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First described by Roy Fielding (in his dissertation)
Essentially describes the way the web works
REST is a set of principles that define how Web standards, such as HTTP and URIs, are supposed to be used (which often differs quite a bit from what many people actually do).Stefan-Tilkov (post)
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REST does NOT propose an alternative to the web(like SOAP/WS-*, CORBA, RMI)
REST provides a common and consistent interface based on proper use of HTTP
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"A resource is anything that's important enough to be referenced as a thing in itself." Richardson and Ruby
When manipulating a 'resource' through the standard REST actions, it is done by using a representation of the resource
Blogs and tutorials are everywhere... such as the Rest API Tutorial So... how come so many APIs aren't right?
While REST is "easy", it doesn't answer everything...
Many frameworks provide support that is naive
We've captured best practices within an API Strategy document.(This isn't our 'invention' but simply a gathering of best practices and insights from across the web.)
Provides additional guidance beyond the fundamentals
'restful-api' Grails Plugin
To facilitate development ofnon-trivial, versioned APIs in accordance with our API StrategyA single controller may be used to handle all API requests
class UrlMappings { static mappings = { // Normal REST mappings "/api/$pluralizedResourceName/$id"(controller:'restfulApi') { action = [GET: "show", PUT: "update", DELETE: "delete"] parseRequest = false } "/api/$pluralizedResourceName"(controller:'restfulApi') { action = [GET: "list", POST: "create"] parseRequest = false }
We recommend explicit support for one level of nesting
class UrlMappings { static mappings = { // Also add mappings to support nesting resources one-level "/api/$parentPluralizedResourceName/$parentId/$pluralizedResourceName/$id"(controller:'restfulApi') { action = [GET: "show", PUT: "update", DELETE: "delete"] parseRequest = false } "/api/$parentPluralizedResourceName/$parentId/$pluralizedResourceName"(controller:'restfulApi') { action = [GET: "list", POST: "create"] parseRequest = false }
And if you need to query you can also use POST(useful for complex queries or when criteria is private data)
class UrlMappings { static mappings = { // Using a different URL prefix, we'll add a mapping to // support querying using POST "/qapi/$pluralizedResourceName"(controller:'restfulApi') { action = [GET: "list", POST: "list"] parseRequest = false }
Configuration may be used to 'whitelist' exposed resources
resource 'things' config { representation { mediaTypes = ['application/vnd.hedtech.v1+json', 'application/json'] marshallerFramework = 'json' marshallers { jsonDomainMarshaller { priority = 100 } } jsonExtractor {} } }
...or you can dynamically expose all services
anyResource { representation { mediaTypes = ["application/json"] marshallers { jsonDomainMarshaller { priority = 101 } jsonGroovyBeanMarshaller { priority = 100 } } jsonExtractor {} } }
The plugin ensures proper, consistent HTTP support in accordance with the strategy
Parse request body based on 'Content-Type' header
Respond with format identified in 'Accept' header
Will use:
Controller will delegate to a configured extractor to process a request body into a map before passing it to a service.
resource 'customers' config { representation { mediaTypes = ["application/json"] extractor = new net.hedtech.restfulapi.CustomerExtractor() } }
Three types of extractor interfaces available. Each is responsible for returning a map of properties that the service will use to fulfill the request
Use the RequestExtractor to get access to the request body directly. Used to support alternate data-binding frameworks (google-gson, JAXB, etc).
Can define rules in configuration to extract content from JSON and xml.
resource 'purchase-orders' config { representation { mediaTypes = ["application/json"] jsonExtractor { property 'productId' name 'productNumber' property 'customers.name' name 'lastName' property 'orderType' defaultValue 'standard' } } } `
Applied to input
{ "productId":"123", "quantity":50, "customers":[ {"name":"Smith"}, {"name":"Jones"} ] }
Results in the map
['productNumber':'123', 'quantity':50, 'orderType':'standard', customers':[['lastName':'Smith'], ['lastName':'Jones'] ]
Can flatten maps for compatibility with grails data binding
resource 'purchase-orders' config { representation { mediaTypes = ["application/json"] jsonExtractor { property 'customer' flatObject true } } }
Applied to
{"orderId":123, "customer": { "name":"Smith" "id":456, "phone-number":"555-555-5555" } }
Will result in the map
['orderId':123, 'customer.name':'Smith', 'customer.id':456, 'customer.phone-number':'555-555-5555']
The controller delegates to a service based on naming conventions (or configuration)
/course-sections/2351 --> CourseSectionService
Establishes a contract for services
def list(Map params) def count(Map params) def show(Map params) def create(Map content, Map params) def update(def id, Map content, Map params) void delete(def id, Map content, Map params)
(but you may configure a 'ServiceAdapter' Spring bean to adapt the contract)
Filter lists using query parameters or within a POST body
?filter[0][field]=description&filter[1][value]=6322& filter[0][operator]=contains&filter[1][field]=thing& filter[1][operator]=eq&filter[0][value]=science&max=50
Helper class may be used within your service to generate HQL (but it is not a sophisticated query engine)
def query = HQLBuilder.createHQL( application, params ) def result = Thing.executeQuery( query.statement, query.parameters, params )
'POST' queries should use a separate URI (e.g., '/qapi' vs. '/api')
Built-in exception handling for:
*'ApplicationException' allows your services to specify how an exception should be handled.
