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Static and Strong
val x: Int = 4 val y: List[Int] = List(1, 2)
Happily inferred
val x = 4 val y = List(1, 2)
Values can’t change
val x = 4
Variables can
var x = 4 x += 3
Lazy values don’t compute until accessed
lazy val z = launchMissiles() // nothing happens ... z // missiles launched!
Everything is an expression
val p = { val ab = a + b val cd = c + d ab + cd // last line is returned } val x = if (2 > 0) "Plausible" else "No way" def f(a: Int) = a + 1 def biggerFunction(a: Int, b: Int) = { val z = a + b * 3 - 4 * a * b z + 9 }
class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String) { // properties val name = firstName + " " + lastName // methods def greetMe(greeting: String) = println(s"$greeting, $name") // everything inside body runs on construction println("I have been born") } val person = new Person("Nick", "Stanchenko") assert(person.name == "Nick Stanchenko")
object World { val a = 4 val b = 9 } assert(World.a + World.b == 13)
trait Barking { def bark() = println("bark") } trait Meowing { def meow() = println("meow") } class CatDog extends Barking with Meowing
Partial implementations
trait Greetable { val name: String // needs implementation val greeting = "Hi" def greet() = println(s"$greeting, $name") } class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String) extends Greeting { val name = s"$firstName $lastName" }
// can have default values and named arguments def m(x: Int, y: String = "default") = x.toString + y m(3) m(x = 9, y = "foo") // can have type parameters def n[A, B](x: A, y: B) = ???
Functions (function values)
// full declaration val f: Function1[Int, Int] = (x: Int) ⇒ x + 1 val f: Int ⇒ Int = (x: Int) ⇒ x + 1 // with type annotation val f: Int ⇒ Int = x ⇒ x + 1 val f: Int ⇒ Int = _ + 1 // with argument annotation val f = (x: Int) ⇒ x + 1 val f = { x: Int ⇒ ... }
All methods are unicode operators (don’t overdo it)
3.+(3) // same as 3 + 3 class Bird { def ♫(song: String) = println(song * 3) def sing(song: String) = ♫(song) } val bird = new Bird bird ♫ "twitt" // same as bird.♫("twitt") bird sing "twitt" // same as bird.sing("twitt")
Single parameters can go in braces
bird ♫ { ... }
Multiple parameter groups
def f(x: Int)(y: Int) = x * y f(3) { val z = 8 + 9 z - 1 }
Simple patterns
(x, y) match { case (3, _) ⇒ 9 case (_, p) if p > 8 ⇒ 10 case (p, q) ⇒ p + q } val List(x, y, _*) = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Case classes
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, partner: Option[Person]) p match { case Person(_, a, _) if a > 18 ⇒ true case Person(_, _, Some(Person(n, a, _))) if n.length > a ⇒ false case Person("Bobby", _, None) ⇒ true case _ ⇒ false } val Person(name, age, _) = p assert(age == 19)
Parameters the compiler knows
def foo(bar: String)(implicit config: Config) = ... // explicit foo("bar")(new Config("baz")) // implicit implicit val c = new Config("baz") ... foo("bar") // c: Config found and inserted
“Pimp my library”
implicit class PimpedInt(x: Int) { def times[A](f: Int ⇒ A) } 5 times { i ⇒ println(i) }
User writes
myButton.on("click", alert("Hi"))
At compile-time, this expands into
myButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener { def onClick(v: View) = alert("Hi!") })
You can write code that generates code!
Anonymous function paradise
val x = List(1, 2, 3).map(i ⇒ i + 1).filter(i ⇒ i > 2) // or val x = List(1, 2, 3).map(_ + 1).filter(_ > 2) // or val x = List(1, 2, 3) map { i ⇒ val z = doSomethingWith(i) s"$z is a number, but I’m a string" }
Methods for everything
def digitSum(x: Int) = x % 10 + (x / 10 % 10) val (cool, notCool) = (1 to 100) .sortBy(digitSum) .take(50) .drop(25) .partition(_ % 4 == 0) val reallyCool = cool.find(_ > 500).getOrElse(123)
Predicting the future
// an int will be here... some time... val x: Future[Int] = Future { Thread.sleep(3) 4 } // print it when it comes x onSuccess println // or report if an exception comes instead x onFailure println
Futures are like collections!
// another Future val y = x.map(_ + 1) // a future that depends on x and y val z = (x zip y) map { case (resultX, resultY) ⇒ resultX + resultY } // failure from x or y is propagated! z onFailure println
Juggle futures with ease
// our futures val x: Future[Int] = ... val y: Future[Int] = ... // no blocking here! val z: Future[Int] = async { await(x) + await(y) }
Entire async workflows
async { val data = await(getDataFromDatabase(38)) val processed = await(processData(data)) await(prettify(processed)) }
class A extends Actor { def receive = { case Message(x) ⇒ ... case OtherMessage(y, z) ⇒ ... } }
case class Ping(x: Int) class A extends Actor { context.actorSelection("../b") ! Ping(22) def receive = { case Ping(x) ⇒ sender ! Ping(x + 1) } } class B extends Actor { def receive = { case Ping(x) ⇒ sender ! Ping(x + 2) } }
Routing DSL
startServer(interface = "localhost", port = 8080) { path("hello") { get { complete { "<h1>Say hello to spray</h1>" } } } ~ path("test" / IntNumber) { number ⇒ post { complete("OK") } } }
Android DSL
var greeting = slot[TextView] l[LinearLayout]( w[Button] ~> text("Greet me!") ~> On.click { greeting ~> text("Hello there") ~> show }, w[TextView] ~> hide ~> wire(greeting) )
def caption(cap: String): Tweak[TextView] = text(cap) + TextSize.large w[TextView] ~> caption("I’m a caption!")
val futureCaption: Future[Tweak[TextView]] = myFuture.map(text ⇒ caption(text)) // no problem! w[TextView] ~> futureCaption
scala> def f(n: Int): Int = if (n > 1) { | f(n-1) * n | } else { | 1 | } f: (n: Int)Int scala> f(5) res0: Int = 120
Online sandboxes
Build definition
name := "needs" organization := "org.needs" version := "1.0.0-RC3" scalaVersion := "2.10.3" libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.typesafe.play" %% "play-json" % "2.2.0", "org.needs" %% "play-functional-extras" % "1.0.0", "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-async" % "0.9.0-M4", "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.0" % "test" ) ...
Running tasks
sbt > compile ... [success] Total time: 7 s, completed 06.03.2014 0:25:55
Rerunning on file change
sbt > ~test ... [info] All tests passed. [success] Total time: 1 s, completed 06.03.2014 0:32:49 1. Waiting for source changes... (press enter to interrupt)
Plugins for everything