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JavaScript has updated after 6 years! Learn 25 of the best new features.

On Github turnbullm / js-2015-preso

Javascript 2015

Spot the Javascript


var title = ['Welcome', 'To', 'Javascript', '2015']
  .join(' ')


define "title" = create Array("Welcome", "To", "Javascript", "2015")
  then, implode with ' '
  then, stringToLower
var title = ['Welcome', 'To', 'Javascript', '2015']
  .join(' ')

Who decided this is Javascript?

  • Variables created
  • Array created
  • Name of functions


  • Some of you may be thinking
  • A skin disease?

Let's check their website...

Not much help...

  • Organisation
  • 1961
  • Not for profit
    (explains the website...)
Developed many standards, including;
  • CD-ROM file structure
  • C#
  • CLI
  • Open Office XML
  • JSON
  • Dart
  • And something they call...


  • Generic scripting language
  • Any language can follow ECMAScript standards
  • Including;
    • Actionscript
    • And...Javascript!

ECMAScript Version 5

Finalized in 2009

  • (last)
  • Notice how many of these features we use today

That was 2009

Let's fast forward...

Javascript has exploded

  • All those devices
  • All those fancy frameworks

In 2015

6 years since ECMAScript Version 5

ECMAScript Version 6

ECMAScript Version 6

Also known as...

  • ES2015 (official name)
  • ES6
  • Harmony
  • es-next

What's new?

What you're about to learn

  • 25 new features of ES6
    • Code examples
    • Best practises
  • How do start coding ES6 today
    • Using a transpiler
    • Bundling modules
  • Why change Javascript?
  • Why should I care?
  • Too cutting edge
  • Browser support

7 reasons

To start using ES6

right now

1. It's a standard

  • It's not an experimental new framework
  • It's not going to disappear
  • It's here to stay
  • This is how you write Javascript now, starting now!

2. Amazing new stuff

  • Classes
  • Default parameters
  • Constants
  • Modules
  • Promises
  • Template literals
  • Sets
  • Maps
  • ...MORE!

3. One standard way

  • Who's used a javascript library for promises?
    • Q
    • Bluebird
    • jQuery deferred
    • ES6 Promises
    • One standard way!
  • Less to memorise & learn
  • Easier to jump between projects
  • Implemented in browsers
    • Optimized
    • Less bloated 3rd party libraries

3. One standard way

  • Who's used a javascript library for promises?
    • Q
    • Bluebird
    • jQuery deferred
    • ES6 Promises
    • One standard way!
  • Less to memorise & learn
  • Easier to jump between projects
  • Implemented in browsers
    • Optimized
    • Less bloated 3rd party libraries

4. Don't get left behind

  • ES7 / ES2016 will be released next year!
  • Javascript is evolving quickly


  • We use ES5 features without thinking
  • We start to use new ES6 features


  • We use ES6 features without thinking
  • We start to use new ES7 features

Start using it now, or be left behind!

5. Frameworks

  • Angular 2.0
  • React Native
  • Ember.js

These are all popular and influential frameworks

They are all using ES6 now!

6. Cleaner code

  • Easier to read
  • Easier to use
  • Easier to maintain
  • You'll see soon :)

7. It's AWESOME!

  • Javascript is maturing
  • Javascript is becoming more powerful
  • Javascript is catching up to other languages
  • These are exciting times!
  • Coffeescript, Typescript


What about browser support?

