On Github ss-bb / PresTitanium
Clemont'ech APIHour #11 Olivier GOYON 15/10/2014
Titanium is a (free) framework to create powerful cross-plateforme mobile apps
var Win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor: '#f00' });
var Window = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor: '#f00' }); var MyView = Ti.UI.createView({ backgroundColor: '#00f', height: 200, width: 200 }); MyView.addEventListener('click', function(e) { alerte('coucou1');//pour debug like a pro }); Window.add(MyView); Window.open();
var Window = Titanium.UI.createWindow({ fullscreen : true, navBarHidden : true, backgroundColor : "white", exitOnClose : true }); Window.orientationModes = [Ti.UI.LANDSCAPE_LEFT]; var UserView = new (require('UI/viewconfigUser'))(); Window.add(UserView); Window.open();
//dans viewconfigUser function viewConfig() { var UserView = Ti.UI.createView({backgroundColor:'white' }); var Login = Ti.UI.createTextField({ hintText:"saisissez votre login" //du code }); var Password = ...; //code, codeur ,coder return UserView; } module.exports = viewConfig;
On IOS : iOS simulator
On Android : DDMS
Mobile Application Performance Management (Version Pro)
with titanium >3.2 ->right click, deploy on Appstore , follow instruction.
Appcelerator Cloud Services (Version Pro)
Appcelerator Cloud Services provide a wide array of automatically scaled network features and data objects.
Alloy is a development framework to facilitate the rapid development of high quality mobile applications.
It follows a model-view-controller (MVC) architecture
XML Views, Data Migration in JSON , Backbone, etc etc
Alloy presentation at CODESTRONG conf// a view <alloy> <window> <imageview id="imageView" onclick="clickImage"></imageview> <label>click the picture</label> </window> </alloy>
// a controller function clickImage(e) { Titanium.UI.createAlertDialog({title:'Image View', message:'You clicked me!'}).show(); } $.index.open();
doc: "Currently, Windows 8 App development and ..."
tl;dr : Windows 8 et windows phone is done through the command-line tools(Powershell)
Windows 8 SDK required Visual Studio 2012
Windows 8.1 SDK required Visual Studio 2013
Windows Phone 8 development is only supports on systems running 64-bit Windows 8. Visual Studio 2012 Pro edition or higher is required to run the Windows Phone simulator.
Getting Start Windows8 SDK