Rules of engagement
Credit team: Agile manifesto
1. Early & continuous delivery
Demo every second week
- Show off our work
- This is our priority
2. Welcome changes in requirements
Ensure we all understand the impact together
- Agree on the solution
- Agree on the impact
Don't "YES MAN" to business
- Agree that we can do the change
- Assess the impact
3. Deliver working software rapidly
Define acceptance criteria
Size the story correctly
- Don't size the story until you understand the story
Don't arrive at Planning 1 without trying to understand the top 4/5 stories in the backlog
4. Business people and developers work together daily
Build relationships with linked domains
Be transparent - no hidden agenda
Respect the retrospectives
Trust that we will deliver
Trust that we will get the job done
If we aren't talking we don't know the whole story
- The intention can get lost in translation via SMS / email
- Have a conversation
- Invite other domains to stand-ups
7. Working software is the primary measure of progress
Define acceptance criteria
- Agree on what completion is
- Automated testing prevents regression
Defects should make us sad
8. Maintain a constant pace indefinitely
Be honest with size
- We will be happy
- Don't over commit to business
9. Give continuous attention to technical excellence
Add technical improvements to backlog
- Never say never
- Try not to compromise technical excellence
Be disciplined in approach
- Use automated approaches
- Minimise manual intervention
Do we really need it?
- Understand when / how the problem occurs
- Don't develop for the exception
Deliver features that don't require training
We all have a voice
- Autonomy
- Nothing should suck
- Lee doesn't want to dictate
Leverage each other strengths