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proposal to protect communications combining IBC for Bluetooth communication with the promising NFC technology for secure authentication.
- Brief introduction
- State of the art
- Let's dive into IBE
- Our proposal
- Conclusions
- Smartphones are everywhere
- All kind of environments
- Computing, power and battery limitations.
Identity Based Cryptography
- Any piece of text as public key
- Shorter encryption keys
- No certificates
- No CRLs
- Less computational complexity
Near Field Communication
- Short-range high frequency wireless communications
- Enables simple and safe interactions
- Contactless transitions. Tap & connect
State of the art
- Encryption of messages sent within different social providers
- Access control through Zero-Knowledge proof authentication
- Encryption of phone calls
Identity-Based Cryptography
- Piece of information linked to node as public key
- Proposed by Shamir but did not come up with specific solution
- Private Key Generator (PKG) with master secret key
Bilinear maps
Bilinear: $e(aP,bQ) = e(P,Q)^{ab} \forall P,Q \in G_1$
Non-degenerate: $e(P,P)$ is a generator of $G_2$. In other words $e(P,P)\not=1$
Computable: Give $P,Q \in G_1$ there is an efficient algorithm to compute $e(P,Q)$
Pairing over elliptic curves
- Tate pairing
- Weil pairing
- Miller's algorithm
Security based on assumptions of hard problems in Elliptic Curves
Computational Diffie-Hellman. No efficient algorithm exists to compute $abP$ from $P,aP,bP \in G_1$ for some $a,b \in {Z \ast}_q$
Weak Diffie-Hellman. No efficient algorithm exists to compute $sQ$ from $P,Q,sP\in G_1 and$ $s \in {Z \ast}_q $
Billinear Diffie-Hellman. No efficient algorithm exists to compute $e(P,P)^{abc}$ from $P,aP,bP,cP \in G_1$ where $a,b,c \in {Z \ast}_q$
Decisional Billinear Diffie-Hellman. No efficient algorithm exsits to decide if $r=e(P,P)^{abc}$ given $P,aP,bP,cP \in G_1, r \in G_2 and a,b,c \in {Z \ast}_q$
Boneh-Franklin scheme
- Setup stage. Generation of the master secret key and a set of public parameters
- Extract stage. Generation of a user's private key
- Encrypt stage. A user wants to encrypt a message M to send the resulting ciphertext C to the user with identity ID
- Decrypt state. A user that recieves C uses its private key to obtain the original message M
Our proposal
- Bluetooth lacks of user friendliness
- Too much time to pair two unknown devices
- NFC is a breath of fresh air
- There are some security problems with its ciphers
The situation
Two users A and B want to securely share information through the bluetooth of their smartphones. They are both registered to a TTP PKG server.
Implementation details
- Elliptic curve $y^2=x^3 + 1$ over $F_p$ for primes $p$ congruent to 11 modulo 12
- Use of the group $E(F_p)$ with points (x,y) and the group $E({F_p}^2)$
- Tate pairing and Miller's algorithm for its computation
Windows Phone 8
- Nokia Lumia 920
- First implementations a little bit dissapointing
Message size
Time to encrypt
Time to decrypt
7497.198 ms
7368.289 ms
7498.221 ms
6998.858 ms
- App to encrypt emails published as a result of this work
MacOs and iOs
- Use of the Pairing Based Cryptography Library
- Performance boost
- Encryption time around 60ms
- It was proposed a communication protocol which use NFC for pairing and IBE for securing communications
- Implement the proposal in different platforms and testing environments
- In-depth analysis of its security
- Signcryption and applications in everyday life
Thank you very much
V. Mora-Afonso / P. Caballero-Gil / J. Molina-Gil