Pointer'; }
// We can import all of Compass safely because it doesn't write any CSS. @import 'compass'; // We switch our box model to Border Box. // From Paul Irish *, *:before, *:after { @include box-sizing('border-box'); }
gem 'singularitygs', '~>1.2.0.rc.3'
require 'singularitygs'
@import 'singularitygs';
Grids provide order to your design and structure to your information.
The best grids are specific to your content and your design, as they are an extension of both.
@include add-grid(12); @include add-gutter(1/3);
@include add-grid(12); @include add-gutter(0.9375em); @include add-gutter-style(split);
@include add-grid(12); @include add-gutter(0);
@include add-grid(1 4 1); @include add-gutter(1/6); @include add-gutter-style(split)
// Compound function comes from Singularity Extras @include add-grid(compound(3, 4)); @include add-gutter(1);
// Ratio function comes from Singularity Extras @include add-grid(ratio(golden-ratio(), 4)); @include add-gutter(golden-ratio() * 1em); @include add-gutter-style(split);
// Ratio spiral function comes from Singularity Extras @include add-grid(ratio-spiral(5)); @include add-gutter(1);
// Calc output style comes from Singularity Extras @include add-grid(320px 1 2); @include add-gutter(1em); @include sgs-change('output', 'calc');
Singularity is what we like to call a semantic grid system, meaning that instead of grid classes being generated that you then apply to your HTML, the grid is stored entirely within your CSS and applied directly to the element you want to use it on.
<body> <div class="main">Main Section</div> <div class="first">First Section</div> <div class="second">Second Section</div> </body>
// Simply pass the number of columns you'd like to span and what column you'd like to start from. @include add-grid(2 8 2); @include add-gutter(1/3); .first { @include grid-span(1, 1); } .main { @include grid-span(1, 2); } .second { @include grid-span(1, 3); }
// add-grid allows you to automatically change your global Grid Context at various breakpoints @include add-grid(12); @include add-grid(2 8 2 at 700px); @include add-gutter(1/3); .first { @include grid-span(3, 4); @include breakpoint(700px) { @include grid-span(1, 1); } } .main { @include grid-span(6, 7); @include breakpoint(700px) { @include grid-span(1, 2); } } .second { @include grid-span(3, 1); @include breakpoint(700px) { @include grid-span(1, 3); } }
<body> <div class="main"> <div class="one">One</div> <div class="two">Two</div> <div class="three"> <div class="a">Three A</div> <div class="b">Three B</div> <div class="c">Three C</div> </div> <div class="four">Four</div> </div> <div class="first">First Section</div> <div class="second">Second Section</div> </body>
@include add-grid(2 8 2); @include add-gutter(1/3); .first { @include grid-span(1, 1); } .main { @include grid-span(1, 2); } .second { @include grid-span(1, 3); }
@include layout(8) { .one { @include grid-span(1, 1); } .two { @include grid-span(1, 8); } .three { @include grid-span(6, 2); } .four { @include grid-span(2, 4); clear: both; } }
@include layout(6) { .a { @include grid-span(2, 3); } .b { @include grid-span(2, 5); } .c { @include grid-span(2, 1); } }
gem 'toolkit', '~>2.0.0.alpha.7'
require 'toolkit'
@import 'toolkit';
// Making images and HTML5 video fluid is pretty easy. img, video { max-width: 100%; height: auto; }
// Using Intrinisc Ratios, you can even make embedded videos fluid! .fluid-16-9 { @include intrinsic-ratio; } .fluid-4-3 { @include intrinsic-ratio(4/3); }
<body> <div class="fluid-16-9"> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hHloF85dQZg?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </body>
/* Intrinsic Ratio code is built for a small code footprint, so shared code is extended. */ .fluid-16-9, .fluid-4-3 { position: relative; height: 0; } .fluid-16-9 > *, .fluid-4-3 > * { display: block; position: absolute; width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; top: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .fluid-16-9 { padding-top: 56.25%; width: 100%; } .fluid-4-3 { padding-top: 75%; width: 100%; }
Everything you just saw? Yah, it's backend independent. You can use it anywhere, with anything, for any project. Sass Rocks
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