On Github steveklabnik / art_of_ruby
Ruby is a language designed in the following steps: * take a simple lisp language (like one prior to CL). * remove macros, s-expression. * add simple object system (much simpler than CLOS). * add blocks, inspired by higher order functions. * add methods found in Smalltalk. * add functionality found in Perl (in OO way). So, Ruby was a Lisp originally, in theory. Let's call it MatzLisp from now on. ;-)
It would be understandable if Lisp’s charm had not been accepted by everyone in a year or two, but for 50+ years it hasn’t reached the mainstream, could it be because it fundamentally does not match our expectation? There is a huge difference between human friendly languages and languages that have smallest, cleanest cores, and I am afraid the gap between them might not close even in a hundred years. As for what future programming languages should look like, I think they should have a runtime model similar to that of Lisp and be easily understandable by humans. All of a sudden, Ruby looks a lot closer to that, doesn’t it?
Everything* is an object.Even objects. And classes.
class Class # ... end Foo = Class.new Bar = Class.new(Foo)
Everything* is an object.Even objects. And classes.
class Foo def hello puts "hello" end end Foo.new.hello # => hello
Everything* is an object.Even objects. And classes.
o = Object.new def o.hello puts "hello" end o.hello # => hello
# old def foo() end # => nil # new def foo() end # => :foo
# old class Foo def foo; end private :foo def bar; end private :bar end # new class Foo private def foo; end private def bar; end end
directory "tmp" file "hello.tmp" => "tmp" do sh "echo 'Hello' >> 'tmp/hello.tmp'" end
Given(:stack) { stack_with(initial_contents) } Invariant { stack.empty? == (stack.depth == 0) } context "with no items" do Given(:initial_contents) { [] } Then { stack.depth == 0 } end
.ooo 'OOOo ~ p ooOOOo tion ~ .OOO oO %% a little Oo fast language. 'O (o) ___/ / / \ /v^ ` , (...v/v^/ \../::/ \/::/
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Hello, I'm one of the few users of flip-flop.
W, H = 44, 54 c = 7 + 42 * W a = [0] * W * H g = d = 0 f = proc do |n| a[c] += 1 o = a.map {|z| " :#"[z, 1] * 2 }.join.scan(/.{#{W * 2}}/) puts "\f" + o.map {|l| l.rstrip }.join("\n") sleep 0.005 d += 1 - 2 * ((g ^= 1 << n) >> n) c += [1, W, -1, -W][d %= 4] end 1024.times do !!(!!(!!(!!(!!(!!(!!(!!(!!(true... f[0])...f[1])...f[2])... f[3])...f[4])...f[5])... f[6])...f[7])...f[8]) end
Sorry for off-topic :-)
I have no objection to deletion, but I'm just curious. Why do you want to delete it aggressively?
Gorbachev Puff-Puff Thunderhorse
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php = Phuby::Runtime.new php.start php.eval('$hello = "world"') assert_equal "world", php['hello'] php.stop
module IAmAHorriblePerson def unset flag value = _wrap self flags = 8.times.map { |i| value[i] }.pack('C8').unpack('Q').first [flags & ~flag].pack('Q').unpack('C8').each_with_index { |n,i|value[i] = n } end def class= k value = _wrap self [k.object_id<<1].pack('Q').unpack('C8').each_with_index {|n,i|value[i+8]=n} end def _wrap klass; Fiddle::Pointer.new Fiddle.dlwrap klass; end def unfreeze!; unset(1 << 11); end def untaint!; unset(1 << 8); end end class Object; include IAmAHorriblePerson; end
x = Object.new p x.class # => Object x.class = Class.new { def lol; 'lol'; end } p x.class # => #<class:0x007fccbb06df80> p x.lol # => "lol" </class:0x007fccbb06df80>