On Github tysonnero / wfclient-presentation
Presented by Tyson Nero
WFClient is a Single Page Application (SPA) that is built on top of AngularJS, RequireJS, and Foundation.
Yes, however...
<div id="container" class="row"> <div id="main"> <div ng-switch="view"> <div ng-switch-when="listing" ng-include="'views/listing/layout.html'" class="animated fadeIn"></div> <div ng-switch-when="purchase" ng-include="'views/purchase/layout.html'" class="animated fadeIn"></div> <div ng-switch-when="macys" ng-include="'views/macys/layout.html'" class="animated fadeIn"></div> </div> </div> <div ng-include="" src="'views/navigation.html'"></div> </div>
AngularJS is a framework that handles much of the plumbing needed to create a web application such as:
Application Modules (Not Angular)
That's super... but why?
Modules are used to internally structure the application... like Namespaces in .NET.
AngularJS gives us internal modules for building our app.
Under each application module (not Angular):
Views represent the UI of the application via HTML fragments that are dynamically switched during routing.
Quit your jibba jabba... Why RequireJS?
Themes allow the application to to change its look-n-feel based on configuration and also dynamically.
WFClient is accompanied by a Node.js development server.