Federico Silva
- One significant Akka App
- Several smaller things in the middle
- Now starting to build on Akka again
What is Akka?
Akka is a toolkit and runtime
for building highly concurrent,
distributed, and resilient
message-driven applications
on the JVM.
What is Akka?
- A toolkit
- A runtime
- JVM based
- Written in Scala
What is Akka?
What is the innovation?
What makes it different and why is it important?
Why is concurrency important?
- Modern CPUs
- Many CPUs
- Many Computers
Why do we need something new?
- Need more control
- Need clear semantics
- Less coupling
- Fault tolerance
- Distribution?
- Threads are not enough
- Neither are thread pools
- or Fork/Join
What is Akka?
What does it bring to the table?
A unified model for concurrency and distribution via the Actor Model
Actor Model
Old concept
"A Universal Modular Actor Formalism for Artificial Intelligence".
Carl Hewitt; Peter Bishop; Richard Steiger (1973).
Actor Model
The actor model in computer science is a mathematical model of concurrent computation that treats
"actors" as the universal primitives of concurrent computation: in response to a message that it
receives, an actor can make local decisions, create more actors, send more messages, and determine how
to respond to the next message received.
Actor Model
Other implementations
- Ruby, Celluloid
- Erlang, language construct, OTP adds features
- .NET, dotsero, Akka.net, MS Orleans
Actor Model
- Message Passing
- Location transparency
- Isolation
- Supervision
- Monitoring
- Dynamic behaviour
Message Passing
Is the basic building block, other features build upon it
- Asynchronous delivery
- Isolation
- Location transparency
Ability to control internal state, run without interference
Location Transparency
Ability to send a message without considering where the recipient is located
Supervision and Monitoring
Actor systems form hierarchies where each node is the supervisor of its children.
Supervision and Monitoring
- Supervisors can delegate long running tasks
- Worker nodes need not consider fault management
- Cooperatively solve problems, under watch from supervisor
- Supervisor gets messages when children die, can restart, kill others
Dynamic Behaviour
An actor can change its own behaviour in response to messages.
Can be though of as a state machine.
Actors in Akka
- Actor Reference
- State
- Behavior
- Mailbox
- Children
- Supervisor Strategy
- When an Actor Terminates
Look at some code
Simple Akka Seed from Activator ©
App from template
Implement Switch Actor
Look at CounterActor
Other Akka modules
- Cluster
- Persistence
- Camel
- Reactive Streams
Akka Cluster
- Remoting
- Routing
- Load Balancing
Akka Persistence
- Evented architectures, CQRS
- Commands, backed by WAL
- Persistence of state, with recovery
Reactive Streams
Better alternative, safer too
What is not SO good?
Dynamic Behaviour!
No help from the type system
Closing over state is not tracked
Invisible Mailbox
Actors? Futures? Both? When?
Too low level
Patterns or good practices
- Minimize work, delegate lengthy work
- Pull don't push
- Ask for flow control
- Use functions to create behaviour, pass state
- Use traits to isolate code
- Use different dispatchers for different sections of the app
Anatomy of an application
Simple Seed
Distributed Workers
Data locality
Modeling data as an actor? CQRS like