On Github vferries / workshop-dart-polymer
Destroy all software
public class Hello implements EntryPoint { public void onModuleLoad() { Button b = new Button("Click me", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Window.alert("Hello, AJAX"); } }); RootPanel.get().add(b); } }
var bigInt = 1234567890234568972349642987923445778389768989647678576; String interpolated = "Amount: $bigInt"; var complexInterpolation = "VAT: ${bigInt * 0.196}"; double onePointOne = double.parse('1.1');
List<int> list = [1,2,3]; var gifts = { 'first': 'Dart Vader', 'second': 'Dartagnan', 'fifth': 'The Dart Knight' }; Map nobleGases = {2: 'helium', 10: 'neon', 18: 'argon'}; var gifts = new Map(); gifts['first'] = 'Alone in the Dart 2'; gifts['second'] = 'The Dartist'; assert(gifts.length == 2);
setOptions({String url, int port , bool useProxy}) { // Do something with these params } setOptions(useProxy: true, port: 8080); String doSomething(String param, [List flags]) { // Do something here }
class Point { num x, y; Point(this.x, this.y); Point.zero() : x = 0, y = 0; String toString() => '($x, $y)'; }
Point pos = new Point(2, 3.4); String pStr = new Point.zero().toString();
list.forEach((x) => print(x)); map.forEach((k, v) { i++; print('$i - $k = $v'); }); square(x) => x*x; list.map(square); list = ['Cap Gemini', 'Genigraph', 'Atos']; list.filter((name) => name.startsWith('G'));
var myObject = new MyObject(); myObject.setName("EclipseCon"); myObject.setSize(42); myObject.callMethod(3); return myObject; return new MyObject() ..setName("EclipseCon") ..setSize(42) ..callMethod(3);
querySelector("#myId").classes.add("success"); querySelectorAll("#myId li").forEach((el){ el.on.mouseOver.add("selected"); el.on.mouseOut.remove("selected"); });
<select multiple> <option>Dart</option> <option>JavaScript</option> <option>Polymer</option> <p>What if we write something else here?</p> </select>DartJavaScriptPolymer What if we write something else here?
<select> <optgroup label="Front-End"> <option selected>Dart</option> <option disabled>JavaScript</option> <option>Polymer</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Back-End"> <option>Dart</option> <option>JavaScript</option> <option disabled>Polymer</option> </optgroup> <p>What if we write something else here?</p> </select>DartJavaScriptPolymerDartJavaScriptPolymer
<e-mails> <e-mail> <subject>Valar Morghulis</subject> <sent>2014-10-03</sent> <summary>Dracarys!</summary> </e-mail> <e-mail> <subject>Reminder: Beware!</subject> <sent>2012-10-04</sent> <summary>The night is dark and full of terrors. </summary> </e-mail> </e-mails> <hangouts> <hangout with="arya.stark@gmail.com"> <you>What do we say to the God of death?</you> <her>Not today.</her> </hangout> <hangout with="ned.stark@gmail.com"> <him>War was easier than daughters.</him> </hangout> </hangouts>
<polymer-element name="hello-you" noscript=""> <template> <p>Hello EclipseCon France!</p> </template> </polymer-element>
In the head section
<link rel="import" href="hello_world.html"> <script type="application/dart"> export 'package:polymer/init.dart'; </script> <script src="packages/browser/dart.js"></script>
Simply use it
<polymer-element name="click-counter"> <template> <button on-click="{{increment}}">Click Me</button> <p>You clicked the button {{count}} times.</p> </template> <script type="application/dart" src="click_counter.dart"></script> </polymer-element>
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart'; import 'dart:html'; @CustomTag('click-counter') class ClickCounterElement extends PolymerElement { @observable int count = 0; ClickCounterElement.created() : super.created(); void increment(Event e, var detail, Node target) { count += 1; } }
<content select=".email"></content>