The plugin ensures proper, consistent HTTP support in accordance with the strategy
Response bodies contain either:
'Envelope' information is contained in headers
Content-Type X-hedtech-Media-Type <-- the 'actual' content type X-hedtech-message <-- localized message X-Status-Reason <-- Optionally returned w/ 400 response ETag Last-Modified X-hedtech-totalCount <-- paging X-hedtech-pageOffset X-hedtech-pageMaxSize
resource 'customers' config { representation { mediaTypes = ["application/json"] marshallers { jsonDomainMarshaller { includesFields { field 'firstName' field 'lastName' field 'customerNo' name 'customerID' } } } } }
{"id":74,"version":0,"firstName":"John", "lastName":"Smith","customerID":"12345"}
jsonDomainMarshallerTemplates { template 'domainAffordance' config { additionalFields { map -> map['json'].property("_href", "/${map['resourceName']}/${map['resourceId']}" ) } } }
resource 'customers' config { representation { mediaTypes = ["application/json"] marshallers { jsonDomainMarshaller { inherits = ['domainAffordance'] includesFields { field 'firstName' field 'lastName' field 'customerNo' name 'customerID' } } } } }
{"id":74,"version":0,"firstName":"John","lastName":"Smith", "customerID":"12345","_href":"/customers/74"}
resource 'purchase-orders' config { representation { mediaTypes = ["application/json"] marshallers { jsonDomainMarshaller { includesFields { field 'poNumber' field 'customer' deep false } } } } }
{"id":74, "version":0, "poNumber":12345, "customer":"/customers/123" }
resource 'purchase-orders' config { representation { mediaTypes = ["application/json"] marshallers { jsonDomainMarshaller { supports PurchaseOrder includesFields { field 'poNumber' field 'customer' deep true } } jsonDomainMarshaller { supports Customer includesVersion false includesFields { field 'lastName' field 'firstName' field 'phone' } } } } }
{"id":74, "version":0, "poNumber":12345, "customer": { "id":123 "lastName":"Smith" "firstName":"John" "phone":"555-555-5555" } }
marshallerGroups { group 'customer' marshallers { jsonDomainMarshaller { supports Customer includesFields { field 'lastName' field 'firstName' field 'phone' } } } }
resource 'purchase-orders' config { representation { mediaTypes = ["application/json"] marshallers { jsonDomainMarshaller { supports PurchaseOrder includesFields { field 'poNumber' field 'customer' deep true } } marshallerGroup 'customer' } } }
(Support for POJOs coming in the future, if needed.)
Object marshalObject(Object o, RepresentationConfig config)
Use ical4j library to create and marshall calendars
import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.* import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.property.* class CalendarService{ def show( Map params ) { def builder = new ContentBuilder() def calendar = builder.calendar() { prodid('-//John Smith//iCal4j 1.0//EN') version('2.0') vevent() { uid('1') dtstamp(new DtStamp()) dtstart('20090810', parameters: parameters() { value('DATE')}) action('DISPLAY') attach('http://example.com/attachment', parameters: parameters() { value('URI')}) } } calendar.validate() calendar } }
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder import net.hedtech.restfulapi.config.RepresentationConfig /** * A demonstration class for custom marshalling of iCalendar objects. * In this case, we are using ical4j, so we only need to invoke * toString on the passed objects. */ class ICalendarMarshallingService { @Override String marshalObject(Object o, RepresentationConfig config) { if (!(o instanceof net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Calendar)) { throw new Exception("Cannot marshal instances of" + o.getClass().getName()) } return o.toString() } }
Define the calendar resource and representation using the custom marshalling service
resource 'calendars' config { methods = ['show'] representation { mediaTypes = ['text/calendar'] contentType = 'text/calendar' marshallerFramework = 'ICalendarMarshallingService' } }
curl -i --noproxy localhost -H "Accept: text/calendar" http://localhost:8080/test-restful-api/api/calendars/1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 ETag: c44e6bb0-703f-4b39-9f5c-627aedbebc71 Last-Modified: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 15:04:32 GMT X-hedtech-Media-Type: text/calendar X-hedtech-message: Details for the calendar resource Content-Type: text/calendar;charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 15:04:32 GMT BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//John Smith//iCal4j 1.0//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1 DTSTAMP:20130724T150432Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20090810 ACTION:DISPLAY ATTACH;VALUE=URI:http://example.com/attachment END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Significant test code
Written in Spock (BDD framework)
Plugin includes abstract Spock spec class to streamline functional testing of REST APIs
Git Repo: https://github.com/restfulapi/restful-api (git clone https://github.com/restfulapi/restful-api.git)
CI Server: (Currently using Jenkins within Ellucian; we'll try to move this soon)
README: https://github.com/restfulapi/restful-api/blob/master/README.md
Strategy: https://github.com/restfulapi/api-strategy/blob/master/README.md
JIRA: (Currently using JIRA within Ellucian)