ES6 Browser Support

November 2015

IE10 7% Safari 6 12% IE11 16% Safari 7 & 8 21% Safari 9 54% Chrome 65% Firefox 74% IE Edge 84%

Support will improve over time

Support will improve over time

It doesn't matter

It doesn't matter

  • Transpiler
  • Converts ES6 to ES5




  • Command line
    > babel main.js
  • NPM package
    // main.js
    // ES6 here
  • Browser
    <script src="babel-core/browser.js"></script>
    <script src="main.es6.js"></script>
  • Gulp
  • Grunt
      "babel": {}

Used by

  • Facebook
  • Netflix
  • Mozilla
  • Yahoo
  • Paypal
  • Airbnb
  • Reddit
  • Spotify
  • Atlassian
  • Soundcloud
  • Vimeo
  • Slack
  • Evernote
  • LinkedIn

Babel is amazing

Let's learn ES6

25 new features

Barry    I love you
Anthony     Stop staring at me


var myBestFriend = 'Barry';

if (true) {
  var myBestFriend = 'Anthony';

console.log( myBestFriend ); // ???
What is logged to the console?
var myBestFriend = 'Barry';

if (true) {
  var myBestFriend = 'Anthony';

console.log( myBestFriend ); // Anthony
What is logged to the console?
var numbers = [1, 5, 10];

// Add numbers together

var result = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
  var number = numbers[i];
  result += number;

console.log( result ); // 16
console.log( i ); // 3
console.log( number ); // 10
  • Var has a large scope
  • Often an unintended side-effect
  • Can produce strange bugs

#1. Let keyword

Limits variable to block scope

let myBestFriend = 'Barry';

if (true) {
  let myBestFriend = 'Anthony';
  console.log( myBestFriend ); // Anthony

console.log( myBestFriend ); // Barry
let numbers = [1, 5, 10];
let result = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
  let number = number[i];
  result += number;
console.log( result ); // 16
console.log( i ); // undefined
console.log( number ); // undefined

This is how most would expect var to behave

Use let instead of var

(unless you really need var scoping)

#2. Constant

Value that cannot be altered

const myConstant = 'never changes';

myConstant = 'can I change it?'; // NO!

Use const instead of let

Guarantees references won't be overridden

If you need references overridden, use let

New string functions

#3. String.startsWith()

const testString = 'anthony';
testString.startsWith('a'); // true
testString.startsWith('ant'); // true

// Second parameter: position to begin searching

testString.startsWith('thon', 2); // true

New string functions

#4. String.includes()

const testString = 'anthony';
testString.includes('tho'); // true

// Second parameter: position to begin searching

testString.includes('ant', 1); // false

New string functions

#5. String.endsWith()

const testString = 'anthony';
testString.endsWith('ony'); // true

// Second parameter: clip string to this length

testString.endsWith('hon', 1); // false
testString.endsWith('a', 1); // true
testString.endsWith('hon', testString.length - 1); // true

New array functions

  • #6. Array.find()
  • #7. Array.findIndex()
const friends = [
    name: 'Barry',
    species: 'Bear'
    name: 'Anthony',
    species: 'Anteater'

const myBestFriend = friends.find(function(friend) {
  return === 'Barry';
console.log( myBestFriend ); // { name: 'Barry', species: 'Bear' }

const myBestFriendIndex = friends.findIndex(function(friend) {
  return === 'Barry';
console.log( myBestFriendIndex ); // 0

#8. Array.from()

Converts objects to an array

const myArray = Array.from(notAnArray);

Works with either;

  • Objects that are iterable (can be looped)
  • Objects with a length property, and indexed elements

Array.from("test"); // ["t", "e", "s", "t"]
const sentence = joinWords('I', 'love', 'Barry');
Create the joinWords function
function joinWords(word1, word2, word3) {
  // Join the words and return them
function joinWords() {
  const words =;
  // Join the words and return them
Use spread!

#9. Spread operator

Allows expressions to be expanded into arguments

Represented by 3 dots

function joinWords(...words) {
  // 'words' is an array!
  // Join the words and return them
const sentence = joinWords('I', 'love', 'Barry'); // This works
const sentence = joinWords('I', 'love', 'Barry'); // This works

const words = ['I', 'love', 'Barry'];
const sentence = joinWords(words); // This doesn't work
Call joinWords with an array
// Could try alter joinWords function to accept an array?
const sentence = joinWords(words);
const sentence = joinWords.apply(null, words);
Use spread!
const words = ['I', 'love', 'Barry'];
const sentence = joinWords(...words);

const sentence = joinWords('I', 'love', 'Barry'); // Same thing!
const words = ['I', 'love'];
const sentence = joinWords(...words, 'my', ...['friend', 'Barry']);

const sentence = joinWords('I', 'love', 'my', 'friend', 'Barry');
// Same thing!
const words = ['I', 'love', 'Barry'];
const wordsCopy = [...words];
const position = [50, 200];
I want 'x' and 'y' constants
const x = position[0];
const y = position[1];
Use destructuring!
const [x, y] = position;

