try { SQL } catch (Exception $e) { Must be NoSQL }
It's a nasty backronym
- Reintroduced by Johan Oskarsson of in 2009 to describe all upcoming DB techSPARQL
CQL (Cassandra Query Language)
Couchbase SQL
Yes, they'll accept anything…but
Because how else do you know what you’re getting out?
So many distinct types of databases
In = Out
Know's where to look
Ignoring the Partition Tolerance by being in the same place
Needs to know what machine X data is on
The reason why most NoSQL Databases are either AP or CP
Object, Tabular, Tuple, Triple/Quad store (RDF), Multimodel, Etc
Different indexing & lookups on the same stored data.
Redis, Memcached, Riak KV, Hazelcast, Ehcache, Aerospike, Oracle Coherence, Berkeley DB, Amazon SimpleDB, Oracle NoSQL, Infinispan, LevelDB, GridGain, ZODB, GT.M, NCache, RocksDB, WiredTiger, WebSphere eXtreme Scale, Tokyo Cabinet, Project Voldemort, XAP, Hibari, MapDB, Tokyo Tyrant, STSdb, Scalaris, GlobalsDB, HyperDex, Kyoto Cabinet, Tarantool, LightCloud, ScaleOut StateServer, Upscaledb, Quasardb, Bangdb, BergDB,, CodernityDB, CortexDB, Elliptics, Helium, HyperLevelDB, Kyoto Tycoon, LedisDB, Nanolat, Resin, TomP2P
Cloudant, CouchDB, MongoDB, Couchbase, RethinkDB, RavenDB, GemFire, PouchDB, Microsoft Azure DocumentDB, Datameer, CloudKit, Mnesia, Google Cloud Datastore, TokuMX, Clusterpoint, Terrastore, RaptorDB, EJDB, SisoDb, WhiteDB, Sequoiadb, JasDB, LokiJS, DensoDB, Djondb, FaunaDB, FleetDB, SenseiDB
Cassandra, HBase, Accumulo, Hypertable, Google Cloud Bigtable, ScyllaDB
Neo4j, Titan, Giraph, InfiniteGraph, Sparksee, HyperGraphDB, FlockDB, VelocityGraph, InfoGrid, GraphBase