Introduction to
Microcontroller Programming
using an Atmel ATmega32U4
Joachim Fenkes (@dop3j0e)
Gregor Jehle (@hdznrrd)
Note regarding parts: Don't hand out parts right away; people will natually look at them, play with them, and generally pay less attention. Rather hand out parts just before you build anything, and only the parts needed for the module, so fast people can't work too far in advance.
Today's Goals
- Understand
- Microcontroller programming basics
- I/O and Hardware assist units
- Basic external peripherals
- Reading Datasheets
- Implement
- Hello World
- LED Larson Scanner
- Button Control
Who we are
- Joachim "Jocki" Fenkes
- created the board we're using today
- Gregor "hadez" Jehle
- used to program MCUs for a living
Who are you?
- Please introduce yourselves with
- Your name
One sentence about your prior knowledge with microcontrollers
Dedicated to
Jan-Bernd Themann
R.I.P., my friend
What is a Microcontroller?
"A microcontroller [...] is a small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals. Program memory [...] is also often included on chip, as well as a typically small amount of RAM. Microcontrollers are designed for embedded applications [...]"(Source: Wikipedia,
CC-BY-NCGregor Jehle, Faye Yu
CC-BY-NC-SAGregor Jehle, Samsung Tomorrow
CC-BY-NC-SAGregor Jehle, Samsung Tomorrow
Typical block diagram
- R
Program Flash
Craploads of Peripherals
- A uC ain't a PC!
- Optimized for low power and size
- Slow compared to a PC or a smartphone
- Little RAM
- No floating point unit
⇒ using float or double will be very very very very slow!
- Sometimes not even HW multiplication
Our learning modules today
Hello, World!
Interrupts & Timers
LEDs & I/O
Button Control
Extending your I/O
The ATmega32U4 microcontroller
- 8-bit AVR CPU
- Up to 16 MHz on 5V, up to 8 MHz on 3.3V
- 32 KiB of program Flash4 KiB used for bootloader, so 28 KiB available for programs
- 2.5 KiB of SRAM
- 26 external I/O pins
- Integrated USB controller
We won't be talking about the USB controller today because that's pretty advanced stuff. But you'll be using it whenever you program new firmware into the device.
The ATmega32U4 microcontroller
The ATmega32U4 microcontroller
Mention that box colors correspond to previous slide.
AVR 8-bitness
- AVR is an 8-bit CPU
- Each instruction takes 8-bit operands
- More bits are emulated with multiple instructions
Caveat: int defaults to 16 bits!
- → Wasted cycles if 8 bits are enough
- Make it a habit to use uint8_t
#include <inttypes.h>
- uintN_t
unsigned integer, N bits
signed integer, N bits
The TinyMega Board
The MCU itself
USB jack
Lots of labeled I/O pins
Two LEDs (Green: Power, Blue: User)
Two buttons (Reset, Bootloader/User)
The ATmega32U4 datasheet
- Most important piece of documentation433 pages o.O
- We will guide you to the relevant sections
- General intro to datasheets will follow later
- Get it here: (PDF)(Note: Hover any shortened link to see where it leads)
Arduino vs. bare metal coding
- Arduino hides the gory details
- Pro: Easier to learn, quick prototyping
- Con: You don't understand how it's done → "magic"
- Con: Arduino trades speed & size for simplicity
Speed trade-off example: Mapping of pin numbers to ATmega ports/pins via table, so several instructions / memory access vs. single bit set/clear instruction.
Module 1
Hello, World!
in which an LED will blink!
Structure of MCU firmware
- It's a program like any other!
main() function comprised of
- Initialization code
- Main loop
- avr-libc takes care of the gory stuff
Caveat: Don't exit the main-loop
If anyone asks: avr-libc puts an infinite loop after main() exits.
General Purpose I/O
- Most I/O pins of the ATmega can be controlled directly as digital I/O
- Output mode
- Write a zero (GND) or one (supply voltage, VDD)
- Input mode
- Convert pin voltage to one or zero and return
- Optional pull-up resistor selectable by software
Caveat: Some levels are undefined!