#10. Destructuring

Works with spreads

const [a, b,] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
console.log( a ); // 1
console.log( b ); // 2
console.log( rest ); // [3, 4, 5]

#10. Destructuring

Works even better with objects

function getPosition() {
  return { x: 50, y: 200, z: 13 };
const { x, y } = getPosition();
const { z : zIndex } = getPosition();
console.log( zIndex ); // 13
const { a = 0 } = getPosition();
console.log( a ); // 0

#11. Object shorthand

function getPosition(something) {
  const x, y, z;

  // Do some calculation magic
  // Populate x, y, z constants

  // ES5
  return {
    x: x,
    y: y,
    z: z

  // ES6
  return {

  // ES6
  return { x, y, z };

#12. Template literals

const name = 'Bob';
const activity = 'running';
const place = 'library';
// ES5
const sentence = name + ' is ' + activity + ' to the ' + place;
// ES6
const sentence = `${name} is ${activity} to the ${place}`;
// ES5

const story = '"My name is ' + name + '" said ' + name + '.\n'
  + '"I\'m ' + activity + ' to the ' + place + '", he continued.\n'
  + 'Then ' + name + ' went ' + activity + ' to the ' + place + '.';
// ES6

const story = `"My name is ${name}" said ${name}.
"I'm ${activity} to the ${place}", he continued.
Then, ${name} went ${activity} to the ${place}.`;
  • Backticks
  • New lines
  • Quotes and double quotes
  • Escape character in I\'m
function displayMessage(message) {
  // Some magic here to display the message

function removeMessage(message) {
  // Some magic here to remove the message

Stop duplicate messages from displaying

Stop duplicate messages from displaying

function displayMessage(message) {
  // Some magic here to display the message

function removeMessage(message) {
  // Some magic here to remove the message

Stop duplicate messages from displaying

const messagesDisplayed = [];

function displayMessage(message) {
  // Some magic here to display the message

function removeMessage(message) {
  // Some magic here to remove the message

Stop duplicate messages from displaying

const messagesDisplayed = [];

function displayMessage(message) {


  // Some magic here to display the message

function removeMessage(message) {

  // Some magic here to remove the message

Stop duplicate messages from displaying

const messagesDisplayed = [];

function displayMessage(message) {


  // Some magic here to display the message

function removeMessage(message) {

  messagesDisplayed.splice(messagesDisplayed.indexOf(message), 1);

  // Some magic here to remove the message

Stop duplicate messages from displaying

const messagesDisplayed = [];

function displayMessage(message) {

  if (messagesDisplayed.indexOf(message) > -1) {
    return false;


  // Some magic here to display the message

function removeMessage(message) {

  messagesDisplayed.splice(messagesDisplayed.indexOf(message), 1);

  // Some magic here to remove the message

Stop duplicate messages from displaying

const messagesDisplayed = [];

function displayMessage(message) {

  if (messagesDisplayed.indexOf(message) > -1) {
    return false;


  // Some magic here to display the message

function removeMessage(message) {

  messagesDisplayed.splice(messagesDisplayed.indexOf(message), 1);

  // Some magic here to remove the message

Stop duplicate messages from displaying

const messagesDisplayed = [];

function displayMessage(message) {

  // Check if message has already been displayed
  if (messagesDisplayed.indexOf(message) > -1) {
    return false;


  // Some magic here to display the message

function removeMessage(message) {

  // Remove message as displayed
  messagesDisplayed.splice(messagesDisplayed.indexOf(message), 1);

