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Steve Jones
steve@jonescape.com or sjfloat@gmail.com
@sjfloat (both twitter and google+)
Remember when...
you developed your programs without computers?
when you waited your turn, loaded your program and ran it?
computers didn't have operating systems?
Yeah, me neither
Early computers
Essentially calculators
(No, pair programming is not new)
Why Operating Systems?
Many unused drivers and utilities
Great complexity -- generally moreso than our apps
Lots of aging legacy C code
I Love My Operating System
Great package management system
Commitment to Free Software
Awesome community
Over 25,000 packages available
It's undisputably the best
Darn! Can't connect to the wireless network
#$?!&!!, I'm switching to NixOS!
No One Cares About My Stupid Operating System
Admit it, you didn't care
No one does
Least of all, my customer
The objective is just to deliver our product or service
But My OS Has Lots of Awesome Tools and Utilities
For me, my pals and for the #BadGuys :^(
This could be a problem...
Appliances vs General Purpose Computing Environments
Let's not conflate the factory with the store front
Microwave Oven
ATM Machine
General Purpose
Is My Server a General Purpose Computing Environment?
Should it be?
Why do I treat it like one?
So, How Do I Maintain These Without My Tools?
- You don't...
- We're describing Cattle, Not Pets
- Immutable
- Ephemeral
Operating Systems: Development Workflow Variation
- On a dev team, each individual's computing environment tends to diverge from one another.
- This divergence is a primary source of 'works on my box'.
- Things such as VM, libraries and configuration are a source of drift.
- Virtualization at the Operating System Level
- Shared operating system and kernel
- Mostly isolates app and dependencies in user-space
- "Looks" like a dedicated operating system
- Encapsulate build dependencies
- Isolate development environment from deployable
- Use your awesome operating system and tools
- Standardize what matters
- Decouple development tools and env from production concerns
Container Security
- Don't use privileged user
- SELinux
- AppArmor
- https://github.com/docker/docker-bench-security
Require host OS
But host OS can be minimal
So, why do we use an OS at all?
Do I have any options?
What are they?
Me: "unikernels" Alphabet: "unicorn tools"Unikernels
Single process
Single user
Single purpose
Very simple
Very small footprint
Only your application
Massively scalable
Typical boot time in 10s of ms
- Composable using OCaml modules
- Targets multiple platforms, including Xen, ARM and Javascript
NO config files -- Almost entirely type-checked, modular code
- Reimplemented network stack
- TLS -- Bitcoin Piñata
- Jitsu -- Just-In-Time Summoning of Unikernels
- All the usual benefits of a functional language
- Strongly-typed (with type inference)
- High-level language
- Fast executables
- Sophisticated module system -- also strongly-typed
Anil Madhavapeddy @avsm
Amir Chaudhry @amirmc
Are There Any Other Choices for Unikernels?
Yes, several...
- Port of Haskell
- Similar to MirageOS
- Runs on Xen hypervisor
- Adam Wick @acwpdx
- Port of Erlang BEAM
- Runs on Xen hypervisor, Rasberry Pi
Erlang / OTP
- Another Functional Language
- Strongly, but dynamically typed
- Extreme fault-tolerance
- Legendary availability
- Fail-fast
- Supervisor trees vs error-handling code
- Actors for concurrency
- http://cloudozer.com/
- http://erlangonxen.org/
- @erlang_on_xen
- Viktor Sovietov @vsovietov
RUMP Kernels
- Componentized NetBSD
- Originally conceived for driver development
- Provides POSIX layer and libc
- Used to build Unikernels from Anykernel components
- Resulting unikernel runs on Xen hypervisor
- More general, language agnostic
"We use the term anykernel to describe a kernel code base with the property of being able to use unmodified drivers and the relevant support routines in rump kernels." -- Antti Kantee
RUMP Kernels
Justin Cormack @justincormack
Antti Kantee @anttikantee
Martin Lucina @matolucina
- "Fat" unikernel
- More general - not language-specific
- Provides POSIX layer, Linux ABI and JVM
- Targets multiple platforms, including Xen
Other interesting combinations
Erlang on OSv
Zvi Avraham @Zvi
MirageOS/OCaml on RUMP
Martin Lucina @matolucina
Steve Jones
steve@jonescape.com or sjfloat@gmail.com
@sjfloat (both twitter and google+)
(Thanks pulp-o-mizer!)