OGC Testbed-12 Kick-Off – Contributions – LSA Thread

OGC Testbed-12 Kick-Off – Contributions – LSA Thread

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OGC Testbed-12 EOX & GeoSolutions Presentation

On Github Schpidi / ogc-testbed12-ko

OGC Testbed-12 Kick-Off

USGS - Reston, VA - 2016-03-03

Stephan Meißl stephan.meissl@eox.at @Schpidi

Andrea Aime andrea.aime@geo-solutions.it @geowolf

 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Thanks for your attention


LSA Thread

  • 19 Coverages
    • NA001 WCS new profile 1
    • NA006 WMTS for time-varying layers
    • NA007 WMS for NetCDF
  • 16 Big Data Tiles
    • A017 Big Data Tile Database Implementation
    • A076 Contributions to Big Data Database ER

Parallel activity EVO-ODAS

  • Coordinated by DLR - German Aerospace Center
  • ESA funded project
  • Objective to improve the acceptance of online EO data access services and standards and to promote their evolution and diffusion
  • Overlapping with Testbed-12 e.g. multidimensional data, security, etc.
  • wiki.services.eoportal.org/tiki-index.php?page=EVO-ODAS

NA001 WCS new profile 1

  • Extend EO-WCS support for 3D space and 1D time data in EOxServer

EOxServer in brief

  • MIT-style license
  • Closely following the concepts of WCS & EO-WCS
  • Implementing WCS, EO-WCS, WMS, EO-WMS, WCS-T, WPS, OpenSearch, etc.
  • Based on Open Source stack including Python, Django, MapServer, GDAL, etc.
  • Included on OSGeo Live
  • eoxserver.org
  • github.com/EOxServer/eoxserver

NA006 WMTS for time-varying layers

  • Extend temporal WMTS tile assembly in MapCache - EOX
  • Implement logic to avoid requesting empty tiles in MapCache - EOX
  • Participate in OGC WMS.SWG - EOX
  • Support for communication of empty areas in GeoServer WMS/WMTS - GeoSolutions
  • Improved Support for TIME and other dimensions in GeoServer WMS/WMTS - GeoSolutions

MapCache in brief

MapCache main features

  • Multiple Protocols like WMTS, WMS, TMS, etc.
  • Multiple cache backends e.g. SQLite, disk, (Geo)TIFF, REST
  • Tile Management Features: seeding, recompression, interpolation
  • (OGC) Proxy: serve from cache if possible, forward otherwise
  • Mixed jpeg + png format
  • Reconstruct paletted 1bit PNG from uniform color
  • and many more

Time dimension

  • Each timestamp corresponds to a limited extent
  • Dynamic Mosaic given a requested time interval
  • Create Animated GIF from selected tiles

GeoServer in brief

  • WMS/WFS/WCS/WPS/CSW implementation
  • GUI based configuration/REST service based configuration
  • Dimension support in WMS, WMTS, and WCS/EO-WCS (with custom extensions)
  • NetCDF-CF support as input for most services
  • NetCDF-CF output in WCS 2.0 only
  • Pluggable Authentication - basic/digest/cas/j2ee/proxy
  • Pluggable Authorization - authorize by area, attribute, whatever filter
  • WPS process for asynch extraction of large data extractions
  • GeoPackage generation (tiles and vector)

GeoWebCache/GeoServer WMTS dimension support

  • Configure GWC to accept "TIME", "ELEVATION" and "DIM_REFENCE_TIME" as valid request params
  • Builds a separate tile cache for each combination of values
  • Use "disk quota" to avoid disk space usage explosion
  • In memory clustered cache for data with very frequent updates

Drill down and discover multiple dimension relationships

  • Domains of the dimensions related with each other (e.g., reference_time and time)
  • Need a way to find out from the client which values are available by drilling down from one dimension to the other
  • Commonly done by exposing the ND mosaic index as a WFS layer, spatial, attribute filtering, paging and sorting available but...
  • No direct way to correlate the dimensions exposed in WMS with the index exposed in WFS, we need to amend that
  • Also, find more compact ways to list the available values e.g. select distict(dim_att) where dim_att between x and y and ...

Avoid requesting empty tiles - idea 1

  • Have a separate binary grid reporting availability
  • One tile to report the availability of 256x256 "data" tiles
  • Served as a separate WMTS layer with no/custom CRS, and linked to the data layer somehow?

Avoid requesting empty tiles - idea 2

  • Return a custom HTTP header indicating an empty tile
  • Tiles on lower zoom levels don't need to be requested


  • Add support for WMS extensions of ncWMS in EOxServer e.g. color scales in GetMap requests or GetTimeseries request type - EOX
  • Add support to filter WMS Capabilities e.g. XPath in EOxServer - EOX
  • Add support for further WMS extensions of ncWMS in EOxServer - EOX
  • Enhance NetCDF-CF metadata handling in EOxServer - EOX
  • Dynamic ColorMaps Support in GeoServer WMS - GeoSolutions
  • Improved GetLegendGraphic in GeoServer WMS - GeoSolutions
  • Simplified Harvesting of NetCDF-CF files in GeoServer - GeoSolutions
  • Improved GetCapabilities for large number of datasets (possibly using XPath) in GeoServer - GeoSolutions

WMS in EOxServer

  • Based on
  • Full support of EO-WMS including time dimension, outlines, bands, etc.
  • Masking & mosaicing

Dynamic colormaps support in GeoServer

  • Collect statistisc from data (e.g. histogram)
  • Create a color map on the fly based on the statistics and a named color map type
  • Based on GeoServer own SLD extension called "Rendering transformations" (aka "apply me a WPS process on the fly before rendering data")

GetLegendGraphics for dynamic colormaps

  • GetLegendGraphics needs to learn about dynamic colormap
  • Display the right colormap, display the right values on the side

Easier setup of NetCDF mosaics in GeoServer

  • Now requires setting up a XML mapping file describing the structure of the file
  • Automatically setup the data leveraging the CF conventions instead

Improve working against large capabilities documents

  • Search in very large capabilities documents, lots of layer (XPath?)
  • Move out long dimension listings to a separate set of pageable, searchable calls

LSA - Big Data Tiles

  • Contributions to & review of Big Data Database ER
  • Big Data Tile Database Implementation
    • Evaluate PostgreSQL as alternative to SQLite in GeoPackage
    • Implement database generation, dump, and restore scripts for PostgreSQL as alternative to SQLite in GeoPackage

OGC Testbed-12 Kick-Off

USGS - Reston, VA - 2016-03-03


Stephan Meißl stephan.meissl@eox.at @Schpidi

Andrea Aime andrea.aime@geo-solutions.it @geowolf

 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Thanks for your attention