  // Some magic here to remove the message

#13. Sets

A new type of object

const mySet = new Set();

Store unique values of any type

mySet.add({ testObject: true });

Similar to an array, but easier to use:

mySet.has('test'); // true

Stop duplicate messages from displaying

function displayMessage(message) {
  // Some magic here to display the message

function removeMessage(message) {
  // Some magic here to remove the message

Stop duplicate messages from displaying

const messagesDisplayed = new Set();

function displayMessage(message) {
  // Some magic here to display the message

function removeMessage(message) {
  // Some magic here to remove the message

Stop duplicate messages from displaying

const messagesDisplayed = new Set();

function displayMessage(message) {


  // Some magic here to display the message

function removeMessage(message) {
  // Some magic here to remove the message

Stop duplicate messages from displaying

const messagesDisplayed = new Set();

function displayMessage(message) {


  // Some magic here to display the message

function removeMessage(message) {


  // Some magic here to remove the message

Stop duplicate messages from displaying

const messagesDisplayed = new Set();

function displayMessage(message) {

  if (messagesDisplayed.has(message)) {
    return false;


  // Some magic here to display the message

function removeMessage(message) {


  // Some magic here to remove the message
const messagesDisplayed = new Set();

function displayMessage(message) {

  if (messagesDisplayed.has(message)) {
    return false;


  // Some magic here to display the message

function removeMessage(message) {


  // Some magic here to remove the message

What if hundreds of messages are displayed?

const testMessage = {
  contents: 'Barry is such a handsome bear'


const importantMessage = {
  contents: 'Anteaters suck',
  important: true


// etc... (hundreds of these)

What if hundreds of messages are displayed?

const messagesDisplayed = new Set();

function displayMessage(message) {

  if (messagesDisplayed.has(message)) {
    return false;


  // Some magic here to display the message
  • The Set will become full of message objects
  • The message objects can never be garbage collected
  • Which means... memory leak!

#14. Weak Sets

Similar to the Set object

Used for storing objects

  • If an object is removed...
  • And references are garbage collected...
  • The object is automatically removed from the Weak Set
  • No more memory leak!

Use Weak Sets when storing objects

const weakSet = new WeakSet();
  • These are the only functions you get!
  • Much simpler than the Set object
    • No iterating over the objects
    • No counting the number of objects

#15. Maps

Another type of object
const myMap = new Map();
Very similar to a Set, but with key-value pairs
myMap.set('testKey', 'testValue');

May have used objects in ES5

const myMap = {
  'testKey': 'testValue'

Maps are more readable, and easier to use

const myMap = new Map();
myMap.set('testKey', 'testValue');
myMap.has('testKey'); // true
myMap.get('testKey'); // 'testValue'

#16. Weak Maps

The same concept as Weak Set

const weakMap = new WeakMap();
weakMap.set(object, value);

The keys are weak, not the value

Iterating arrays in ES5

Lots of choices

None are great

for (var index = 0; index < myArray.length; index++) {
  var value = myArray[index];
  // ...
  • A lot of code
myArray.forEach(function(value, index) {
  // ...
  • Can't use 'break' or 'continue' keywords
  • New scope
for (var index in myArray) {
  var value = myArray[index];
  // ...
  • Built for looping over object keys only
  • Can loop over array in random order

Iterating arrays in ES6

One choice

It's great!

#17. for of

for (let value of myArray) {
  // ...
for (let index of myArray.keys()) {
  // ...
for (let [index, value] of myArray.entries()) {
  // ...

Works for any iterable object

  • Arrays
  • Strings
  • Sets
  • Maps

For everything else, either;

  • Make it an iterable object (not enough time to show you today)
  • Convert to an array using Array.from()
  • (last)
  • Can iterate over ANYTHING!

