our group has been working on sensory experiences combining our natural senses with augmentation from sensors in the environments
in particular, we're interested in using sound as a medium for communicating sensory information
sound can only be spacialized between speakers
the system is obviously not very mobile
image from bowers-wilkins.com
very portable, but sounds aren't connected to your environment
when you rotate your head, the whole sonic world rotates with you
isolates you from the world
image from businessinsider.com.au
we can use established signal processing techniques to place virtual sound sources relative to the listener and play the correct signal into each ear
the dynamics of how we move our head and body play a big role in the picture of the world that our brain builds up, so we need to track the head to keep a consistent auditory scene
bone conduction gives us a solution to the isolation problem, so we can seamlessly combine virtual sources with the real world