Mobile development with Xamarin
An experience review of Sprettur trying to develop our first* mobile app
About Sprettur
Lots of .NET/Java experience
What is Xamarin
- The story of Mono
- The birth of Xamarin
Why Xamarin
- .Net languages on multiple platforms
- automatic memory management (missing in Obj-C)
- LINQ, generics, etc.
- async/await
- Visual Studio
- Use a lot of the libraries you love from .NET
- Cross-platform code re-use
- Day one compatibility
- Native code on each platform
- No common UI framework*
Xamarin fyrir Android
- Umhverfi
- Windows 8
- Visual Studio + ReSharper
- Git á Windows
- Restsharp
- Samhæfni
- Auðvelt að nota Android API
- Stuðningur við Java
Xamarin fyrir Android
- Undir húddinu
- Android forrit nota JIT compiler
- Xamarin forrit eru native og nota hann líka
Xamarin fyrir Android
- Documentation
- UI hönnun
- Vinnuflæði
- Demó
Xamarin for iOS
- Environment
- Compatibility
- Documentation
- Books
- UI design
- Workflow
- Demo
Why not Xamarin
- price
- app size
- no Xcode/Eclipse
Thank you
@pshomov and gudmundur.pall@Facebook