On Github una / keyboard-ninja-slides
Hello, I'm Una Kravets / @una
//increase carat size "caret_extra_bottom": 2, "caret_extra_top": 2, "caret_extra_width": 2, "caret_style": "solid", "wide_caret": true, // bracket highlighters "match_brackets": true, "match_brackets_angle": true, "match_brackets_braces": true, "match_brackets_content": true, "match_brackets_square": true, // modified tabs glow brighter "highlight_modified_tabs": true, // more space between lines "line_padding_bottom": 1, "line_padding_top": 1, // bold folders "bold_folder_labels": true, // indentation highlight on active "indent_guide_options": ["draw_normal", "draw_active"],
view: open ~/.zshrc
edit: vim ~/.zshrc
or create .aliases.sh# restart terminal alias wtf="source ~/.zshrc"
# open these directories from anywhere alias Dev="~/Desktop/Dev" alias Blogs="~/Documents/Blogs"
# install all the things alias start-project="bundle install && bower install && npm install"
alias myip='curl ip.appspot.com'
# pretty visual git history alias git-pretty="git log --graph --oneline --all --decorate"
# open up emoji cheat sheet in browser alias emojis="open http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/"
function mkd() { mkdir -p "$@" && cd "$@" }
# edit personal goals alias pg-ed="subl ~/Desktop/Dev/personal-goals" # check off personal goals (open main README.md in vim) alias pg-ch="vim ~/Desktop/Dev/personal-goals/README.md" # add to content list (opens content list folder in vim) # i.e. pg-add blog-post or pd-add resource function pg-add() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then print "Oops. Please enter a content type! (i.e. pg-add video)" else vim ~/Desktop/Dev/personal-goals/content-list/"$@"s.md fi } # push my changes to my github master branch and open the page alias pg-gh="cd ~/Desktop/Dev/personal-goals && git add -A && git commit -m 'push from terminal' && git push origin master && open http://github.com/una/personal-goals"