Teacher provides labeled examples
No teacher to provide examples
Agent only reveives reward for taking an action
Got a large set of data all at once and selects single hypothesis
Receives one example at once and continually modifies its hypothesis
Data Structures that provide an agent with means of classifying examples
Decision tree is just a compiled set of rules
if name == 'Daniel Soto': idiot else: not idiot
Here we will just use titanic data set as example
We would like attributes that "split" the training set
How do we know which test attribute provides us the best information
You can compute the information content by the following formula:
Example of coin flip:−12log2(12)+−12log2(12)=1
Sometimes Information Content is also called Entropy
We want to know how valuable each possible test is
If training set has p positive examples and n negative examples, the information in a correct answer is:
The remainder is the sum of the information in each of these subsets
Difference between original information(before the test) and new information(after the test)
Choose the the test attribute having the largest information gain.
def makeTree(dataset) : if all data are in the same class : return a single Node with that classification if there are no attributes left to test: return a single Node with majority classification else : select the attribute that produces the largest information gain split the dataset according to the values of this attribute to create $v$ smaller datasets. create a new Node - each child will be created by calling makeTree with one on the $v$ subsets.
header, data = create_numpy_array_from_csv(csv_file_path='train.csv') S = data[0::, 2:] # Cut out survived column # tons of process between Y = data[0::, 0] decision_tree_classifer = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth = 6) decision_tree_classifer = decision_tree_classifer.fit(S, Y)
In decision trees, overfitting is dealt with through pruning.
If a node does not provide any information, then remove the node and move the examples to the parent.