“Human SLAM” – Simultaneous Localisation and Configuration – Particle representation

“Human SLAM” – Simultaneous Localisation and Configuration – Particle representation

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On Github wouterbulten / slacjs-presentation

“Human SLAM”

Simultaneous Localisation and Configuration

for indoor wireless sensor networks

Wouter Bulten

Supervisors: Anne van Rossum (DoBots & Almende) & Pim Haselager (Donders Institute)

Part of a Master of Science Thesis in Artificial IntelligenceRadboud University, Nijmegen


Intelligent wall socket for smart spaces - DoBots

In a smart home / hospital / office, how do we act when..

We do not know where users are;

or locations of devices are unknown?

→ Location is key ←

Problem statement

Given an unknown building with (smart) devices, can we autonomoumsly locate these devices and the users that walk around inside the building?

No prior configuration or hardware Dynamic environments Privacy Real time

General idea


Sources of Input:  What can we use?

How?  FastSLAM & Particle Filters

The result:  Room level accuracy

In the ‘Internet of Things’ devices are connected wirelessly

In our case: Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

→ Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)

Measured RSSI

Beacon at fixed distances to the receiver with clear line of sight

Log-distance path loss model:

$$RSSI = -10n \log_{10}(\frac{d}{d_{0}}) + A$$
  • $d$ the distance to the device
  • $A$ signal strength at $d_0$
  • $n$ an evironment constant

Estimated distance

Beacon at fixed distances to the receiver with clear line of sight

Filtered RSSI signal

Using a Kalman filter with static motion model
$$ x_{t} = A_{t}x_{t-1} + B_{t}u_{t} + \epsilon_{t} $$ $$ z_{t} = C_{t}x_{t} + \delta_{t} $$ $$\bar\mu_t = A_t \mu_{t-1} + B_t u_t$$ $$\bar\Sigma_t = A_t \Sigma_{t-1} A_t^T + R_t$$ $$K_t = \bar\Sigma_t C_t^T (C_t \bar\Sigma_t C_t^T + Q_t)^{-1}$$ $$\mu_t = \bar\mu_t + K_t(z_t - C_t \bar\mu_t)$$ $$\Sigma_t = (I - K_t C_t) \bar\Sigma_t$$

RSSI is not enough..

RSSI gives us distance, but distance needs a where

Accelerometer Physical acceleration in $x, y, z$ Compass Heading relative to global north

Lets talk about robots..

Simulteneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM)

Given robot's controls and sensor readings what is the current estimated location and map of the environment?

Replacing robots with humans

Robot → Human

Control → Heading & Number of steps

Landmark → Device / Crownstone

2D Sensor readings → (1D) RSSI + initalisation phase

Focus on robot's path → Focus on device locations


Online algorithm for solving the SLAM problem

Uses Rao-Blackwellized particle filter for estimation

Each device is represented by anextended Kalman filter (EKF)

Independent landmarks

$$ p(x_{0:t}, m_{1:M} | z_{1:t}, u_{1:t}) = p(x_{0:t} | z_{1:t}, u_{1:t})\; \prod_{i=1}^M p(m_i | x_{0:t}, z_{1:t}) $$

Particle filters

Probabilistic implementation of Darwin's Survival of the Fittest

Approximate the true state by a set of particles Mutate the samples on each step Resample set (with replacement)

$\bar\chi_t = \chi_t = \emptyset$

$\bar\chi_t = \chi_t = \emptyset$

Initialisation, for $m \in M$:

$x_t^{[m]} \sim p(x_t | z_t, x_t^u$)

$\bar\chi_t = \chi_t = \emptyset$

Initialisation, for $m \in M$:

$x_t^{[m]} \sim p(x_t | z_t, x_t^u$)

Sample step, for $m \in M$:

$x_t^{[m]} \sim p(x_t | u_t, x_{t-1}^{[m]}$)

$w_t^{[m]} = p(z_t | x_t^{[m]}) = \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{(z_t-\mu)^{2}}{2\sigma^{2}}}$

$\bar\chi_t = \chi_t = \emptyset$

Initialisation, for $m \in M$:

$x_t^{[m]} \sim p(x_t | z_t, x_t^u$)

Sample step, for $m \in M$:

$x_t^{[m]} \sim p(x_t | u_t, x_{t-1}^{[m]}$)

$w_t^{[m]} = p(z_t | x_t^{[m]}) = \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{(z_t-\mu)^{2}}{2\sigma^{2}}}$

Resample step, for $m \in M$:

draw $i$ with probability $\propto w_t^{[m]}$

$\chi_t = \chi_t + x_t^{[m]}$

$\bar\chi_t = \chi_t = \emptyset$

Initialisation, for $m \in M$:

$x_t^{[m]} \sim p(x_t | z_t, x_t^u$)

Sample step, for $m \in M$:

$x_t^{[m]} \sim p(x_t | u_t, x_{t-1}^{[m]}$)

$w_t^{[m]} = p(z_t | x_t^{[m]}) = \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{(z_t-\mu)^{2}}{2\sigma^{2}}}$

Resample step, for $m \in M$:

draw $i$ with probability $\propto w_t^{[m]}$

$\chi_t = \chi_t + x_t^{[m]}$

$\bar\chi_t = \chi_t = \emptyset$

Initialisation, for $m \in M$:

$x_t^{[m]} \sim p(x_t | z_t, x_t^u$)

Sample step, for $m \in M$:

$x_t^{[m]} \sim p(x_t | u_t, x_{t-1}^{[m]}$)

