if(true) { let i = 1; } for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // Do something really important with i } console.log(i); //Reference Error
//Matching let [first, second] = [1, 2, 3, 4]; console.log(first + " and " + second); // 1 and 2 //With rest param (later) let [first, ...rest] = [1, 2, 3, 4]; console.log(rest); // 2,3,4 //swapping [first, second] = [second, first]; console.log(first + " and " + second); // 2 and 1
let firstName = "Spongebob"; let lastName = "Squarepants"; console.log({ firstName, lastName, getName() { return firstName + " " + lastName; } });
NaN === NaN; //false Object.is(NaN, NaN); // true
jQuery.extend functionality
let a = {name: "JavaScript"}; let b = {name: "ECMAScript", isOnTrack: true}; Object.assign(a, b); /* { "name": "ECMAScript", "isOnTrack": true } */
let obj = { name: "ECMA Script 6", is: "almost finished!" }; console.log(`${obj.name} is ${obj.is}`); /* ECMA Script 6 is almost finished! */
let test = "Der Bestatter"; console.log(test.startsWith("Der")); console.log(test.contains("er B")); console.log(test.endsWith("atter"));
Number.isInteger(5); //true Number.isSafeInteger(Math.pow(2, 53)); //false Number.isNaN(NaN); //true
The ES 5 Version with binding this manually
var reorgBuilder = { name: "Awesome new Reorg", createNewReorg: function createNewReorg() { return function() { console.log(this.name + " will be finished in: 5 months!" ); }.bind(this); } }; var newReorg = reorgBuilder.createNewReorg(); newReorg();
ES 6 Arrow Function and this binding
let reorgBuilder = { name: "Awesome new Reorg", createNewReorg() { return () => console.log(this.name + " will be finished in: 5 months!"); } }; let newReorg = reorgBuilder.createNewReorg(); newReorg();
ES 5 Way
function log(msg) { var msg = msg || "Aaaah!"; console.log(msg); }
ES 6 Way
function log(msg = "Aaaah!") { console.log(msg); } log(); // Aaaah!
var langs = ["C#", "Java", "JavaScript"]; function processLanguages(first, ...rest) { console.log(first); if(rest.length > 0) { processLanguages(...rest); } } processLanguages(...langs);
let person = { lastName: "Müller" }; function logPerson({ firstName = "Manfred", lastName}) { console.log(`Hallo ${firstName} ${lastName}`); } logPerson(person); // Hallo Manfred Müller
let array = [ { name: "Luc Conrad", actor: "Mike Müller" }, { name: "Anna-Maria Giovanoli", actor: "Barbara Terpoorten" }, { name: "Fabio Testi", actor: "Reto Stalder" } ]; console.log( array.findIndex( (element) => element.actor === "Reto Stalder" ) ); // 2
let array = [ { name: "Luc Conrad", actor: "Mike Müller" }, { name: "Anna-Maria Giovanoli", actor: "Barbara Terpoorten" }, { name: "Fabio Testi", actor: "Reto Stalder" } ]; console.log( array.find( (element) => element.actor === "Reto Stalder" ) ); // { name: "Fabio Testi", actor: "Reto Stalder" }
let array = [1, 2, 3].fill(4); console.log(array); // 4, 4, 4 array.fill(1, -1, array.length); console.log(array); // 4, 4, 1
// ES 5 function noParams() { var params = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); /* Awesome Function stuff */ } // ES 6 function noParams() { var params = Array.from(arguments); /* Awesome Function stuff */ }
function* idMaker(){ var index = 0; while(true) yield index++; } var generator = idMaker(); console.log(generator.next().value); // 0 console.log(generator.next().value); // 1 console.log(generator.next().value); // 2
function* fibonacci(i) { let a = 0, b = 1; while(a < i) { yield a; [a, b] = [b, a + b]; } } for(let value of fibonacci(1000)) { console.log(value); }
var handler = { get: function(target, name){ return name in target? target[name] : 37; } }; var p = new Proxy({}, handler); p.a = 1; console.log(p.a); // 1 console.log(p.c); // 37
Symbols are always unique
console.log(Symbol() === Symbol()); // false console.log(Symbol()); // e.g. __$170629571$32$__
let map = new Map(); map.set(Symbol(), "Where am I?");
class Car { constructor(name) { this.name = name; } getName() { return this.name; } } let car = new Car("Elfriede"); console.log(car.getName()); // Elfriede
class SpecialCar extends Car { constructor(name) { super("normal name"); this.specialName = name; } getSpecialName() { return this.specialName; } } let car = new SpecialCar("Elfriede"); console.log(car.getSpecialName()); // Elfriede
var local = "I'm local"; export default function myAwesomeModuleFunction() { /* some awesome function stuff */ } export var public = "I'm public!";
import * as awesomeModule from "lib/myModule"; awesomeModule.myAwesomeModuleFunction(); import as awesomeModule from "lib/myModule"; awesomeModule(); import public as publicVar from "lib/myModule"; console.log(public}; // I'm public!