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Presentation on Data Visualization Tools in R

On Github skoval / DataVizR

Data Viz Versus Graphics

Data visualizations are interactive graphics designed for the Web.

  • Unlike traditional static graphical displays, data visualizations are:
    • Built for the Web
    • Interactive
    • Dynamic

Why Data Viz in R?

  • Majority of R tools for data viz are basically a set of functions to write javascript (js) output

  • Chances are, if you are looking at an interactive graphic on the Web, it's written in js using a library like d3

  • But...what if you don't know js? or you have to do a lot of analysis to produce the output for your chart?

Popular R Tools for Data Viz

  • ggvis

  • googleVis

  • plotly

  • rCharts

  • htmlwidgets



  • It is easiest to understand the differences between the visualization tools by seeing them in action

  • In what follows, I'll use R's built-in dataset state.x77 to conduct several charting exercises

state.x77 <-
## 'data.frame':    50 obs. of  8 variables:
##  $ Population: num  3615 365 2212 2110 21198 ...
##  $ Income    : num  3624 6315 4530 3378 5114 ...
##  $ Illiteracy: num  2.1 1.5 1.8 1.9 1.1 0.7 1.1 0.9 1.3 2 ...
##  $ Life Exp  : num  69 69.3 70.5 70.7 71.7 ...
##  $ Murder    : num  15.1 11.3 7.8 10.1 10.3 6.8 3.1 6.2 10.7 13.9 ...
##  $ HS Grad   : num  41.3 66.7 58.1 39.9 62.6 63.9 56 54.6 52.6 40.6 ...
##  $ Frost     : num  20 152 15 65 20 166 139 103 11 60 ...
##  $ Area      : num  50708 566432 113417 51945 156361 ...

Task 1. Distribution of State Illiteracy

How can we make this histogram interactive?

# Static plot
ggplot(state.x77, aes(x = Illiteracy)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.5, fill = "#663399")

Demo - Histogram


Task 2. State Illiteracy Versus Income

How can we make this scatterplot interactive?

# Static plot
ggplot(state.x77, aes(y = Illiteracy, x = Income)) +
  geom_point(size = 3, col = "#663399")   

Demo - Scatterplot


Task 4. Add Trendlines

How can we add fitted lines to the scatterplot?

ggplot(state.x77, aes(y = Illiteracy, x = Income)) +
  geom_point(size = 3, col = "#663399") +
  geom_smooth(method = "loess", col = "#663399", fill = "#663399")

Demo - Trendlines


Task 4. Group Points

How can we group on a third variable?

colors <- colorRampPalette(c("#663399","#669999"))(4)
state.x77$region <- state.region
ggplot(state.x77, aes(y = Illiteracy, x = Income, colour = region)) +
  geom_point(size = 3) +
  scale_colour_manual("Region", values = colors)

Demo - Grouping Points


Task 5. Add State as a Tooltip

Tooltips are a way to avoid cluttered labels. How are they created in visualizations?

state.x77$state <- rownames(state.x77)
ggplot(state.x77, aes(y = Illiteracy, x = Income)) +
  geom_point(size = 3, colour = colors[1]) +
  geom_text(aes(label = state)) 

Demo - Tooltip


Task 6. Adding Controls

Controls add interactivity that aren't possible with a static plot. How are controls added to visualizations?

ggplot(state.x77, aes(x = Illiteracy)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.5, fill = "#663399")

Demo - Controls


Specialty Plots with htmlwidgets

  • Widgets are a way to add new types of HTML output to R markdown documents

  • This can be useful for enabling R to interact with javascript libraries like d3 or leaflet

  • Existing widgets (dygraphs, networkD3, d3heatmap) are just R packages

  • You can also create your own widgets with htmlwidgets

  • Some examples can be found at


In addition to package documentation...