She Develops
Women-Only Hackathon
Tips to help you win the hackathon wrapped by @yalematta
1. Research and no Development
Research the hackathon sponsors
Read any sponsor API docs
Create accounts for any systems you may want to use
And get API keys
During the Hackacthon
During the Hackathon
Engage the sponsors at the event
Ask questions about their APIs
Ask questions on the problem they are trying to solve
Let them in on your idea
Solicit feedback from them
2. Brainstorm 2 ideas
Come up with at least two ideas to pitch
Be ready to move on none of them
Jump into an idea you believe in, even if it’s not your own
I you believe in your idea, be persistent with your team
Get feedback early
3. Be ready to pivot
Be ready to join a team with another idea
It’s healthy to pivot
The sooner the better
4. Focus on the problem statements
Most hackathons have problem or challenge statements
Solving them are what the prizes are going to be rewarded for
Pivot your idea to focus on one of them
5. Remember it’s an MVP
Narrow the focus and do one thing great instead of trying to build every feature
Create a vote list, put all features on a list that each member can vote up or down
Estimate the time needed to create that feature
Relate the features to the problem statement and determine the importance
5. It's an MVP (2)
Create business goals, product hypothesis and a mission or theory statement
These will also help determining importance
You’ll have a solid feature set to showcase your Minimum Viable Product
One or two sprinkles as feature bling and wow factor is also key to the preso
So up vote at least one of these features
6. Delegate Tasks
Create a team like creating a startup
Find 3-4 people with diverse strengths
Front end dev, back end dev, designer, sales/biz and or charismatic presenter
Dedicate one person to keep track of all the requirements/deadlines and docs
Usually it’s stuff like submitting a team name, team members and github repo
6. Delegate Tasks (2)
Decide on frameworks and collaboration tools
Then assign tasks, create clear goals for each member, get commitments
Check up on progress every hour, remind each other of the end goal
Get everyone’s email and github username
Create a project on slack or trello or old school with a whiteboard
Create a tasks list, ask members to check off tasks as they are completed
Add dependencies on the board of your choice and split the work
7. Leave time to develop and practice the presentation
Create a slide deck, tell a story and delegate tasks for the presentation
If one person is presenting, then someone else should be clicking on the preso
Don’t make one person do everything, have another person watch the time
Practice the presentation until everyone is comfortable and knows their role
7. Leave time to develop and practice the presentation (2)
Most presentations are between 3 and 5 minutes
If you have an extra minute, it's a good time for audience interaction or questions
Or to just expand on a powerful feature of the hack
Feel free to present the evolution and future roadmap of your hack
7. Leave time to develop and practice the presentation (3)
Reflector is a great tool for presenting an iOS or Android app
Have all tabs open with the screens in sync with the preso
Don’t spend time logging in, everyone knows how to login
End on a high note, that sprinkle, that wow feature
That’s my wrap...
have lots of fun hacking!
She Develops
Women-Only Hackathon
Tips to help you win the hackathon wrapped by @yalematta