On Github rvanlaar / webrtc-presentation
Roland van Laar
Education IT / Consultancy
twitter: @rvanlaar github: rvanlaar roland@micite.net
Javascript Level?
P2P: Browser to Browser
DataChannel AKA P2P websockets
Demo Time: WebSockets
Edu-World Demoserverless: needs STUN/TURN
P2MultiPeer: unless using TURN
Easy to set up
STUN: Session Traversal Utilities for NAT: external IP query
TURN: Traversals Using Relays around NAT: Media relay
ICE: Interactive Connectivity Establishment: IP-addresses
SDP: Session Description Protocol
create RTCPeerConnection object
create an offer (SDP session description) with RTCPeerConnection createOffer() method
calls setLocalDescription() offer
stringify the offer and pass it to Bob
call setRemoteDescription() with Alice's offer
call createAnswer(), and the success callback for this is passed a local session description: Bob's answer
Bob sets the answer as the local description by calling setLocalDescription()
Stringify the answer and pass it to Alice
set Bob's answer with setRemoteDescription()
Spec is still in flux and getting better
Promise based
DataChannel setup changed
adapter.js for WebSockets