Godwin's Law
Mike Godwin (Wired 1994)
"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1".
No empirical studies to date! Let's test it!
I think of empirical observations as testable. Sorry Mike...
Why is this important? (aka the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory)
Any conversation is effectively over once someone makes acomparison to one of the worst genocides in history.
An implicit assumption* is that conversationis over once the atrocities of the third Reich are invoked.
Recently, u/stuck_in_the_matrix downloaded _every comment_ from Reddit.It took 9 months, is 100 GB compressed, and is about 1 TB uncompressed raw json.
- 105,925,637 submissions (posts)
- 189,283 invocations of Godwin's law
- 69,912 when considering conversations of length > 50
A Nazi by any other name...
A Google Doc of pure evil
TTG (time-to-Godwin)
happens in the first few hours...
all Godwin posts with >50 comments
PTG (posts-to-Godwin)
happens early comment order ... but comments continue!
all Godwin posts with >50 comments
Godwin invalidated...?
Limiting probability of Godwin is about 0.00065, or 1 out of every 1500 posts.
all posts (Godwin/Non Godwin) with >50 comments
Ongoing research!
What does the null look like? e.g. The Hitler vs puppies?
Does a conversation stop post-Godwin?
What is the quality of conversation post-Godwin?
Can we try to prevent it? Should we?
Is Reddit pathological or representative?
Godwin's Law(on comments, Nazis, and internet civility)
Travis Hoppethoppe.github.io/godwins_law/
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