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Threading with ruby presentation

On Github trekdemo / ruby-threading

Basics of threaded programming in Ruby

Who am I?

Gergő Sulymosi

chief git blame analyst at DiNa Github/twitter @trekdemo

What is a thread?

In computer science, a thread of execution is the smallest sequence of programmed instructions that can be managed independently by an operating system scheduler.

-- Wikipedia

Thread.current {}
By default, your code is always running a thread. Even if you don't create any new threads, there's always at least one: the main thread. Major difference between regular and main thread: When the main thread exits, all other threads are immediately terminated and the Ruby process exits.

What's in it for me?

Cheaper concurrency

  • Cheaper in memory usage
  • Less overhead than spawning a process
forking processes could be sparing -- copy-on-write mark-and-sweep before 2.0 not CoW friendly bitmap marking in 2.0 CoW friendly -- you can use this perk

Code organization

  • Handle signals (like ruby)
  • Isolate task, functional units
  • More...
organizing code (handling signals, etc.) In ruby there are 2 threads after you launch the interpreter.

Concurrency vs. Parallelism

Concurrency and parallelism are two related but distinct concepts.

Concurrency : Task A and task B both need to happen independently of each other. A starts running, and then B starts before A is finished, but they not necessarily going to be executed simultaniusly.

Parallelism : Task A and task B both running in the same time, simultaniusly.

Concurrency: they don't have to run simultaniusly Concurrency: same things, but they run simultaniusly
       >---->    >---->>        Task A
>----->      >-->      >----->> Task B

       >-------->>              Task A
>---------------------------->> Task B

Threading with different ruby implementations

Rubinius, JRuby and MacRuby...

...have real native OS threads and paralell execution.


Green threads managed by the VM, there is no real thread behind them Fibers are not real threads, their management is done by the developer

What is GIL a.k.a. GVL a.k.a. global lock?

  • The GIL is a global lock around the execution of Ruby code.
  • The biggest implication is that Ruby code will never run in parallel on MRI.
require 'digest/md5' do do
This computation will run simultaniusly in 3 threads with jruby, rubinius and concurrently on mri.

What's the reason for it?

To protect MRI internals from race conditions To facilitate the C extension API To reduce the likelihood of race conditions in your Ruby code A race condition involves two threads racing to perform an operation on some shared state.

What is possible with MRI?

require 'open-uri' do do

How others solved this issue?

  • Rubinius have fine-grained locks around the internal data structures, and helps gem (C extension) developers to avoid race conditions.

  • JRuby, does not support C extensions, you can use java based extension instead.

Rubinius, for instance, replaced their GIL with about 50 fine-grained locks. Without a GIL, its internals are still protected, but because it spends less time in these locks, more of your Ruby code can run in parallel.

Thread-safe code

Don't allow concurrent modification, or protect concurrent modification!

@results ||= "some value"

* Anything where there is only one shared instance is a global

Shorthand for

if @result.nil?
  temp = "some value"
  @result = temp

What happens if my code is not threadsafe?

  • best case: nothing
  • worst case:
    • corrupt data in memory/database
    • unpredictable results
The biggest problem cused when data modification is not threadsafe. In that case, you will have corrupt data. If your application is heavily based on data, you're fucked. Your app will give you unpredictable results, mostly under high load. And you won't be able to track these bugs in dev environment.

How can I write threadsafe code?

  • Avoid mutating globals (constants, the AST, class variables/methods)
  • Create multiple objects instead a shared one
  • Use Thread-locals
  • Use resource pools
  • Avoid lazy-loading
  • Prefer data structures over mutexes
  • Use immutable objects
AST: It's the DOM of your code Lazy-loading: require not thread-safe, deadlocks Avoid data structures: hide the low level mutex management with data structures Immutable objects: objects that can't be modified after the initialization

Avoid or protect concurrent data modification


shared_mutex_accross_threads =
mutex.synchronize {}
The name 'mutex' is shorthand for 'mutual exclusion.' If you wrap some section of your code with a mutex, you guarantee that no two threads can enter that section at the same time.
  • Must be shared between the threads
  • It has performance tradeoffs (mostly on Rubinius, JRuby)
  • You should choose the place of lock carefully
  • You should lock the smallest possible part of the code
  • Avoid deadlocks
A deadlock occurs when one thread is blocked waiting for a resource from another thread (like blocking on a mutex), while this other thread is itself blocked waiting for a resource.


These can be used to communicate between threads to synchronize resource access.

  • Thread A produces items into an array
  • Thread B waits for the items (conditional variable)
  • When Th. A signals through the cond. var.
  • Th. B can access the new item from the array
require 'thread'

array = []
mutex =
cond_var = do
  10.times do
    mutex.synchronize do
      array << rand
end do
  10.times do
    mutex.synchronize do
      cond_var.wait(mutex) while array.empty?
      puts "Processing #{array.shift}"
A ConditionVariable can be used to signal one (or many) threads when some event happens, or some state changes, whereas mutexes are a means of synchronizing access to resources.


The only thread-safe data structure from standard lib. Can be implemented with an Array, a Mutex and a ConditionVariable.

  • #push and #pop
  • blocks on #pop
You might be thinking: "With all of the great concurrency support available to Java on the JVM, surely the JRuby Array and Hash are thread-safe?" They're not. For the exact reason mentioned above, using a thread-safe data structure in a single-threaded context would reduce performance.

How many threads do I need?

It depends There is no golden number * You have to measure

CPU-bound vs IO-bound

With MRI, there is no difference between threaded and non-threaded code, because the GIL locks the execution if it's a CPU-bound task. But if you have IO heavy operations, you can do them in paralell.

Further topics...

  • Actor model - Celluloid
  • Lock-less CAS (compare and set)
  • Pools

Thank you!

Any questions?