Ensemble methods
for data assimilation
Sylvain Robert
- thank you for coming
- give you an idea of what my research is about
- what kind of problems and solutions
- first: motivating application
Convective storms forecasting
heavy rains, hail, flash flooding, etc.
Copyright MattysFlicks - where and when: short-term
- dramatic consequences: heavy rainfalls, flash flooding, tornadoes (not here)
- difficult problem!
- Where do I come into play? good forecast <- good initial conditions = good DA
Goal: predicting convective scale storms
Very important as these events have potentially huge negative impact, such as:
- heavy rainfall
- hail (vineyard)
- tornadoes (not so much here)
- strong winds
- flash flooding
short-term prediction: between 1 and 4 hours
- Good initial condition = Good forecast
- Good data assimilation (DA) = Good initial condition
What is Data Assimilation (DA)?
X_tXt state of the atmosphere at time tt
Y_tYt observation at time tt
- discretization of the 3D domain: the atmosphere
- Horizontal grid and vertical (pressure)
- each cell is itself multidimensional: T, P, etc.
- Final state: all that stack into a giant vector
- Dynamic: propagate Xt in time with model
- best Xt given model and knowledge of how Yt are produced and history of Yt
What is DA for statisticians?
State-space model: Filtering
P(X_t|Y_{1:t}) = ??P(Xt|Y1:t)=??
- how do we model that as statisticans?
- general state-space model
- The true state XX is assumed to be an unobserved Markov process and the measurements Y_tYt are a noisy function of the state
Y_tYt depends on the state only through X_tXt.
- State of Xt given history of observations: filtering
Bayes Filter
Recursive solution
Kalman Filter
Exact solution when:
X_{t} &= A X_{t-1} + \epsilon_t \\\
Y_t &= H X_t + \eta_t
There is an exact solution when everything is linear and Gaussian: the Kalman Filter (invented here at ethz)
,,,There is an exact solution when everything is linear and Gaussian: the Kalman Filter (invented here at ethz)
Bayes Filter
More detail:
P(X_t | Y_{1:t}) &\propto P(Y_t | X_t) P( X_t | Y_{1:t-1} ) \\\
&\propto P(Y_t | X_t) P( X_{t-1} | Y_{1:t-1}) P(X_t | X_{t-1})
X^f_{t} \sim P(X^u_t | X_{t-1})
X^u_{t} \sim P(X_t | X^f_{t}, Y_t)
Kalman Filter
Linear + Gaussian
Kalman (wikipedia)
Exact solution when:
X_{t} &= A X_{t-1} + \epsilon_t \\\
Y_t &= H X_t + \eta_t
Particle Filter
Non-linear + non-Gaussian
Monte-Carlo approximation with:
X_{t} &= f ( X_{t-1} , \epsilon_t) \\\
Y_t &= h(X_t , \eta_t )
Large-scale applications?
- global atmosphere dynamics
- ocean dynamics
- reservoir modelling
Here KF and PF fail, so new ensemble based methods have been developed.
Ensemble Kalman Filter
Kalman Filter + Monte-Carlo
- developed by Evensen in 1994 for ocean dynamics DA
- widely used for large-scale environmental applications
- Ensemble (sample size of ~100)
- low-rank representation of the covariance
Monte Carlo approximation of the Kalman Filter.
Propagate particles using the physical model of the atmosphere (no linearization or any higher-order approximation needed).
To do the update: use the sample covariance (low rank representation, as sample size << dimension of X).
Draw a sample from the Normal distribution with updated mean and covariance.
Stochastic sample or deterministic (with a transform ensuring that the data have exactly the given sample covariance): this is useful as the sample size is very small and Monte Carlo error can be detrimental.
,,,- developed by Evensen in 1994 for ocean dynamics DA
- widely used for large-scale environmental applications
- Ensemble (sample size of ~100)
- low-rank representation of the covariance
Monte Carlo approximation of the Kalman Filter.
Propagate particles using the physical model of the atmosphere (no linearization or any higher-order approximation needed).
To do the update: use the sample covariance (low rank representation, as sample size << dimension of X).
Draw a sample from the Normal distribution with updated mean and covariance.
Stochastic sample or deterministic (with a transform ensuring that the data have exactly the given sample covariance): this is useful as the sample size is very small and Monte Carlo error can be detrimental.
Ensemble Kalman Filter
\mu^p = \text{sample mean}\\
P^p = \text{sample covariance (tapered)} \\
K = PH'(HPH' + R)^{-1}\\
\mu^u = \mu^p + K (y - H\mu^p)\\
P^u = (I - KH)P^p
And the update of particle j can be done as:
X^{u, (j)} = X^{p, (j)} + K (y + \epsilon^{(j)} - HX^{p, (j)})\\
\text{where } \epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, R)
What about the Particle Filter?
Curse of dimensionality
PF is great, as it can handle non-linear system with non-Gaussian noise.
Unfortunately, the number of particles needed for a good approximation grows exponentially with the dimension of the state-space.
For medium-scale applications it is already impossible...
