On Github rsslldnphy / pathogens-and-parentheses
How we use Clojure in the molecular serotyping of infectious disease
Known as the father of modern surgery
The first to write up the use of vaccination to prevent disease
A huge problem in the developing world, causing:
Pneumonia accounts for the deaths of an estimated 1.3 million children under 5 each year.
40% of those those are caused by Pneumococcal disease.
Pneumococcal disease is the number one vaccine-preventable cause of death in children under 5.
(defn process-upload [db s3 sqs params] (->> (new-analysis params) (uploads/create-upload db s3) (analyses/queue-analysis db s3 sqs)))
(defn process-upload [db s3 sqs params] (->> (new-analysis params) (db/insert-record db) (s3/archive-file s3) (agilent/parse) (s3/record-input s3) (sqs/queue-analysis sqs) (db/update-record db)))
(defprotocol IUploadService (process-upload [this params])) (defrecord UploadService [db s3 sqs] IUploadService (process-upload [this params] (->> (new-analysis params) (db/insert-record db) (s3/archive-file s3) (agilent/parse) (s3/record-input s3) (sqs/queue-analysis sqs) (db/update-record db)))
Web story still feels rough around the edges.
Features you're used to having provided, you find you need to roll your own.
But, we're hopeful that Clojure will prove worth this upfront cost.
{:up [{:create-table :cats :columns [[:id "BIGSERIAL" "PRIMARY KEY"] [:name "TEXT" "NOT NULL"] [:paws "INT"]]}] :down [{:drop-table :cats}]}
I'm @rsslldnphy on Twitter and Github
We're @bugsbio_dev on Twitter and bugsbio on Github
Slides are up at github.com/rsslldnphy/pathogens-and-parentheses
Don't forget to check out Tern at github.com/bugsbio/lein-tern!