#18. Default parameters

function displayMessage(content, priority = 1) {
  console.log(`Priority: $(priority)`);

  // Some magic here to display the message

displayMessage('Hello, I am a message'); // Priority: 1
displayMessage('Something went wrong!', 10); // Priority: 10
Always put default parameters last
Avoid using too many parameters
function displayMessage(content, priority = 1, position = { x: 0, y: 0 }, title = null) {
  // Some magic here to display the message
displayMessage('Default message');
displayMessage('Centered message', 1, { x: '50%', y: '50%'});
displayMessage('Error message with title', 10, { x: 0, y: 0 }, 'Uh oh');
  • Confusing to read
  • Embedding default parameters
    • What if they changed?
Use destructuring!
function displayMessage(content, { priority = 1, position = { x: 0, y: 0 }, title = null } = {}) {
  // Some magic here to display the message
displayMessage('Default message');

displayMessage('Centered message', {
  position: { x: '50%', y: '50%' }

displayMessage('Error with title', {
  priority: 10,
  title: 'Uh oh'
  • Easier to read
  • Override defaults only if needed
const defaultMessage = {
  content: 'Default message'

const centeredMessage = {
  content: 'Centered message',
  position: { x: '50%', y: '50%' }

const errorMessage = {
  content: 'Error message with title',
  priority: 10,
  title: 'Uh oh'

Is there a better way to represent a message?

#19. Class

Custom type of object

Has its own functions and properties

const myObject = new Object();
const myArray = new Array();
const myCustomObject = new CustomObject();
myCustomObject.exampleProperty = 'testing';
console.log( myCustomObject.exampleProperty ); // 'testing'
class CustomObject {
  exampleFunction() {
    this.exampleProperty = 'testing';
  anotherExampleFunction() {
class Message {
  getContent() {
    return 'Hello, I am a message';

const myMessage = new Message();

console.log( myMessage.getContent() ); // Hello, I am a message
Class names should be UpperCamelCase

All these lines of code to create messages?!

// Create test message
class TestMessage {
  getContent() {
    return 'Hello, I am a test message';
const myTestMessage = new TestMessage();

// Create error message
class ErrorMessage {
  getContent() {
    return 'Something went wrong!';
const myErrorMessage = new ErrorMessage();
A class represents a template for creating objects

Just one class / template: Message

const myTestMessage = new Message();
myTestMessage.setContent('Hello, I am a test message');

const myErrorMessage = new Message();
myErrorMessage.setContent('Something went wrong!');
console.log( myTestMessage.getContent() ); // Hello, I am a test message!
console.log( myErrorMessage.getContent() ); // Something went wrong!
class Message {
  setContent(content) {
    this.content = content;
  getContent() {
    return this.content;
Aw yeah!

#20. Class Getters & Setters

  • Use like a regular object
  • Less function calls
  • Cleaner syntax
const myMessage = new Message();
myMessage.setContent('Hello, I am a test message');
myMessage.content = 'Hello, I am a test message';
console.log( myMessage.getContent() );
console.log( myMessage.content );
class Message {
  set content(content) {
    this.content = content;
  get content() {
    return this.content;
I see a bug!
class Message {
  set content(content) {
    this.content = content;

This may make it easier to spot

class Message {
  setContent(content) {

Maximum call stack size exceeded

class Message {
  set content(content) {
    this.content = content;
    this._content = content;

  get content() {
    return this.content;
    return this._content;
Use a leading underscore _
for private properties and functions

This seems like a lot of work... why bother?

You're right!

A regular object does getters and setters

const myMessage = new Object();
myMessage.content = 'Hello, I am a test message';
console.log( myMessage.content ); // Hello, I am a test message
class Message {
  // Empty
const myMessage = new Message();
myMessage.content = 'Hello, I am a test message';
console.log( myMessage.content ); // Hello, I am a test message

Let's get clever with classes

class Message {

  set priority(priority) {

    if (priority < 1 || priority > 10) {
      throw new Error('Priority must be between 1 and 10');

    this._priority = priority;


const myMessage = new Message();
myMessage.priority = 20; // ERROR: Priority must be between 1 and 10
myMessage.priority = 5;
class Message {
  get log() {
    return `${this.timestamp} - [${this.priority}] ${this.content}`;
const myMessage = new Message();
myMessage.timestamp = new Date();
myMessage.priority = 5;
myMessage.content = 'Hello, this is a test message';
console.log( myMessage.log );
// Mon Nov 16 2015 20:24:01 GMT+0000 (GMT) - [5] Hello, this is a test message

Wouldn't it be nice if timestamp was automatically set?

