Object Oriented JavaScript

Object Oriented JavaScript

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Click here for slides: http://anniecannons.github.io/ac-object-oriented-js

On Github AnnieCannons / ac-object-oriented-js

Object Oriented JavaScript

What is important about object oriented programming?

Software is a collection of cooperating objects rather than a collection of functions or simply a list of commands.

  • An object contains state and behavior:
  • state aka data, properties, variables
  • behavior aka functions, methods, messages

What does this really mean? Why do we care?

Objects are so great because they contain DATA and FUNCTIONALITY

  • Think of it like a radio
  • A radios have properties like "made of metal", "has two button", "uses batteries"
  • And it also has functionality, like "plays music"
  • As programmers, we like to control both!


  • We have used Objects for storing information and we manipulated and accessed the data within objects.
  • Remember: An object is a container for values in the form of properties and functionality in the form of methods.
  • Ex: .getElementById is a method to find an h1 tag with the ID of header. .getElementById is a method on the document object.

Adding Methods to Objects

function diceRoll() {
 var sides = 6;
 var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * sides) + 1;
var dice = {


Adding Methods to Objects

var dice = {
 roll: function diceRoll() {
   var sides = 6;
   var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * sides) + 1;

Run dice.roll in the console.

How do we call the dice.roll function?

Adding Methods to Objects

var dice = {
  roll: function() {
    var sides = 6;
    var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * sides) + 1;

Run dice.roll() in the console.

Variable Scope in Objects

If we have the sides as a property of the dice object, how will the function call it?

var dice = {
 roll: function() {
   var sides = 6;
   var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * sides) + 1;
var dice = {
 sides: 6,
 roll: function() {
  var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() *   dice.sides) + 1;

Now we can easily change the value of the property sides in our code by dice.sides=10.

Remember Scope?

Refresh your memory here!

'this' keyword

  • JavaScript gives you, the developer, access to an extremely powerful keyword - “this”. “this” can be used to access data contextually, allowing your functions and methods to access the data that they need based on a specific context.
  • The ‘this’ keyword can be used to access values, methods, and other objects on a context specific basis.
  • Meaning, ‘this’ can change based on where it is used.

More on 'this'

"this" always points to the object that it has been linked to

var circle = {
    radius: 2
circle.circumference = function() {
    return Math.PI * 2 * this.radius;
console.log(circle.circumference()); // 12.566370614359172

"this" allows one function (method) to operate on many states (instances)

var biggerCircle = {
    radius: 4
biggerCircle.circumference = circle.circumference;
console.log(biggerCircle.circumference()); // 25.132741228718345

Another Example

var portland = {
  name: "Portland",
  bridges: 12,
  airport: 1,
  soccerTeams: 1,
  logNumberOfBridges: function () {
    console.log (“There are “ + this.bridges + “ bridges in ” + this.name);



this is an identifier that gets a value bound to it, much like a variable.

But instead of identifiying the values explicitly in your code, this gets bound to the correct object automatically.


  • What should you do if you want to create a lot of objects with some of the same keys/properties but different values?
  • EX: You are working at Facebook and want to be able to store the same type of information about all your users.

Object Literal vs Object Constructor

  • Object literals defines an object literally: var myDog = {name: 'coach', age: '1'}
  • Object literals aren't the only way to create objects. If you're making a lot of similar objects you can use a constructor function to generate new objects of the same kind.
  • Object literals are great for one off objects or passing values to a function, but if you want to create multiple objects of the same kind or type, you'll need to use constructor functions.

Object Constructor Properties

  • Describes how an object should be created (example: dog).
  • Each object created is known as an instance of that object type (example: coach).
  • Calling the constructor object to create an instance is called instantiation.

Object Literal vs Object Constructor

Object Literal

var flower = {
 color : "red",
 petals : 32,
 smellsPretty : true

Constructor Object

function Flower(color, petals){
 this.color = color;
 this.petals = petals;
 this.smellsPretty = true;

Creating a user-defined object requires two steps:

Define the object type by writing a function. Create an instance of the object with new.


//Defines the new object
function Contact (name, email) {
 this.name = name;
 this.email = email;
//Creates the new instance
var myContact = new Contact('Laura', 'laura@hello.com');

Important: the name of the function is capitalized so you know it is a constructor!

What would the name value be in myContact?


What would the name value be in myOtherContact?

function Contact (name, email) {
 this.name = name;
 this.email = email;
//Creates the new instance
var myOtherContact = new Contact('Hubs', 'hubs@hello.com');
var myContact = new Contact('Laura', 'laura@hello.com');
  • Keyword “new” turns regular function into a constructor function.
  • And returns a new instance of the Contact object, myContact.
  • This is called instantiation.


Can you think of other specific times when you would need to use an object constructor?

Let's Review "new"

Creates a new Object Creates and binds a new this to that object It sets this new object's prototype property to be the constructor function's prototype object It executes the constructor function It returns the newly created object


Given the following code:

function Animal(species, noise) {
  this.species = species;
  this.noise = noise;
  this.makeNoise = function() {
    console.log(this.noise + ", " + this.noise);

How would you create an instance of an Animal?


How would you describe a task in a todo list. Your task should have:

  • A description of the task.
  • An attribute to define if the task is done.
  • A method to call when it is done.


function TodoListItem(description) {
  this.description = description;
  this.isDone = false;
  this.markAsComplete = function() {
    this.isDone = true;

var task = new TodoListItem("Do the laundry!");


What kind of objects you might need for your new Social Media site?