General Purpose I/O
- Pins are grouped into "ports"
- ATmega32U4 has ports B, C, D, E, F
- Pins inside a port are numbered 0..7eg. B1, B2, C7
Caveat: Not all ports have all pins populated!
Port control though registers
- All hardware units in AVR MCUs are controlled through memory-mapped registers
- Like special RAM variables
- Each port has three registers
Write output values or enable/disable pull-up
Read input values (read "Port INput", not "Pin"!)
Data Direction Registerselects in (0) / out (1) direction per pin
Port control: Example
#include <avr/io.h>
// After reset, all pins default to input, no pull-up
PORTB = (1 << PB3); // Enable pull-up on B3
DDRB = (1 << PB2); // Set B2 to output, all others to input
if (!(PINB & (1 << PB3))) // If something pulls B3 down...
PORTB |= (1 << PB2); // Set B2 to high, keep rest as is
Register field names in avr-libc are generally shift distances, not values. This is necessary for multi-bit fields.
If anyone asks about what a pull-up is -- we'll cover that later today.
Simple delay
#define F_CPU 16000000UL // CPU clock is 16 MHz
#include <util/delay.h>
_delay_ms(1000); // waaaait a sec...
_delay_us(10); // and a bit more
These are busy delay loops that work because they know how long specific instructions take based on F_CPU.
Toolchain installation
We are not going to spend time setting up a full IDE. There are tools available for every platform, e.g. Eclipse, but any text editor with syntax highlighting will do today.
Template code
Create a file module1.c:
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
int main(void)
// Setup code goes here
while (1) {
// Main loop goes here
Compile the sourceavr-gcc -mmcu=atmega32u4 -DF_CPU=16000000UL \
-Os -o module1.elf module1.c
Generate an Intel HEX file for flashingavr-objcopy -O ihex module1.elf module1.hex
Display the firmware sizeavr-size module1.elf
text + data ⇒ Flash usagedata + bss ⇒ RAM usage
text is the program code. bss is uninitialized data. data is initialized data that is copied from Flash to SRAM before main() is called. There is a way to prevent static data from being copied to RAM -- google for PROGMEM.
Program (Linux)
Erase the whole device -- bootloader always needs thissudo dfu-programmer atmega32u4 erase
Program the HEX file we just generatedsudo dfu-programmer atmega32u4 flash module1.hex
Have the bootloader jump into the firmwaresudo dfu-programmer atmega32u4 start
Rumor has it you can save on sudo
by adding your user to the uucp
The default bootloader works in "secure" mode where the only allowed first operation after power-up is erase.
Program (Windows)
Make sure "Reset" is turned off for your first programs
No need to mention this, but if anyone asks: "Reset" would reset the device using the watchdog. If the user program doesn't disable the watchdog, the uC will repeatedly reset. Unchecking "reset" will make the bootloader jump to the user program, so the uC state may not be exactly as after a reset.
Now go forth and code!
- Task: Make the user LED on the TinyMega blink with 1 Hz
- (the MCU equivalent of "Hello, World!")
- Info:
- The LED is connected to pin E6
- Set the pin to 1 to turn on the LED
- Remember to set the pin to output first
- Use a simple delay loop, nothing fancy
- We left a trap for you to discover, so call us if you run into problems ;)
Base Clock Prescaler
Ask whether anyone accidentally made their TinyMega 3.3V. They should use clock_div_2.
Bonus task!
Make the LED morse SOS, or even arbitrary text.
Module 2
Interrupts & Timers
in which we will waste less CPU cycles!
Problems with the previous solution
- Hogs CPU cycles ("busy waiting" or "polling")
- Burns power: CPU constantly busy
- Adding work will make accurate timing difficult/impossible
Solution: Hardware Timers!
- ATmega32U4 has four Timer/Counter (T/C) modules
- HW counter, counting up at (divided) clock frequency
- "Compare registers" to trigger actions at certain values
- Can also directly control I/O pins, capture event timestamps, ...