#21. Class constructors

Special function named constructor

Automatically runs when the class is created

class Message {
  constructor() {
    this.timestamp = new Date();
const myMessage = new Message();
console.log( myMessage.timestamp );
// Mon Nov 16 2015 20:24:01 GMT+0000 (GMT)

Construtors accept parameters too

class Message {
  constructor(content) {
    this.timestamp = new Date();
    this.content = content;
const myTestMessage = new Message('Hello, this is a test message');
const myErrorMessage = new Message('Something went wrong!');

#22. Sub classing

Allows a class to inherit everything from another class

class DebugMessage extends Message {
  // Empty

class ErrorMessage extends Message {
  // Empty
const myDebugMessage = new DebugMessage('I am a debug message');
const myErrorMessage = new ErrorMessage('I am an error message');

Everything still works!

class Message {
  setContent(content) {
    this.content = content;
class ErrorMessage extends Message {
  setContent(content) {
    content = content + '!!!';
const myMessage = new Message('I am a message');
console.log( myMessage.content ); // I am a message

const myErrorMessage = new ErrorMessage('I am an error message');
console.log( myErrorMessage.content ); // I am an error message!!!
class Message {
  set content(content) {
    this._content = content;
class ErrorMessage extends Message {
  set content(content) {
    content = content + '!!!';
    super.content = content
class Message {
  constructor(content) {
    this.content = content;
    this.priority = 5;
class DebugMessage extends Message {
  constructor(content) {
    this.priority = 1;
const myMessage = new Message('I am a message');
console.log( myMessage.priority ); // 5

const myDebugMessage = new DebugMessage('Just testing');
console.log( myErrorMessage.priority ); // 1

#23. Arrow functions

New syntax to easily create anonymous functions

// ES5
const debugMessages = messages.filter(function(message) {
  return message.priority === 1;
// ES6
const debugMessages = messages.filter((message) => {
  return message.priority === 1;
const debugMessages = messages.filter((message) => {
  return message.priority === 1;
  • If the anonymous function is just 1 single line
    • The { and } can be removed
    • The statement is automatically returned
const debugMessages = messages.filter((message) => message.priority === 1);
  • If the anonymous function has just 1 parameter
    • The ( and ) can be removed
const debugMessages = messages.filter(message => message.priority === 1);
// ES5 anonymous function

function(param1, param2) {
  // ...
// ES6 arrow function

(param1, param2) => {
  // ...

They look different... so what?

What's wrong with this code?

class Message {

  constructor() {
    this.priority = 5;

  increasePriorityEverySecond() {
    setInterval(function() {
      this.priority = this.priority + 1;
    }, 1000);


What's wrong with this code?

class Message {

  constructor() {
    this.priority = 5;

  increasePriorityEverySecond() {
    setInterval(function() {
      this.priority = this.priority + 1;
    }, 1000);

class Message {
  increasePriorityEverySecond() {
    var self = this;
    setInterval(function() {
      self.priority = self.priority + 1;
    }, 1000);
class Message {
  increasePriorityEverySecond() {
    setInterval(function() {
      this.priority = this.priority + 1;
    }.bind(this), 1000);

Arrow functions retain this from parent scope

class Message {
  increasePriorityEverySecond() {
    setInterval(() => {
      this.priority = this.priority + 1;
    }, 1000);
class Message {
  increasePriorityEverySecond() {
    setInterval(() => this.priority = this.priority + 1, 1000);
class Message {
  increasePriority() {
    this.priority = this.priority + 1
  increasePriorityEverySecond() {
    setInterval(() => this.increasePriority(), 1000);
// Globals
var myModule = window.myModule;

