Select a Zone
Green Hill Zone: Define gamification
Chemical Plant Zone: Explore why you'd gamify
Labyrinth Zone: Introduce game design
Boss Battle (AKA Final Zone)
1-1 Define gamification
The use of game elements and
game design techniques in
non-game contexts.
(Source: Kevin Werbach)
- Game elements e.g. points, badges, leaderboards, quests
- Design techniques - balance the game
- Non-game contexts
- External e.g. marketing
- Internal e.g. enhance productivity
- Behavior change
1-2 Cross-disciplinary
- Psychology
- Design
- Business strategy
- Technology
2-1 Why Gamify?
- Games are among the most powerful motivational tools
- Make the non-game experience more rewarding
- But motivation has its limits
- Gamification motivates to achieve a business objective
- A large leaderboard divide could cause the player to abandon the game
- Average gamer age - 30
- 47% of gamers are female
- 44% of US/UK adults played a mobile game in the last month
2-2 From Dodgeball to Foursquare
- Dodgeball - check in, notified of friends and venues nearby
- Dodgeball purchased by Google 2005
- Foursquare added game with badges, mayorship, etc
- Gamification attempted to solve engagement gap, add
meaningful choices, progression, and social aspects, and
make checking in a habit
2-3 A Lot of Companies Gamify
And many more (Gamification is an emerging practice after all)
2-4 Internal Gamification
2-4 Internal Gamification
2-5 More Than Points, Badges, and Leaderboards
Implemented in Stockholm, Sweeden
3-1 Think Like a Game Designer
Sid MeierA [good] game is a series of interesting choices.
- Gamers try to win
- Designers get players to play and keep them playing
- To a game designer, a user is a player
* Balance structure and freedom
- Engage the player
3-2 Player journey
- Onboarding: get into the game easily
- Scaffolding: guide the player to learn the game
- Path to mastery
- Instant feedback helps the player learn
- Mastery through leveling up, increasing skill can be a reward
3-3 Game Design and Fun
- Types of fun: easy, hard, people, serious
- Fun has to be designed
Fun doesn't have to be competitive
-gamers favor co-op 3-1 (Bing Gordon)
Boss: Pyramid of Gamification Elements
Boss: Game Components
Limitations: the elements are not the game
Bonus Stage
Could you achieve your project's objective
by turning your users into players?