Interrupts (IRQs)
- Asynchronous interruption of program flow
- Can happen at any time, triggered by hardware
- Many IRQ sources with own handlers
- Timer overflow, Timer compare, Pin toggle, ...
- Can be enabled / disabled globally
- sei()
SEt Interrupts
CLear Interrupts
Interrupt Handlers
- Special function, "called" through interrupt
- Also called "Interrupt Service Routine" (ISR)
- Return from handler continues program
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
// Code goes here
ISR best practices
- You're just interrupting someone else
- Communication with main loop: shared global variables
- Declare them volatile!
Tells compiler they may change without notice
Setting up a Timer/Counter
- Let's look at the datasheet, chapter 14
- o.O So many options!
Let's pick a few that make sense for us
Choosing a mode
- We want to wait for a given time, generate an IRQ, repeat
- CTC mode (14.8.2) sounds like the one for us:
- "Clear Timer on Compare match"
- Count to N, interrupt, start back at zero.
Choosing a prescaler
- T/C1 can count up to 65535
- We want to wait for half a second
- Choose slowest prescaler value of CLK/1024
- How many ticks per second?
- 15625 ticks per second
Building the T/C control registers
- TCCR1A - 14.10.1 (Timer/Counter Control Register A, T/C 1)
- We can ignore the Compare Output Modes
- Choose WGM 4: CTC with TOP = OCR1A
- TCCR1B - 14.10.3 (Timer/Counter Control Register B, T/C 1)
- We can ignore Input Capture
- Clock Select = 0b101 (CLK / 1024)
- TCCR1C - 14.10.5 (you get the idea)
Building the T/C control registers
- OCR1A - 14.10.9 (Output Compare Register A, T/C 1)
- TIMSK1 - 14.10.17 (Timer Interrupt Mask, T/C 1)
Enable OCIE1A, disable all others(Output Compare A Interrupt Enable, T/C 1)
- TIFR1 - 14.10.19 (Timer Interrupt Flag Register, T/C 1)
- Write 0xFF once to clear all pending IRQs
- Just to be safe
The setup code
#include <avr/io.h>
TCCR1A = 0; // Control Reg A
TCCR1C = 0; // Control Reg C
TCNT1 = 0; // Timer/Counter 1 -- the counter itself
OCR1A = 7812; // Output Compare Reg A
TIMSK1 = 1 << OCIE1A; // Int Mask = Output Compare A Int Enable
TIFR1 = 0xFF; // Interrupt Flag Reg
// Set Control Reg B last because setting Clock Select (CS) starts the T/C
TCCR1B = (1 << WGM12) | (5 << CS10);
Now go forth and code!
- Task: Transform the busy loop from module 1 into a timer-driven blinking LED.
- Info:
- Use T/C 1 in CTC mode
- Remember to enable interrupts after setup
- Question:
Answer: TIMER1_COMPA_vect, NOT TIMER1_OVF_vect -- overflow only occurs at 0xFFFF, which we never reach!
Bonus tasks!
Save power by using Sleep Mode in main loop
Again, get the LED to morse text
Tips & Tricks
- Toggle a port pin value by writing PINx:
PINE = 1 << PE6;
- Little known (but documented) AVR feature
Module 3
LEDs & I/O
in which we will revive K.I.T.T.!
LED basics
- Cathode = Minus = short leg = Base plate inside LED(German: Kathode = kurzes Bein)
- An LED's brightness depends on current
- Typical IF: 10..20 mA
- Add "dropper resistor" in series to get the right current
- Let's check the datasheet for the expected VF: (PDF)
Draw typical LED schematic with VDD, resistor, LED, GND.
- Typical sections:
- Summary, core features and values
- Basic operation
- Absolute Maximum Ratings
- Device characteristics
- Tables with min/typ/max values
- Graphs
- Detailed usage information
- Example application circuits
- Test circuits used
- Package information, solder patterns
- Order information, revisions, disclaimers
- IF = 20 mA
- VF = 1.85 V
- ⇒ R = (VDD - VF) / IF ≈ 160 Ω
- Pick next higher standard value: 180 Ω
Explain LED formula using the schematic you drew.
