Jared Housh and Clark Trimble
The University of Tulsa
Identity Vault
//attribute-filter.xml <afp:AttributeFilterPolicy id="box"> <afp:PolicyRequirementRule xsi:type="basic:AttributeRequesterString" value="box.net" /> <afp:AttributeRule attributeID="ldgroup"> <afp:PermitValueRule xsi:type="basic:ANY" /> <afp:AttributeRule> <afp:AttributeFilterPolicy> //attribute-resolver.xml <resolver:AttributeDefinition xsi:type="ad:Script" id="ldgroup"> <resolver:Dependency ref="myLDAP" /> <resolver:AttributeEncoder xsi:type="enc:SAML1String" name="urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:group" /> <resolver:AttributeEncoder xsi:type="enc:SAML2String" name="urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.4" friendlyName="group" /> <ad:Script><CDATA[ js-is-good-for-you! ]]><ad:Script> <resolver:AttributeDefinition>
// js-is-good-for-you! importPackage(Packages.edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.common.attribute.provider); importPackage(Packages.org.slf4j); logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.resolver.Script.scriptTest"); ldgroup = new BasicAttribute("ldgroup"); if (typeof memberOf != "undefined" && memberOf != null ) { for ( i = 0; memberOf != null && i < memberOf.getValues().size(); i++ ) { dn = memberOf.getValues().get(i); if ( dn.match(/,ou=groupergroups,o=utulsa.edu$/) ) { parts = dn.split(",").slice(0,-2); for ( j=0; j < parts.length; j++ ) { parts[j] = parts[j].split("=")[1]; } path = parts.reverse().join(":"); ldgroup.getValues().add(path); } } } logger.info("LDGROUP: "+ldgroup.getValues());
class Entry def self.set_particulars(particulars) def self.auth(dn,pw) def self.connect(dn,pw) def self.dir def dir def self.find(dn) def self.search(base,filter) def operation(attr,value=nil) def set(struct) module LdapConfig module AdConfig class LdapEntry < Entry include LdapConfig def self.encode(pw) class AdEntry < Entry include AdConfig def self.encode(pw) def operation(attr,value=nil)Think about adding detail for config, in particular, usage by base class methods. Think about adding attrfrump/moop slide.
module Person module ClassMethods def find(id) def search(filter,attrs=nil) def uid_to_dn(uid) def create(uid,did,first,last) class PersonLdapEntry < LdapEntry include Person def self.generate_uid_number def add_mail_attributes def generate_primary_mail def self.lookup(id) class PersonAdEntry < AdEntry include Person
module Group module ClassMethods def path_to_dn(path) def dn_to_path(dn) class GroupLdapEntry < LdapEntry include Group def self.groups class GroupAdEntry < AdEntry include Group def initialize(keyvals={}) def flatten_ranged_attribute(attribute) def self.membership(dn)
Flexible w/o duplicate code :)
*not synchronized to directory
select tuid as SUBJECT_ID from namevalue where name = 'employment_status_code' and value = 'R'mirror of synchronized structure automated group is member in front group individial exceptions added to front group
Classic use case: CIO not in IT!
For example:
composite:law-faculty = employee:organization:law ∩ employee:faculty
employee:law-faculty = composite:law-faculty ∪ additional members
// a work in progress !! def create_group(path) name = path.split(':').last req = Net::HTTP::Post.new "/grouper-ws/servicesRest/v2.0.1/groups" req.body = { "WsRestGroupSaveRequest" => { "wsGroupToSaves" => [ { "wsGroup" => { "name" => path, "extension" => name, "detail" => { "typeNames" => ["utulsaGroup"] }, }, "wsGroupLookup" => { "groupName" => path } } ] }}.to_json req.add_field 'Content-type', 'text/x-json' req.basic_auth @username, @password r = JSON.parse(@http.request(req).body)['WsGroupSaveResults'] unless r['resultMetadata']['resultCode'] == 'SUCCESS' raise "cannot create group:::#{r}" end end
To use event-driven change notification:
# grouper-loader.properties changeLog.consumer.httpTestGroup.class = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.esb.consumer.EsbConsumer changeLog.consumer.httpTestGroup.publisher.class = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.esb.consumer.EsbHttpPublisher changeLog.consumer.httpTestGroup.publisher.url = http://server.utulsa.edu:4499/ changeLog.consumer.httpTestGroup.quartzCron = 48 * * * * ?
Posts JSON to the listening server
create view subject as select b.tuid as id, (select a.value from namevalue as a where a.name='first' and a.tuid=b.tuid) as first, (select a.value from namevalue as a where a.name='last' and a.tuid=b.tuid) as last, (select a.value from namevalue as a where a.name='uid' and a.tuid=b.tuid) as uid, (select a.value from namevalue as a where a.name='displayname' and a.tuid=b.tuid) as displayname, (select lower(a.value) from namevalue as a where a.name='displayname' and a.tuid=b.tuid) as lowername from (select distinct tuid from namevalue) as b ;
Lookup within Grouper is stubbornly slow. :(
Turn namevalue pairs in to something like a more typical table. Key element is from clause. Everything builds from there. We've tried: different formulations, indexing, materializing the view.Run queries against data warehouse:
queries = [ { mapper: [ { name:'tuid', value:'HRPER_ID' }, { name:'office_building', value:'BUILDING_DESC' }, { name:'office_room', value:'HRP_PRI_CAMPUS_OFFICE' }, { name:'office_extension', value:'HRP_PRI_CAMPUS_EXTENSION' }, ], tables: ['dbo.ODS_HRPER'], where:"where HRP_EFFECT_TERM_DATE > GETDATE()" }, ...
jared-housh@utulsa.edu patrick-trimble@utulsa.edu