Ensemble Kalman Particle Filter
(Frei & Künsch 2013)
- EnKF update + PF correction
- progressive correction: split likelihood
Idea: First draw the particles toward the observations, but not as much as in the EnKF case. Then resample particles based on how well they fit the data
avoid sample degeneracy, as particles are drawn in the region of higher density.
keep more non-Gaussian features, as the resampling step doesn't depend on normal assumptions
the first update can be done analytically, which allows for an efficient algorithm. Furthermore it avoids to have ties (particles with exactly the same value)
,,,- EnKF update + PF correction
- progressive correction: split likelihood
Idea: First draw the particles toward the observations, but not as much as in the EnKF case. Then resample particles based on how well they fit the data
avoid sample degeneracy, as particles are drawn in the region of higher density.
keep more non-Gaussian features, as the resampling step doesn't depend on normal assumptions
the first update can be done analytically, which allows for an efficient algorithm. Furthermore it avoids to have ties (particles with exactly the same value)
Ensemble Kalman Particle Filter
- The update distribution is decomposed as:
\pi^u(dx) \propto l(x | y)^{1-\gamma} \pi^{u,\gamma} (dx), \quad \pi^{u,\gamma} (dx) \propto l(x | y)^{\gamma} \pi^p(dx)
two-stage procedure:
\pi^p \xrightarrow[]{\text{EnKF}} \pi^{u,\gamma} \xrightarrow[]{\text{PF}} \pi^u
First update: draw the particles toward the observations
Second update: resample according to likelihood
The update is done analytically and sampling is postponed until the very end
Very large-scale applications?
dim of X \approx 10^8 - very short-term
- convective scale
- high-resolution
- very short term = very fast computation (3-4 hrs forecast)
dim of X \approx 10^3 - parallel computation
- by going small scale ;)
- update every grid-point independently (in parallel)
- use only local observations (dim much smaller)
- number of particles/dimension is much higher!
- efficient computation
The algorithm to beat: LETKF
Localized Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter
- Super-efficient
- Computation in parallel
- High-resolution
- Proven track record
- State-of-the-art method
Transform because it uses a special sqrt scheme (not stochastic)
How can we localize the EnKPF?
- Need to localize algorithm
- not so straightforward because of the resampling step
- We developed 2 new algorithms to do so
Problem with localization
- very schematic (not litterally correct)
- local update (in the red circle)
- black line is pulled toward the observations
- With PF, a new particle is sampled locally => discontinuity
Localized EnKPF (1)
- Pros: straighforward + no discontinuities
- Cons: not fully local
\pi^p \xrightarrow[]{\text{Local EnKF}} \pi^{u,\gamma} \xrightarrow[]{\text{Global PF}} \pi^u
- Localized EnKF + Global PF
- Locally adjust the particles
- resample at a global level
Localized EnKPF (2)
Kriging EnKPF (KEnKPF)
- Pro: fully localized
- Con: more difficult to implement
- local EnKPF update
- Kriging sim in a buffer zone around
- no discontinuities
- update blocks in parallel (coloring)
Model hierarchy
- zoo of methods
- x: small/medium/large scale
- y: how much assumption-free
- (KF vs. PF) => EnKF and EnKPF
- localization: order arbitrary
- localized PF? some things going on
Modified SWEQ (Würsch & Craig 2014)
Simplified cloud convection in 1D (dimension: 1000)
- medium scale toy model ~ convection
- x: location (along a line): dx=500m
- cloud => rain, + wind (bottom)
- red dots: observations
- dynamics from SWEQ
- random plumes in wind
,,,- medium scale toy model ~ convection
- x: location (along a line): dx=500m
- cloud => rain, + wind (bottom)
- red dots: observations
- dynamics from SWEQ
- random plumes in wind
Artificial observations
Designed to mimic radar images
- pressure: unobserved
- rain + noise: everywhere with threshold
- rain noise is skewed: (\sqrt{r} + \epsilon)^2
- wind: doppler effect on raindrops (with Gaussian noise)
Modified SWEQ (Würsch & Craig 2014)
Filtering with KEnKPF (ensemble size of 50)
Results: RMSE
root mean-square error of the ensemble median
- assimilation for 1h + 1h forecast
- RMSE of h,r,u
- Ensemble size: 50, nreps: 100
Results: CRPS
maximize sharpness subject to calibration
Calibration refers to the statistical consistency between the distributional forecasts and the observations and is a joint property of the predictions and the events that materialize. Sharpness refers to the concentration of the predictive distributions and is a property of the forecasts only.
,,,Calibration refers to the statistical consistency between the distributional forecasts and the observations and is a joint property of the predictions and the events that materialize. Sharpness refers to the concentration of the predictive distributions and is a property of the forecasts only.
Calibration: consistency beteween forecast and observations
Sharpness: concentration of the predictive distribution
- Distance between the cdf of the forecast and the observation
- Units as original variable
crps(F, x) = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} \{ F(y) - 1(y\geq x) \}^2 dy
taken from eumetcal.orgResults: SAL scores
Structure-Amplitude-Location (Wernli & al. 2008)
Next stage?
COSMO case-study (Lange & Craig 2014)
Idealized setup of a convective situation
dimension of X: 10^8
taken from Lange & Craig 2014- almost real size
- storm over jura in July 2007
- no topography
- 400km x 400km x50layers x 8vars, 2km resolution
- MeteoCH and DWD
Albis and Lema (CSCS)- efficient+fast
- super-computer: in parallel (see pics)
- will I be able to implement them?
- if yes, will they work at this scale?
Open questions
to explore
Localized resampling with dependencies (MRF, coupling)
Non-Gaussian observations
Parameter estimation
Model error
High-dimensional covariance estimation