Recommended coding
- Build upon your code from last module
- Change OCR1A to go faster
- Connect all LEDs to pins of the same port
- One assignment to set them all
Now go forth and code!
- Task: Implement a Larson Scanner
- Info:
- Remember correct port setup
Bonus task!
- Invent other, more complex patterns
- (from inside to outside, binary counter, etc...)
Module 4
Button Control
in which we will succumb to force!
Add a button!
- Button will usually connect A to B when pushed
- "Single Pole, Single Throw" - SPST
- Pole
number of "channels"
number of positions per channel(think "# ways to throw a switch")
- Idea: Push to connect input pin to VDD
- But what happens while not pushed?
High-Z / floating state
- Pins that are not connected anywhere
- Called "floating"
- Or High-Z for "high resistance to anywhere"
- A floating input will read random values!
- Collects charge though static and ambient noise
- Solution: Remove the High-Z condition
Draw picture of port pin as capacitor and button to GND.
Pull-up / Pull-down resistors
- Provide a path from pin to defined voltage (VDD, GND)
- Neither a short circuit nor High-Z
- Typical resistor value: around 10kΩ
- Pulls floating pin up to VDD or down to GND
- Can be easily overcome by a short circuit, e.g. a button
- SC creates negligible current while pushed -- 0.5 mA for 10kΩ, 5V
- Like a water reservoir (think flush toilet)
- Water level is pin voltage
- Pull-Up is water supply with valve
- Button is big flush valve
Add pull-up resistor to drawing.
Full circuit
- Either pull-down with button to VDD or pull-up with button to GND
- Reminder: ATmega pins have optional internal pull-up!
- So choose pull-up with button to GND
- Switch pin to input + pull-up
- If we read a zero, the button is pushed
Level triggered vs. edge triggered
- We will poll the button in our main loop
- Options:
- Do something whenever polling returns "pushed"
- Will do something every iteration
- "Level triggered"
- Do something when button changes from "not pushed" to "pushed"
- Will do something once per button push-release cycle
- "Edge triggered"
Draw button signal in time plot so the "edge" can be seen.
Now go forth and code!
- Task: Advance Larson Scanner manually instead of timer
- Info:
- Don't throw away the timer code, just turn off timer
- Move main Larson code into own function
- Poll button in main loop, edge trigger Larson code
- Remember to switch pin to input + pull-up
- We have left a trap for you -- if anything's weird, please speak up!
Button contact "bouncing"
- Buttons have mechanical contacts that are not perfect
- When pushed, will bounce ever so slightly
- Causes short on-off-on-off-... sequence
- Will settle into permanent "on" after a short time
- Trap: If polling code is fast enough, it will see this!
- Will interpret as several very fast pushes
- Only a problem with edge triggering
Show bouncing on oscilloscope if there's enough time.Debouncing techniques
- Analog filter (lowpass)
- Will smooth out button signal, needs hardware
- Digital filtering
- Keep history of last N measurements
- Require all measurements to agree
- Slower polling (if possible)
- Bouncing will disappear in time between polls
- Easiest solution
Now go forth and code!
- Task: Debounce your button
- Info:
- Use the same source file
- Your choice: digital filter or slower polling
Bonus task!
Use EEPROM to store state across power cycling
Read up on EEPROM at
Further reading
ATmega has ways of causing interrupts when an input changes
- Pin Change Interrupt
- External Interrupt
- Trigger on rising edge, falling edge, or low level
Check out datasheet chapter 11 for details
Both methods remove the polling aspect, but you can't debounce them by simply polling slowly -- digital filtering is needed.
Module 5
Extending your I/O
in which three pins will control 16 LEDs!
What is a shift register?
