Metadata Technologies Manager Presentation – Sam Popowich

Metadata Technologies Manager Presentation – Sam Popowich

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Metadata Technologies Manager Presentation

Sam Popowich

January 28, 2016

This position will lead the selection and implementation of a new Library Services Platform. How would you tackle this work?

What is a Library Services Platform (LSP)?

  • Next generation of ILS
  • Cloud/SaaS (Software-as-a-Service)
  • Meant to be comprehensive
  • Print and digital workflows...
  • ... for print and digital collections.

Understanding what an LSP is clarifies

  • Who are the primary stakeholders / who will be affected
  • Technological considerations
  • Project scope
  • Communications and training
  • Relationship of the project to the strategic plan

Mission Statement

The mission of the University of Toronto Libraries is to foster the search for knowledge and understanding in the University and the wider community. To this end, we shall provide innovative services and comprehensive access to information founded upon our developing resources as one of the leading research libraries in the world.

Strategic Priorities

Project Management

Project management helps to tie a project to strategic priorities.

  • Hybrid approach
  • Traditional project management (e.g. PMP)
  • Agile/Scrum

Three Overlapping Preparation Areas

  • Team formation
  • Technical planning
  • Communications and Training

Team Formation

  • Who needs to be involved?
  • Who are the stakeholders?
  • RACI
    (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed)
  • Agile/Scrum

Technical Planning

  • Relates to team formation
  • Requirement gathering
  • Collections and Metadata (remediation, mapping, etc)
  • Communication with vendors (presentations, RFQs)
  • Staff training

Communication and Training

  • Transparency
  • Consultation
  • Training and Support

Initial preparation, consultation, documentation allows...

  • Time, cost, and capacity estimation
  • Proper selection of the LSP
  • Transparency
  • Gauging progress
  • Documentation of decision-making
  • Requirement satisfaction
  • Avoiding scope creep
  • Adherence to the strategic priorities

Thank You