Setting up Cordova
Making a Cordova project
Running the App on the Device
Using Plugins
Device Considerations
Development Workflow
Using Cordova with Git
The details
- Make native apps using HTML, CSS, and Javascript
- Making the interface = building a webpage
- Native advantage - Access parts of the device that a webpage can't
- Make an app for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, Firefox OS, and more
What about Phonegap?
- Adobe's mobile development framework that is powered by Cordova
Cordova. Phonegap. What's the difference?
Cordova. Phonegap. What's the difference?
- Phonegap makes cloud-based builds
- This talk uses command line Cordova
- Free, license isn't restrictive
- Build locally with no internet connection
- Compatible with more third-party plugins
- More setup than Phonegap
Set up Local Environments
Create a Project
- cordova create sickdemo com.example.sickdemo SickDemo
- Directory
- Identifier (and bundle ID)
- Application title
- This creates a sickdemo directory with your project
Add Android Platform
- Let's add Android first
- go to the sickdemo directory
- cordova platform add android
- This creates an android directory in /platforms
Add iOS Platform
- Let's add iOS
- cordova platform add ios
- This creates an ios directory in /platforms
- Remember the Application title? Same as folder name
Running the App on a Device
Running on Devices
- Android: Enable debugging, run it
- iOS: Initialize device, enable XCode Developer mode, resolve any dependencies
Add the device plugin
- A "Core" plugin
- Needed to access information about the device
- cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.device
- (Device API docs)
Add the console plugin
- A "Core" plugin
- Outputs log information, useful for debugging
- cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.console
- (Console API docs)
Add the camera plugin
- A "Core" plugin
- interacts with the device camera
- cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.camera
- (Camera API docs)
Using plugins: Caveats
- Must be activated after 'deviceReady' event
- It's asynchronous!
- The Cordova docs on Events are very helpful (link)
Third-party plugins
- Ensure it's compatible
- Watch for plugin updates! Lock your code to one version if using automated builds
- Cordova updates break older plugins
Micro App Demo
Device, console, camera
iOS Considerations
- Installing and setting up XCode
- Developer Licensing, Provisioning Profiles, Certificates
- App Store Submission and Approval
- App Sandboxing and limited access to other features
Android Considerations
- Device Fragmentation
- Intents
- Hardware buttons Back, Home, Search, and Info
General Cross-Platform Considerations
- Different UI Behaviors and User Expectations
- Different implementations of software functionality. Local Notifications
Solutions to any iOS, Android, and Cross-Platform issues
- Use what you know
- Got an iPhone? Make iPhone.
- Ignoring this rule? Bad
More Solutions to any iOS, Android, and Cross-Platform issues
- Test
- Test
- ... Just test everything
Cordova Setup
- Install SDKs and environments
- Connect and Unlock Device for Development
- Create project
- add platforms
- add plugins
Browser Testing
- Open /www folder in web browser
- Test and fix like a webpage
- Native functionality?
- Branch it out so non-native parts can still be tested in the browser
Device Build
- Build app with cordova build <platform>
- Run on device, using either cordova run or IDE
- Check debug logging on PC (if using Cordova Console plugin)
Super-ugly sketch of Cordova build paths
Using Cordova with Git