$w_t^{[m]} = p(z_t | x_t^{[m]}) = \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{(z_t-\mu)^{2}}{2\sigma^{2}}}$

Resample step, for $m \in M$:

draw $i$ with probability $\propto w_t^{[m]}$

$\chi_t = \chi_t + x_t^{[m]}$

$\bar\chi_t = \chi_t = \emptyset$

Initialisation, for $m \in M$:

$x_t^{[m]} \sim p(x_t | z_t, x_t^u$)

Sample step, for $m \in M$:

$x_t^{[m]} \sim p(x_t | u_t, x_{t-1}^{[m]}$)

$w_t^{[m]} = p(z_t | x_t^{[m]}) = \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{(z_t-\mu)^{2}}{2\sigma^{2}}}$

Resample step, for $m \in M$:

draw $i$ with probability $\propto w_t^{[m]}$

$\chi_t = \chi_t + x_t^{[m]}$

$\bar\chi_t = \chi_t = \emptyset$

Initialisation, for $m \in M$:

$x_t^{[m]} \sim p(x_t | z_t, x_t^u$)

Sample step, for $m \in M$:

$x_t^{[m]} \sim p(x_t | u_t, x_{t-1}^{[m]}$)

$w_t^{[m]} = p(z_t | x_t^{[m]}) = \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{(z_t-\mu)^{2}}{2\sigma^{2}}}$

Resample step, for $m \in M$:

draw $i$ with probability $\propto w_t^{[m]}$

$\chi_t = \chi_t + x_t^{[m]}$


Signal strength + Motion

FastSLAM + Particle Filters

[Not supported by viewer]
Read RSSI & motion data
[Not supported by viewer]
New step?
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Sample new pose
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Initialisation filter
[Not supported by viewer]
Update EKF
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Init EKF
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
For each particle
[Not supported by viewer]

Particle representation

  • Current user position:


  • Extended Kalman Filter for each landmark:

    $$[(x_t^{[m]}, y_t^{[m]}), \Sigma_{t}^{[m]}]$$

  • Importance weight:

    $$w_{t}^{[m]} = w_{t-1}^{[m]} f(z | h_{m}, \sigma_z)$$

  • Trace of the user's path:

    $$[(x^u_0,y^u_0), \ldots, (x^u_t,y^u_t)]$$

    (Only required for visualisation)

EKF Update

\begin{align} h_m(x_b^{[m]}, y_b^{[m]}) &= \sqrt[]{(x_{u,t}^{[m]} - x_b^{[m]})^2 + (y_{t,u}^{[m]} - y_b^{[m]})^2}\\ v &= z - h_m\\ H = \frac{\partial h_m}{\partial [x_b^{[m]} y_b^{[m]}]} &= [\frac{x_{u,t}^{[m]} - x_{b}^{[m]} }{h_m}, \frac{y_{u,t}^{[m]} - y_b^{[m]}}{h_m}]^T\\ \sigma_v &= H \Sigma_{b,t}^{[m]} H^T + Q_t\\ K &= \Sigma_{b,t}^{[m]} H^T \sigma_v^{-1} \end{align}

$$[x_{t+1}^{[m]}, y_{t+1}^{[m]}]^T = [x_{t}^{[m]}, y_{t}^{[m]}]^T + Kv$$

$$\Sigma_{t+1}^{[m]} = \Sigma_{t}^{[m]} - K \sigma_v K^T$$

Implementation details

Fully written in Javascript (including pedometer, SLAM algorithm, particle filters and visualisations)

ECMAScript 6/2015 (with BabelJS as transpiler)

Built for Android & iOS(Using Cordova)

DoBeacons from DoBots(iBeacon compatible, BLE)

Code on GitHub (See: github.com/wouterbulten/slacjs)


Average error: ∞ m

Evaluating the algorithm


Perfect world performance

Effect of number of RSSI measurements

Effect of device location

Live tests

Effect of environment noise

Effect of RSSI measurements

Curve estimation model. Significant regression equation. $$(F (1, 3498) = 33868.750, p < .000), R^2 = .906$$

Effect of device location

Repeated-measure-ANOVA for each condition. Significant effect for each condition (p = .000). $$eta^2 = [.503, .698, .284, .063, .052, .065, .065]$$


Error in meters per landmark, 100 runs per data set

Simulation experiments

Noisy movement: 0.56 m (sd 0.20 m)

Perfect world: 0.26 m (sd 0.07 m)

Live tests

Evaluation method

Online recordings (RSSI & motion)

Offline evaluation, 500 per run

Measured average localisation error for DoBeacons

Localisation error @ Almende

Accuraccy of 2.3m, 60 steps ~ 2min walking

Real world experiments

Error in meters per landmark, 100 runs per data set

Real world experiments

Run 1: 2.41 m (sd 0.38 m)

Run 1: 2.30 m (sd 0.18 m)

Run 1: 3.01 m (sd 0.51 m)

Difference in performance between simulation and real world

Walls, obstacles, users themselves

Mirroring errors

→ Invest in better motion modelling

→ Use more of the environment

Beacon performance fluctuates

Dependent on movement and location

→ Longer traces

→ Map fusing

Future work: Map fusing

“Human SLAM”

Using an adapted range-only version of SLAM, we replaced the robot with a human and used that to locate both humans and devices inside buildings.

Realtime / room-level accuracy / without prior information

“Human SLAM” Simultaneous Localisation and Configuration for indoor wireless sensor networks Wouter Bulten Supervisors: Anne van Rossum (DoBots & Almende) & Pim Haselager (Donders Institute) Part of a Master of Science Thesis in Artificial IntelligenceRadboud University, Nijmegen