// AMD / RequireJS
define(['myModule'], function(myModule) { });

// CommonJS / npm
module.exports = myModule;
var myModule = require('myModule');

// ES6
export myModule;
import { myModule } from 'myModule';
  • No decisions to make
  • It's baked right into Javascript
// Globals
var myModule = window.myModule;

// AMD / RequireJS
define(['myModule'], function(myModule) {});

// CommonJS / npm
module.exports = myModule;
var myModule = require('myModule');

// ES6 modules
export myModule;
import { myModule } from 'myModule';

#24. Modules

// message.js

export class Message {
  // ...
// main.js

import { Message } from './message.js';

const myMessage = new Message();

Multiple exports

// message-utils.js

export function displayMessage(message) {
  // ...

export function removeMessage(message) {
  // ...

Multiple imports

import { displayMessage, removeMessage } from './message-utils.js';

Selective imports

import { removeMessage } from './message-utils.js';

Import all

import * as MessageUtils from './message-utils.js';

// /vendor/message.js

export class Message {}
// /app/message.js

export class Message {}

Named imports

import { Message as MessageVendor } from '/vendor/message.js';
import { Message as MessageApp } from '/app/message.js';

Default exports

One per module

// message.js

export default class Message {}
// main.js

import NameItWhateverYouLike from './message.js'

The ES6 Module Problem

ES6 only specifies a standard forthe import & export syntax

ES6 does not specify a standard for loading files

import { nope } from '../browser/does/not/know/how/to/load/this/file.js';


Use a bundling tool that understands ES6 modules
  • jspm
Setup bundling tool to understand ES6 modules
  • Browserify - Babelify
  • Webpack - Babel loader

Prepare yourself...

testInternetConnection(function() {
  fetchMessagesFromServer(function(messages) {
    messages = JSON.parse(messages);
    if (messages[0] === null) {
      displayError('Could not email first message');
      logger.log('First message does not exist');
    } else {
        'Here is the first message: ' + messages[0],
        function() {
        function(error) {
          displayError('Could not email first message');
          logger.log('Error sending email: ' + error);
  }, function(error) {
    displayError('Could not email first message');
    logger.log('Error fetching messages from server: ' + error);
}, function(error) {
  displayError('Could not email first message');
  logger.log('Internet connection test failed: ' + error);
  onComplete: function() {
      onComplete: function(messages) {
        messages = JSON.parse(messages);
        if (messages[0] === null) {
          displayError('Could not email first message');
          logger.log('First message does not exist');
        } else {
            email: '',
            message: 'Here is the first message: ' + messages[0],
            onComplete: function() {
            onError: function(error) {
              displayError('Could not email first message');
              logger.log('Error sending email: ' + error);
      onError: function(error) {
        displayError('Could not email first message');
        logger.log('Error fetching messages from server: ' + error);
  onError: function(error) {
    displayError('Could not email first message');
    logger.log('Internet connection test failed: ' + error);
  .done(function() {
      .done(function(messages) {
        messages = JSON.parse(messages);
        if (messages[0] === null) {
          displayError('Could not email first message');
          logger.log('First message does not exist');
        } else {
            email: '',
            message: 'Here is the first message: ' + messages[0]
            .done(function() {
            .error(function(error) {
              displayError('Could not email first message');
              logger.log('Error sending email: ' + error);
      .error(function(error) {
        displayError('Could not email first message');
        logger.log('Error fetching messages from server: ' + error);
  .error(function(error) {
    displayError('Could not email first message');
    logger.log('Internet connection test failed: ' + error);

function testInternetConnectionDone() {

function testInternetConnectionError(error) {
  displayError('Could not email first message');
  logger.log('Internet connection test failed: ' + error);

function fetchMessagesFromServerDone(messages) {
  messages = JSON.parse(messages);
  if (messages[0] === null) {
    displayError('Could not email first message');
    logger.log('First message does not exist');
  } else {
      email: '',
      message: 'Here is the first message: ' + messages[0]

function fetchMessagesFromServerDoneError() {
  displayError('Could not email first message');
  logger.log('Error fetching messages from server: ' + error);

function sendEmailDone() {

function sendEmailError(error) {
  displayError('Could not email first message');
  logger.log('Error sending email: ' + error);
There's a better way...

