On Github trianglegrrl / ember-cucumber-pres
Scenario: Creating a post displays the new post Given I visit New Posts And I fill in "Title" with "A new post" And I fill in "Author" with "John Doe" And I press "Create" Then I should see "A new post" within "h1" And I should see "John Doe" within "a[rel=author]"
test("creating a post displays the new post", function(){ visit("/posts/new"); fillIn(".post-title", "A new post"); fillIn(".post-author", "John Doe"); click("button.create"); andThen(function() { ok(find("h1:contains('A new post')").length, "The post's title should display"); ok(find("a[rel=author]:contains('John Doe')").length, "A link to the author should display"); }); });
patiently do click_link(link) end
When /^(?:|I )follow "([^"]*)"$/ do |link| patiently do click_link(link) end end
def wait_for_ember_application_to_load using_wait_time 20 do patiently do find ".ember-application" end end wait_for_ember_run_loop_to_complete # Then a miracle happens end
$(function() { var body, doc; body = $('body'); doc = $(document); doc.ajaxStart(function() { return body.addClass('ajax-in-progress').removeClass('ajax-quiet'); }); return doc.ajaxStop(function() { return body.addClass('ajax-quiet').removeClass('ajax-in-progress'); }); });
def wait_for_ember_run_loop_to_complete 2000.times do #this means up to 20 seconds return if page.evaluate_script "'undefined' == typeof window.jQuery" return if page.evaluate_script "$('body').hasClass('ajax-quiet') && (typeof Ember === 'object') && !Ember.run.hasScheduledTimers() && !Ember.run.currentRunLoop" sleep 0.01 end end
jQuery.active === 0 && // Is there a pending Ajax request (typeof Ember === 'object') && // Does this page have Ember? !Ember.run.hasScheduledTimers() && !Ember.run.currentRunLoop
AfterStep '@ember-fuckery' do wait_for_ember_run_loop_to_complete end