WebGL-based Neurological Data Visualization
Tarek Sherif
- What is BrainBrowser?
- Background
- Architecture
- Further Information
BrainBrowser is...
- Open-source JavaScript library exposing web-based tools for neuroimaging
- Developed at McGill University
Key technologies:
- HTML5 Canvas 2D
- WebGL
- Web Workers
BrainBrowser is...
Volume Viewer
- Explore volumetric data through orthogonal slices
Surface Viewer
- Explore surface data in real-time 3D
Typical Workflow
- Volume of voxels representing intensity of the MR signal
- Intensity can represent structural, activation or diffusion patterns
Extract features of interest (e.g. surfaces, measurements)
- Explore the data
- Quality control
BrainBrowser History
- April, 2010: Developed as an application using Google's O3D browser plugin
- April, 2013: Port of codebase to three.js
- December, 2013: Refactored into a reusable library
- March, 2014: Open-sourced
Software Requirements
- Handle large datasets
- Multiple data formats (parse on the fly)
- Load from local file system
- Dynamic loading based on user interaction
Colorize per-vertex scalar data
- And allow users to manipulate that colorization
BrainBrowser.SurfaceViewer.start("visualization-div", function(viewer) {
viewer.loadModelFromURL("models/brain.obj", {
format: "mniobj",
complete: function() {
- Load geometry
- Load per-vertex data
Geometry Pipeline
Load geometry
- Loaded over the network or from the local file system
Geometry Pipeline
Parse geometry
- One Web Worker script for each supported data format
- Parse external geometry description into internal object model
- Plugin framework
Web Workers
Create multiple threads in the browser
- Normally have to do a structured clone to move data between threads
- This can be slow for large data
Transferable Objects
ArrayBuffers can be "transferred" between threads
- Reference passed, no copying
- Buffer no longer available in original thread
var worker = new Worker(workerUrl);
var data = new Float32Array(raw);
worker.postMessage(data, [data.buffer]);
Dealing with Indices
Core WebGL 1.0 spec limits indices to 16 bits
- Maximum of 65,536 vertices
Neurological surface geometry can be much bigger
- DTI demo model contains 560,674 vertices
- WebGL extension that allows 32-bit indices
Widely available
- Will become core in WebGL 2.0
Two Options
- If OES_element_index_uint is available, use it
- If not, "de-index" the model in a Web Worker
Per-vertex Data Pipeline
Load color map
- Array of colors
- Used to colorize scalar data
- Loaded over the network or from the local file system
Per-vertex Data Pipeline
Load per-vertex data
- List of per-vertex scalar values
- Loaded over the network or from the local file system
- One Web Worker script per supported format
Per-vertex Data Pipeline
Map colors
- Interpolate per-vertex scalars into color array
- Apply colors to vertices