On Github xichen2016 / objc_basic_sides
Created by Chen Xi
Objective-C is a strict superset of C, which means that it’s possible to seamlessly combine both languages in the same source file.
// This is an inline comment /* This is a block comment. It can span multiple lines. */
// main.m #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { double odometer = 9200.8; int odometerAsInteger = (int)odometer; NSLog(@"You've driven %.1f miles", odometer); // 9200.8 NSLog(@"You've driven %d miles", odometerAsInteger); // 9200 } return 0; }
double const pi = 3.14159; pi = 42001.0; // Compiler error
The id type is the generic type for all Objective-C objects. Like a void pointer, it can store a reference to any type of object.
id mysteryObject = @"An NSString object"; NSLog(@"%@", [mysteryObject description]); mysteryObject = @{@"model": @"Ford", @"year": @1967}; NSLog(@"%@", [mysteryObject description]);
Objective-C classes are represented as objects themselves, using a special data type called Class. This lets you, for example, dynamically check an object’s type at runtime.
Class targetClass = [NSString class]; id mysteryObject = @"An NSString object"; if ([mysteryObject isKindOfClass:targetClass]) { NSLog(@"Yup! That's an instance of the target class"); }
The SEL data type is used to store selectors, which are Objective-C’s internal representation of a method name.
SEL someMethod = @selector(sayHello);
standard alloc/init pattern
NSNumber *twentySeven = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:27];factory methods provided by Foundation Framework
NSNumber *twentySeven = [NSNumber numberWithInt:27];int modelYear = 1990; if (modelYear < 1967) { NSLog(@"That car is an antique!!!"); } else if (modelYear <= 1991) { NSLog(@"That car is a classic!"); } else if (modelYear == 2013) { NSLog(@"That's a brand new car!"); } else { NSLog(@"There's nothing special about that car."); }
// Switch statements (only work with integral types) switch (modelYear) { case 1987: NSLog(@"Your car is from 1987."); break; case 1988: NSLog(@"Your car is from 1988."); break; case 1989: case 1990: NSLog(@"Your car is from 1989 or 1990."); break; default: NSLog(@"I have no idea when your car was made."); break; }
// For-in loops ("Fast-enumeration," specific to Objective-C) NSArray *models = @[@"Ford", @"Honda", @"Nissan", @"Porsche"]; for (id model in models) { NSLog(@"%@", model); }
Objective-C is similar to C++ in that it abstracts a class’s interface from its implementation. An interface declares the public properties and methods of a class, and the corresponding implementation defines the code that actually makes these properties and methods work.
// Car.h #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface Car : NSObject { // Protected instance variables } @property (copy) NSString *model; - (void)drive; @end
// Car.m #import "Car.h" @implementation Car { // Private instance variables double _odometer; } @synthesize model = _model; // Optional for Xcode 4.4+ - (void)drive { NSLog(@"Driving a %@. Vrooooom!", self.model); } @end
// main.m #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "Car.h" int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { Car *toyota = [[Car alloc] init]; [toyota setModel:@"Toyota Corolla"]; NSLog(@"Created a %@", [toyota model]); toyota.model = @"Toyota Camry"; NSLog(@"Changed the car to a %@", toyota.model); [toyota drive]; } return 0; }
// Car.h + (void)setDefaultModel:(NSString *)aModel;
// Car.m #import "Car.h" static NSString *_defaultModel; @implementation Car { ... + (void)setDefaultModel:(NSString *)aModel { _defaultModel = [aModel copy]; } @end
// main.m [Car setDefaultModel:@"Nissan Versa"];
// Car.h - (id)initWithModel:(NSString *)aModel;
// Car.m - (id)initWithModel:(NSString *)aModel { self = [super init]; if (self) { // Any custom setup work goes here _model = [aModel copy]; _odometer = 0; } return self; } - (id)init { // Forward to the "designated" initialization method return [self initWithModel:_defaultModel]; }
// Car.m + (void)initialize { if (self == [Car class]) { // Makes sure this isn't executed more than once _defaultModel = @"Nissan Versa"; } }
// main.m #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "Car.h" int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { // Instantiating objects Car *nissan = [[Car alloc] init]; NSLog(@"Created a %@", [nissan model]); Car *chevy = [[Car alloc] initWithModel:@"Chevy Corvette"]; NSLog(@"Created a %@, too.", chevy.model); } return 0; }
// Car.h #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface Car : NSObject @property BOOL running; @end
// Car.m #import "Car.h" @implementation Car @synthesize running = _running; // Optional for Xcode 4.4+ @end
- (BOOL)running { return _running; } - (void)setRunning:(BOOL)newValue { _running = newValue; }
// main.m #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "Car.h" int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { Car *honda = [[Car alloc] init]; honda.running = YES; // [honda setRunning:YES] NSLog(@"%d", honda.running); // [honda running] } return 0; }
honda.running code actually calls setRunning: when you assign a value to it and the running method when you read a value from it.
If you don’t like @property’s default naming conventions, you can change the getter/setter method names with the getter= and setter= attributes.
@property (getter=isRunning) BOOL running;
Car *honda = [[Car alloc] init]; honda.running = YES; // [honda setRunning:YES] NSLog(@"%d", honda.running); // [honda isRunning] NSLog(@"%d", [honda running]); // Error: method no longer exists
The readonly attribute is an easy way to make a property read-only. It omits the setter method and prevents assignment via dot-notation, but the getter is unaffected.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface Car : NSObject @property (getter=isRunning, readonly) BOOL running; - (void)startEngine; - (void)stopEngine; @end
// Car.m #import "Car.h" @implementation Car - (void)startEngine { _running = YES; } - (void)stopEngine { _running = NO; } @end
Car *honda = [[Car alloc] init]; [honda startEngine]; NSLog(@"Running: %d", honda.running); honda.running = NO; // Error: read-only property
@property (nonatomic) NSString *model;
// Accessors - (BOOL)isRunning; - (void)setRunning:(BOOL)running; // Action methods - (void)driveForDistance:(double)theDistance; - (void)driveFromOrigin:(id)theOrigin toDestination:(id)theDestination; // Constructor methods - (id)initWithModel:(NSString *)aModel; - (id)initWithModel:(NSString *)aModel mileage:(double)theMileage; // Comparison methods - (BOOL)isEqualToCar:(Car *)anotherCar;
[porsche initWithModel:@"Porsche"]; [porsche initWithModel:@"Porsche" mileage:42000.0];
[[Car alloc] init];
Selectors are Objective-C’s internal representation of a method name. They let you treat a method as an independent entity, enabling you to separate an action from the object that needs to perform it.
// main.m #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "Car.h" int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { Car *porsche = [[Car alloc] init]; porsche.model = @"Porsche 911 Carrera"; SEL stepOne = NSSelectorFromString(@"startEngine"); SEL stepTwo = @selector(driveForDistance:); SEL stepThree = @selector(turnByAngle:quickly:); // This is the same as: // [porsche startEngine]; [porsche performSelector:stepOne]; // This is the same as: // [porsche driveForDistance:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:5.7]]; [porsche performSelector:stepTwo withObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:5.7]]; if ([porsche respondsToSelector:stepThree]) { // This is the same as: // [porsche turnByAngle:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:90.0] // quickly:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]]; [porsche performSelector:stepThree withObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:90.0] withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]]; } NSLog(@"Step one: %@", NSStringFromSelector(stepOne)); } return 0; }