- Converts serial data to parallel data or vice versa
- Data is shifted in/out bit by bit
- A clock signal triggers a single shift
- Our device: Serial in, parallel out (SIPO)
- Latched: Outputs kept static while new data shifted in
- Latch signal changes all outputs at once
How do I use a SIPO shift reg?
for (i = 0 .. number of bits) {
set data input pin to next bit
(starting with outermost bit)
pulse clock pin
pulse latch pin
Daisy Chaining
- A shift reg usually also has a serial output pin
- Can be used as input for another shift reg
- Clock and latch pins can be tied together
- Infinite shift register! \o/
Not arbitrarily infinite. Shift propagation delay is not the problem, because all regs start shifting at the same time, so you only get that once. CLK and LATCH fan-out will become a problem after a while, though.
- Part of the 74xxx series of standard logic (
- Lots and lots and lots of parts available (
- From every vendor
VV - Vendor, e.g. SN for Texas Instruments
SS - Series, e.g. HC for High-Speed CMOS
NNN - Function, 595 is latched SIPO
SN74HC595 datasheet
- Get the datasheet (, PDF)
- This is for an NXP part, but equivalent and more readable
- Unusual pin names:
- SHCP = Shift Clock Pulse = Serial clock
- STCP = Storage Clock Pulse = LATCH
Circuit Building
- Put the two 74HC595 onto the breadboard
- Connect VDD and GND, tie MR to VDD, OE to GND
- First DS to TinyMega, second DS to first Q7S
- Both CLK to one TinyMega pin, both LATCH to another
- Now place LEDs and resistors
Fresh out of the tube, the chips' pins are at an angle. Carefully bend them into right angle by putting the pins on a flat surface and applying force to the chip itself.
Circuit Cheat Sheet
- Connect VDD and GND, tie MR to VDD, OE to GND
- First DS to TinyMega, second DS to first Q7S
- Both CLK to one TinyMega pin, both LATCH to another
Now go forth and code!
- Task: Transform the Larson Scanner to use SIPO
- Info:
- Use a two-byte buffer for the LED states
- Shift that buffer out to the SIPO
- Use a simple loop, don't try to be smart
- Question:
- Do you need delays between bits?
- tpd,SHCP..Q7S = 32 ns; tW,SHCP = 6 ns
→ need ~40 ns pulse, 1 / 16 MHz = 62,5 ns → safe
Aside: Debugging technique
- Use unused pin as debug signal
- Set / reset on given events
- Watch on oscilloscope to:
- Measure signal timing
- Find out time taken by code
- Trigger on sporadic events
Demonstrate on oscilloscope if time permits.
Wrapping Up: What we touched today
This is the first time we're doing this, so we need your input!
- Scope:
- Too much information for one day or not?
- Granularity:
- Too many details somewhere? Too little? Just fine?
- Prerequisites:
- Did we expect too much prior knowledge anywhere?
- Speed:
- Did we go too fast / too slow?
- Simplicity:
- Were we hard to follow anywhere?
We also gladly take feedback via mail =)
That is all.
Now go forth and make stuff!
Thank you for attending.
Meta Information
- Slides:
- Datasheets
- Contact Info
- Joachim Fenkes
@dop3j0e,, uc-basicsatdojoedotnet
- Gregor Jehle
@hdznrrd,, uc-basicsatfollvalschdotde
Links to relevant avr-libc docs
Source Attribution
- Samsung Crystal Blue washing machine
- CC-BY-NC-SA Gregor Jehle
- Original: CC-BY-NC-SA Samsung Tomorrow, 2014-05-14 15:31,
- Rancilio coffee machine
- CC-BY-NC Gregor Jehle
- Original: CC-BY-NC Faye Yu, 2014-05-14 15:42,
- Samsung Stainless Steel microwave oven
- CC-BY-NC-SA Gregor Jehle
- Original: CC-BY-NC-SA Samsung Tomorrow, 2014-05-14 15:47,
- Atmel ATmega32U4 Block Diagram
- Color highlighting: CC-0 Gregor Jehle
- Original: © 2014 Atmel Corporation, 2014-05-28 15:00, Atmel-7766G-AVR-ATmega16U4-32U4-Datasheet_02/2014