KyivJS: control of mobile robots with JavaScript
Beginning: Arduino Inventor's Kit
ReadBoard Key features
- Based on Arduino Uno
- ATmega328 microcontroller
- 32k Flash Memory
- 16MHz Clock Speed
- Input voltage - 7-15V
- 14 Digital I/O Pins (6 PWM outputs)
- 6 Analog Inputs
- USB connection
C++ Blink example
int ledPin = 13; // LED connected to digital pin 13
// The setup() method runs once, when the sketch starts
void setup() {
// initialize the digital pin as an output:
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
// the loop() method runs over and over again,
// as long as the Arduino has power
void loop()
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // set the LED on
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // set the LED off
delay(1000); // wait for a second
JavaScript Blink example
var j5 = require("johnny-five");
var myBoard, myLed;
myBoard = new j5.Board();
myBoard.on("ready", function() {
myLed = new j5.Led(13);
myLed.strobe( 1000 );
// make myLED available as "led" in REPL
led: myLed
// try "on", "off", "toggle", "strobe", "stop" (stops strobing)
"... is an Open Source, IoT and Robotics programming framework"
- Arduino
- Beagle Bone
- Intel Galileo
- Raspberry Pi
- many more
Johnny-five interfacing with Arduino
First try: Motobot
- Arduino Uno
- Motor Shield
- Ultrasonic distance sensor
- Servo
- Johnny-Five
- Standard Firmata
- Naive obstacle avoidance algorithm
Course content
- Control theory, linear algebra
- Different behaviors
- Real robot control
Driving robots around
*Magnus Egerstedt,Control of Mobile Robots,Georgia Institute of Technology
Divide and conquer with Behaviors
- Go-to-goal
- Avoid-obstacles
- Follow-wall
- Track-target
Differential Drive Robots
- In order to control mobile robots, we need models
- Differential drive wheeled robots a very common
*Magnus Egerstedt,Control of Mobile Robots,Georgia Institute of Technology
Differential Model
*Magnus Egerstedt,Control of Mobile Robots,Georgia Institute of Technology
Unicycle Model
*Magnus Egerstedt,Control of Mobile Robots,Georgia Institute of Technology
Model 2.0
*Magnus Egerstedt,Control of Mobile Robots,Georgia Institute of Technology
- The state of the robot is (x, y, φ)
- How do we obtain this state information?
- Two possibilities:
- External sensors
- Internal sensors
- Orientation: Compass
- Position: Accelerometers, Gyroscopes
- Wheel Encoders
Wheel Encoders
- Wheel encoders give the distance moved by each wheel
- Assume the wheels are following an arc (short time scale)
*Magnus Egerstedt,Control of Mobile Robots,Georgia Institute of Technology
Wheel Encoders
How do we know how far each wheel has moved?
*Magnus Egerstedt,Control of Mobile Robots,Georgia Institute of Technology
Range sensors
*Magnus Egerstedt,Control of Mobile Robots,Georgia Institute of Technology
Robot communication control
Communication interface
Command Set:
========================== ===============================================
$CHECK*\n returns 'Hello from QuickBot'
$PWM?*\n returns wheel speeds in PWM: [50, -50]\n
$PWM=[-100,100]*\n sets the speed of the robot wheel velocities
$ENVAL?*\n returns the encoder ticks ``(tl, tr)`` tuple
$ENVEL?*\n returns the encoder velocities ``(vl, vr)``
$IRVAL?*\n returns the 5-tuple raw ADC values of the IR
sensors, e.s [80.0, 251.0, 234.1, 12.1, 21.3]\n
$RESET*\n resets encoder position to zero
$END*\n disconnects from socket
========================== ===============================================
- Testing on real hardware
- Bugs location
- Complex course material
Further steps
- Calibrate hardware
- Arduino Yun
- Obstacles avoidance