#25. Promises

function fetchMessagesFromServer() {

  // This function takes time
  // Return to caller a Promise object straight away

  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

    // After some time has passed, update the Promise
    // Two types of updates;
    // 1. Resolve (yay) with a value
    // 2. Reject (aw) with a value

    jQuery.get('') // time passes
      .done(function(result) {
        // Update the Promise
        // Resolve, and pass in the result
      .fail(function() {
        // Update the Promise
        // Reject, and pass in an error message
        reject('Could not fetch messages from server');


const messages = fetchMessagesFromServer();
console.log( messages ); // Promise - what do I do with this?!
  .then(function(value) {
    // Promise resolved
  .catch(function(value) {
    // Promise rejected

So what?

  .then(function(messages) {
    // ...
  .catch(function(error) {
    // ...
  function(messages) {
    // ...
  function(error) {
    // ...
  onComplete: function(messages) {
    // ...
  onError: function(error) {
    // ...
  .done(function(messages) {
    // ...
  .fail(function(error) {
    // ...

The power of Promises:

Chaining them together

The function within then() can do 3 types of things;

1. Return another promise

  .then(function(messages) {
    const promise = sendEmail('', messages);
    return promise;
  .then(function(email) {
    // ...
  .catch(function(error) {
    // ...
  • If the Promise is resolved...
    • Move to the next 'then' block
  • If the Promise is rejected...
    • Move to the next 'catch' block

The function within then() can do 3 types of things;

2. Return a value

  .then(function(messages) {
    return messages[0];
  .then(function(firstMessage) {
    // ...

This is the same as resolving a Promise

The function within then() can do 3 types of things;

3. Throw an error

  .then(function(messages) {
    // Try to do something a little crazy
    throw new Error('Uh oh');
  .catch(function(error) {
    // ...

This is the same as rejecting a Promise

  .then(function() {
    return fetchMessagesFromServer();
  .then(function(messages) {
    return JSON.parse(messages);
  .then(function(messages) {
    if (messages[0] === null) {
      throw new Error('First message does not exist');
    } else {
      return messages[0];
  .then(function(firstMessage)) {
    return sendEmail(
      'Here is the first message: ' + firstMessage
  .then(function() {
  .catch(function(error) {
    displayError('Could not email first messsage');
  • If an error is thrown within JSON.parse
  • eg: Syntax error due to invalid JSON
  • Then we end up in `catch()`

We can do better!

class MessageService {
  fetchMessagesAsJson() {
    return testInternetConnection()

class MessageEmailer {
  _getFirstMessage(messages) {
    if (messages[0] === null) {
      throw new Error('First message does not exist');
    return messages[0];

  _emailMessage(email, message) {
    return sendEmail(email, 'Here is the message: ' + message);

  send(email) {
      .then(firstMessage => this._emailMessage(email, firstMessage))
      .then(() => displayMessage('Success!'))
      .catch((error) => {
        displayError('Could not email message');
  • If an error is thrown within JSON.parse
  • eg: Syntax error due to invalid JSON
  • Then we end up in `catch()`

You made it!

25 features of ES6

Yes, there are more...

  • Symbols
  • Creating custom iterators
  • Generators
  • Proxies
  • ... EVEN MORE!

Try ES6 now


Summary Detail 350 bullet points Interactive lessons TDD style lessons Reference

Now you know

  • 7 reasons to use ES6 now
  • How to use ES6 now with Babel
  • 25 features of ES6 to use now!

Final message...

Use ES6 now!

Do it for Barry

Javascript 2015