An Infinispan Tale
How split clusters can get back together happily
Tristan Tarrant / @tristantarrant
About me
Infinispan Project Lead
Open Source hacker since 1993
@ Red Hat since 2011
- What is Infinispan ?
- How does Infinispan approach clustering ?
- How does Infinispan handle cluster partitions ?
What is Infinispan ?
- In-Memory Java Key/Value store (with Scala bits)
- Local + Clustered
- Elastic + Highly scalable
- Transactional + Strongly consistent
- Distributed under the ASL 2.0
- Supported product: Red Hat JBoss Data Grid
What can Infinispan do ?
- Optional persistence:File + LevelDB + JDBC + JPA + REST
- Embedded + Client/Server
- Remote Protocols: HotRod + REST + Memcached + WebSocket
- Distributed execution framework
- Indexed and Indexless queries
- Events: local + clustered + remote
- Security: ACL, Encryption, Audit
Does Infinispan scale ?
Largest cluster in production:
320 nodes, 3000 caches, 20TB RAM
Largest cluster formed:
1000 nodes
Infinispan clustering
- Based on JGroups
- Multiprotocol: UDP + TCP
- Discovery: Multicast + Unicast + S3 + Google + etc
- Security
- Geographical replication
Infinispan clustering
Cluster Topology
- JGroup views
- Represents group membership
- Each node has a unique address
- Ordered, first is coordinator
- View changes when nodes join + leave
- View Id
Infinispan clustering
Consistent Hashing
- Key hashed using MurmurHash3 algorithm
- Hash space divided into segments
- Segments assigned to nodes
- Key > Segment > Owners
- Primary and Backup owners
Consistent Hashing Visualization
Step 1: Empty cluster
Consistent Hashing Visualization
Step 2: Adding one entry
Consistent Hashing Visualization
Step 3: Primary and Backup
Consistent Hashing Visualization
Step 4: Another one
Consistent Hashing Visualization
Step 5: You get the idea
Consistent Hashing Visualization
Step 6: Here's one I made earlier
Infinispan clustering
Controlling Consistent Hashing
- Physical topology aware (site/rack/machine)
- Grouping
- Key Affinity service
- Capacity Factor
Infinispan clustering
State Transfer
- Elasticity
- Nodes added / removed
- We still have at least one owner
- Rebalancing: moving segments to satisfy distribution
Rebalancing Visualization
Step 1: My cluster full of data
Rebalancing Visualization
Step 2: He's dead, Jim
Rebalancing Visualization
Step 3: A healed cluster
What if multiple nodes fail at once ?
CAP: The Theorem
- Formulated by Eric Brewer in 1998
- Consistency
- Availability
- Partitioning
- Can only satisfy two properties at once
CAP: The Combinations
- Consistency + Availability: The "Ideal World"
- Partitioning + Availability: "I bend so I don't break"
- Partitioning + Consistency: "Don't corrupt my data"
Partition handling strategies
Prefer availability
<partition-handling enabled="false"/>
ConfigurationBuilder dcc =new ConfigurationBuilder();
Prefer consistency
<partition-handling enabled="true"/>
ConfigurationBuilder dcc =new ConfigurationBuilder();
Split detection
- Lost >= number of owners
- Ensure a stable topology
- Check segment ownership
- Mark partition as available / degraded / unavailable
- Send PartitionStatusChangedEvent to listeners
Cluster partitioning
Case 1: No data loss
Cluster partitioning
Case 2: Lost data
Merging split clusters
- Split clusters see each other again
- Ensure a stable topology
- Automatic: new state based on partition state
- One unavailable partition > UNAVAILABLE
- One available partition > attempt merge
- All partitions are degraded > attempt merge
- Manual
- Data was lost
- Custom listener on Merge event
- It's up to YOU
Future work
- Automatic state reconciliation
- Eventual consistency !!!