Códigos de estado HTTP
| **Status Code** | **Significado** |
| 200 | All is good; response will include applicable resource information, as well |
| 201 | Resource created; will include the Location header specifying a URI to the newly created resource |
| 202 | Same as 200, but used for async; in other words, all is good, but we need to poll the service to find out when completed |
| 301 | The resource was moved; should include URI to new location |
| 400 | Bad request; caller should reformat the request |
| 401 | Unauthorized; should respond with an authentication challenge, to let the caller resubmit with appropriate credentials |
| 402 | Reserved for future use, but many times used to indicate a failure in a business rule or validation check |
| 403 | Access denied; user successfully authenticated, but is not allowed to access the requested resource |
| 404 | Resource not found, or caller not allowed to access the resource, and we don’t want to reveal the reason |
| 409 | Conflict; used as a response to a PUT request when another caller has dirtied the resource |
| 500 | Server error; something bad happened, and server might include some indication of the underlying problem |
Además de estar restringidos por los HTTP para las acciones que podemos invocar, nuestras aplicaciones deben responder únicamente códigos conocidos HTTP. Es posible enviar más información, pero utilizarlos ayuda a la interoperabilidad de nuestra aplicación.
A continuación se presentan algunos de los estados disponibles. Para ver la lista completa, pueden acceder [aquí](www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html).