On Github steveb / heat-lca
Steve Baker / sbaker@redhat.com / @stevebake
Heat is a REST service for the declarative orchestration of multi-tenant OpenStack cloud services.
Heat Kubernetes is a REST service for the declarative orchestration of multi-tenant OpenStack cloud services containers.
Processes a container manifest so the containers are launched according to how they are described.
heat_template_version: 2014-10-16 parameters: key_name: type: string resources: server: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: image: Fedora-x86_64-20-20140618-sda flavor: m1.small key_name: {get_param: key_name} outputs: server_ip: value: {get_attr: [server, first_address]}
# heat-base-standalone/Dockerfile FROM fedora:20 MAINTAINER Steve Baker <steve@stevebaker.org> ADD heat /opt/heat ADD install-heat.sh /opt/install-heat.sh RUN /opt/install-heat.sh ADD config-heat.sh /opt/heat/config-heat.sh # heat-api-standalone/Dockerfile FROM stevebake/heat-base-standalone MAINTAINER Steve Baker <steve@stevebaker.org> ADD ./start.sh /start.sh CMD ["/start.sh"]
“...the code responsible for downloading images is shockingly insecure. Users should only download images whose provenance is without question. At present, this does not include “trusted” images hosted by Docker, Inc” - Jonathan Rudenberg
“...one of the most important ways you can protect yourself when using Docker images is to make sure you only use content from a source you trust and to separate the download and unpack/install steps. The easiest way to do this is simply to not use “docker pull” command.” - Trevor Jay
resources: heat_pod_config: type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig properties: group: kubelet config: version: v1beta2 containers: - name: rabbitmq image: {get_input: rabbitmq_image} ports: - containerPort: 5672 hostPort: 5672 - name: mariadb image: {get_input: mariadb_image} ports: - containerPort: 3306 hostPort: 3306 env: - name: DB_ROOT_PASSWORD value: {get_input: mariadb_password} volumeMounts: - name: mariadb-data mountPath: /var/lib/mysql - name: heat-engine image: {get_input: heat_engine_image} env: - name: RABBIT_PASSWORD value: guest - name: DB_ROOT_PASSWORD value: {get_input: mariadb_password} - name: HEAT_DB_PASSWORD value: {get_input: heatdb_password} - name: KEYSTONE_PUBLIC_SERVICE_HOST value: {get_input: keystone_host} - name: AUTH_ENCRYPTION_KEY value: {get_input: heat_auth_encryption_key} - name: HEAT_API_SERVICE_HOST value: {get_input: heat_api_service_host} - name: OS_AUTH_URL value: {get_input: os_auth_url} - name: heat-api image: {get_input: heat_api_image} ports: - containerPort: 8004 hostPort: 8004 env: - name: RABBIT_PASSWORD value: guest - name: DB_ROOT_PASSWORD value: {get_input: mariadb_password} - name: HEAT_DB_PASSWORD value: {get_input: heatdb_password} - name: KEYSTONE_PUBLIC_SERVICE_HOST value: {get_input: keystone_host} - name: AUTH_ENCRYPTION_KEY value: {get_input: heat_auth_encryption_key} - name: HEAT_API_SERVICE_HOST value: {get_input: heat_api_service_host} - name: OS_AUTH_URL value: {get_input: os_auth_url} volumes: - name: mariadb-data heat_pod_deployment: type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment properties: name: 20_kubelet_deployment config: get_resource: heat_pod_config server: get_resource: server input_values: mariadb_image: {get_param: mariadb_image} mariadb_password: {get_resource: mariadb_password} rabbitmq_image: {get_param: rabbitmq_image} heat_api_image: {get_param: heat_api_image} heat_engine_image: {get_param: heat_engine_image} heatdb_password: {get_resource: heatdb_password} heat_auth_encryption_key: {get_resource: heat_auth_encryption_key} heat_api_service_host: {get_attr: [server, first_address]} os_auth_url: {get_param: os_auth_url}
Steve Baker / sbaker@redhat.com / @stevebake