What would be the properties on those objects?

How do we add a method to a constructor?

If we run this code over and over again (to create new instances):

function City (name, nickname) {
    this.name = name;
    this.nickname = nickname;
    this.slogan = function () {
        console.log(this.name + " is the best city in the country!");

var sanFrancisco = new City("San Francisco", "City By The Bay");

Every time we create an object, the program runs the code, and a new anonymous function is created again and again. Your program is taking up more space in the computer’s memory.

Using 'prototype'!

We can add a method onto this object constructor by using prototype.

function City (name, nickname) {
  this.name = name;
  this.nickname = nickname;
City.prototype.slogan = function(){
 console.log(this.name + " is the best city in the country!");
var sanFrancisco = new City("San Francisco", "City By The Bay");

Another Example

var Circle = function(radius) {
    this.radius = radius;
Circle.prototype.circumference = function() {
    return Math.PI * 2 * this.radius;
Circle.prototype.area = function() {
    return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius;

var circle = new Circle(2);
circle.radius;  // this is 2; it's stored on the circle
circle.area;    // this is a function; it's stored on Circle.prototype
circle.area();  // this is a function call; inside it, "this" points to the circle

More on prototype!

A constructor function makes an object linked to its own prototype

function Greeter(who) {
    this.me = who;
Greeter.prototype.identify = function (){
    return "I am " + this.me;

var person1 = new Greeter("Alice");
var person2 = new Greeter("Bob");

person1.constructor === Greeter;
person1.constructor === person2.constructor;

Time for some whiteboard diagram drawing!

The magic of prototype and this!

function Greeter(who) {
    this.me = who;
Greeter.prototype.identify = function() {
    return "I am " + this.name;
Greeter.prototype.speak = function() {
    alert("Hello, " + this.identify() + ".");

var person1 = new Greeter("Alice");
  • 'this' can be thought of as "dynamic scope" (as opposed to lexical scope like global and local scope)
  • 'this' tells us which building to go into, or which address of the building downtown to go into
  • 'prototype' tells us how we are going to find properties if they don't exist on the direct object

A helpful diagram

  • Objects can inherit properties/methods of other objects
  • Objects can implement parent methods in different ways

How do we help our objects extend to access more methods?

function Greeter(who) {
    this.me = who;
Greeter.prototype.identify = function(){
    return "I am " + this.me;
function Bar (who) {
Bar.prototype = Object.create(Greeter.prototype);

Bar.prototype.speak = function (){
    alert("Hello, " + this.identity() + ".");
var customer1 = new Bar ("Viola");
var customer2 = new Bar ("Jamie");

What just happened?

  • We wanted to create a child function called Bar that is supposed to inherit from or EXTEND the parent function
  • aka we need Bar's prototype to extend Greeter's prototype so that Bar can link to Greeter's methods
  • .call()
  • Object.create

Another example

// The constructor function
function PaperBack(title, author, numPages, cover) {
  Book.call(this, title, author, numPages);
  this.cover = cover;
// Extending the Book object
PaperBack.prototype = Object.create(Book.prototype);

// A new method on this object
PaperBack.prototype.burn = function() {
  console.log("Omg, you burnt all " + this.numPages + " pages");
  this.numPages = 0;
// Instantiating a new object
var paperback = new PaperBack("1984", "George Orwell", 250, "cover.jpg");


Review Exercise


Lexical Scope

function init() {
    var name = "Mozilla"; //name is a local variable created by init
    function displayName() { //displayName() is the inner function, a closure

Remember Scopes?

This is an example of lexical scoping: in JavaScript, the scope of a variabe is defined by its location within the source code (it is apparent lexically) and nested functions have access to variable declared in their outer scope.

We have covered this: it is global and local!

Introduction to closures!

A closure is created when an inner function is made accessible from outside of the function that created it. This typically occurs when an outer function returns an inner function. When this happens, the inner function maintains a reference to the environment in which it was created.

This means that it remembers all of the variables (and their values) that were in scope at the time.

Let's read through this document

Click here

Scopes and Closures

Our friend Kyle Simpson



Let's talk about this function

function sayHello(name){
    var text = 'Hello ' + name;
    var say = function() {

Let's talk about this function

function sayHello2(name){
    var text = 'Hello ' + name; //Local variable
    var say = function() {
    return say;
var say2 = sayHello2('Bob');
say2(); // logs "Hello Bob"

Scopes and Closures

function add(value1){
    return function doAdd(value2){
        return value1 + value2;

var increment = add(1);
var foo = increment(2);
//foo equal 3

The add() function returns its inner function doAdd(). By returning a reference to an inner function, a closure is created.

Scopes and Closures

Things to Remember

  • The previous code has a closure because the anonymous function is declared inside another function. In JS, if you use the function keyword inside another function, you are creating a closure.

Scopes and Closures

function say667() {
    //Local variable that ends up within closure
    var num = 666;
    var say = function() {
    return say;
var sayNumber = say667();

Scopes and Closures

function nameAdder(x){
    return function(y){
        return x + y;

var add5 = makeAdder(5);
var add10 = makeAdder(10);

Console log these variables

Review the Recipe

Closures with Objects

This also works if you are returning an object with methods.

function counter() {
    var n = 0;
    return {
        count: function() { return ++n; };
        reset: function() { return n = 0; };
var myCounter = counter();

Closures with Objects


Thank you for your attention!

Object Oriented JavaScript