Minor quantities left in crust and mantle - less than 1 ppb
Rhenium is also a chalcophile - forms sulfides (Rheniite)
Instruments of high precision (NTIMS)
Sample Preparation
Osmium and Rhenium separated
Form negatively charged oxides
ReO3-, ReO4-
OsO3-, OsO4-
Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Also called surface ionization
Material coated on a heated metal surface
Material evaporates into ions due to the heat
Negative or Positive depends on the charge of the ions
Governed by the Saha-Langmuir equation
Saha Langmuir Equation
β - Ionization Efficiency
EI - First Ionization Potential
EA - Electron Affinity
g - partition functions*
Φ - Work function of filament
k - Boltzmann constant
* weighted average of the fraction of neutral, positive or negative atoms in each energy state
A Mass Spectrometer
Credits: DĄBEK and HALAS (2007)
Low concentrations of Re-Os in the crust and mantle
Os studies first carried out using NTIMS in 1989, precise measurements in 1991
Debate on the Re-Os decay constant
The Rhenium-Osmium Clock
187Rhenium is slightly radioactive
187Rhenium converts into 187Osmium when a neutron decays to a proton (β decay)
Half life - 42.3 billion years (~ 10 x age of Earth)
Osmium is compatible (no preference in absence of iron)
Rhenium is highly incompatible
Any rock that undergoes melting in the mantle stops its Re-Os clock
The Rhenium Osmium systematics
The Isochron
Extraterrestrial Occurrence (1) - Crater size
Meteorites add osmium to the sedimentary record
Meteorite osmium hasn't gone through 4 billion years of mantle evolution
Larger pulses of osmium in the record of seafloor sediments point to asteroid impacts
Could be used to find out how big the crater was
Francois Paquay, 2009
Challenge - determine what fraction vaporized and what fraction dissolved in seawater
Within 50% variation of known impact sizes
Source: Paquay, 2007
Extraterrestrial Occurrence (2) - Age of meteorite cores
Meteorite cores contain iron
Re and Os are siderophiles
Age of the meteorite core can be determined
J. J. Shen (1996)
Source: Shen, 1996
Absolute Dating of Mineralization Events
Rb-Sr, Ar-Ar, Sm-Nd, U-Pb dating can not be directly performed on sulfides
Proxies like gangue, wall rock or host rocks are dated
Rhenium-osmium dating performed on molybdenite, a rhenium-enriched sulfide
Suzuki in 1996, Ruiz in 1999, David Selby in 2000s
Source: Selby, 2014
Absolute Dating of Mineralization Events (cotd..)
U-Pb dates give similar age to that of Re-Os dates, Ar-Ar dates are 4-7% younger
Molybdenite and Gold deposition happened nearly at the same time as the crystallization of the pluton in Fort Knox, Alaska
One explanation - Ar-Ar blocking temperature is lower
This study raises questions about interaction of molybdenite with hydrothermal fluids
Dąbek, Józef, and Stanislaw Halas. "PHYSICAL FOUNDATIONS OF RHENIUM-OSMIUM METHOD–A REVIEW." Geochronometria 27.1 (2007): 23-26.
Paquay, François S., et al. "Absence of geochemical evidence for an impact event at the Bølling–Allerød/Younger Dryas transition." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106.51 (2009): 21505-21510.
Selby, David, et al. "Absolute timing of sulfide and gold mineralization: A comparison of Re-Os molybdenite and Ar-Ar mica methods from the Tintina Gold Belt, Alaska." Geology 30.9 (2002): 791-794.
Shen, J. J., D. A. Papanastassiou, and G. J. Wasserburg. "Precise Re Os determinations and systematics of iron meteorites." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 60.15 (1996): 2887-2900.
Walczyk, Thomas, Erhard H. Hebeda, and Klaus G. Heumann. "Osmium isotope ratio measurements by negative thermal ionization mass spectrometry (NTI-MS)." Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry 341.9 (1991): 537-541.