On Github rchr / slides_ghg_gfz
Thursday: General introduction into tools and workflows
Friday: Practical hands-on session
Application independent geospatial information model
International OGC standard
Different thematic areas (buildings, water, vegetation, bridges etc.)
CityGML represents
Data model (UML) and exchange format (based on GML3)
Coherent aggregation of spatial and semantical components
(Recursive) composition of building parts
Thematic surfaces (roof, wall, etc. surfaces) [from LOD2]
Building installations (stairs, balconies) [from LOD2]
Openings (doors, windows) [from LOD3]
Rooms and furniture [from LOD4]
CityGML datasets may become very large
--> Use database to work with!
Multiple simultaneous changes to data (concurrency)
Data changes on a regular basis
Large data sets where you only need some observations/ variables
Share huge data set among many people (data consistency in a working group!)
Rapid queries
Web interfaces to data, especially dynamic data
Data bases are collections of tables (2D with columns and rows)
Very good for combining information from several tables
E.g., select all buildings located in Berlin
3D City Database (3DCityDB)
3D City Database Importer/Exporter
Free 3D geo database
Enables to store, represent, and manage virtual 3D city models
Realized as relational database schema for:
May appear complex in the beginning (60 tables)
Tables are strucuted logically
You probably do not use all tables
--> 3DCityDB not as complex as it seems!
Subset of the building schema
Source: 3DCityDB v3.0.0 DocumentationRelational Database Management System (RDBMS)
Open Source
Strong reputation for reliability, data integrity and correctness
Very good documentation
Runs on Linux, Unix (MacOS, BSD), Windows
pgAdmin as GUI for administration
Console command (psql -h hostaddress -U db_name)
GUI (pgadmin)
Interfaces to programming languages (R, python, Java, etc.)
Create Database
Insert Data
INSERT INTO mesurements VALUES('2014-09-01', 10.456);
Edit Data
UPDATE measurements SET value = value + 1;
Query Data
SELECT value FROM measurements;
SELECT value FROM measurements WHERE date > '2013-01-01';
Summary and Computations
SELECT MAX(value) AS max_val FROM measurements WHERE date > '2013-01-01'
Includes most SQL:2008 data types, including INTEGER, NUMERIC, BOOLEAN, CHAR, VARCHAR, DATE, INTERVAL, and TIMESTAMP
Supports storage of binary large objects, including pictures, sounds, or video
Diverse native programming interfaces (C/C++, Java, .Net, Perl, Python, ... )
Console command (psql -h hostaddress -U db_name)
GUI (pgadmin)
Interfaces to programming languages (R, python, Java, etc.)
Create Database
Insert Data
INSERT INTO mesurements VALUES('2014-09-01', 10.456);
Edit Data
UPDATE measurements SET value = value + 1;
Query Data
SELECT value FROM measurements;
SELECT value FROM measurements WHERE date > '2013-01-01';
Summary and Computations
SELECT MAX(value) AS max_val FROM measurements WHERE date > '2013-01-01'
Spatial extension for PostgreSQL
Support for spatial objects (geometry, geography, raster)
Spatial predicates (interaction of geometries)
Multi-dimensional spatial indexing
Select cities with certain area and population
SELECT name, pop FROM cities WHERE pop < 300000 AND ST_Area(cities.the_geom) < 400000000;
Select houses located in the suburbs
SELECT houses.* FROM houses, suburbs WHERE ST_Intersects(houses.geom, suburbs.geom);
The geometry is stored in a extra column, usually termed geom or the_geom, all based the following link
Uses Well-Known Binary (WKB) and Well-Known Text (WKT) Representations defined by OGC
Processing and analytic functions for both vector and raster data (e.g. splicing, dicing, morphing, reclassifying, and unioning)
Raster map algebra
Functions for spatial reprojection
Support for ESRI shapefile vector data (+ more formats via 3rd-party tools)
Rendering raster data in various standard formats GeoTIFF, PNG, JPG, NetCDF, ...
Seamless raster/vector functions for extrusion of pixel values by geometric region, running stats by region, clipping rasters by a geometry, and vectorizing rasters
3D object support, spatial index, and functions
Network topology
Functions to work with the geom column
Getting the CRS of the table/layer
SELECT ST_SRID(geom) FROM catchments;
Re-project geometry into a different CRS
UPDATE subbasins SET geom = ST_TRANSFORM(geom, 4326);
Select cities with certain area and population
SELECT name, pop FROM cities WHERE pop < 300000 AND ST_Area(cities.the_geom) < 400000000;
Select houses located in the suburbs
SELECT houses.* FROM houses, suburbs WHERE ST_Intersects(houses.geom, suburbs.geom);
Front-end for 3D city database
Allows importing and exporting of CityGML data into/from 3DCityDB
Allows export in KML and COLLADA for visualization
Offers GUI and CLI
Previously known as Quantum GIS
Open source Geographic Information System (GIS)
Integration of PostGIS and GRASS
Runs on Linux, Unix, MacOS, Windows, Android
Supports many vector, raster, and database formats and functionalities
Customizable via plugins (C++, Python)
550.000 buildings on about 890 sqkm
LOD2 building models with facade textures
Can be downloaded and used as part of Berlin's Open Data Initiative
Berlin 3D - Download Portal
is fundamental for efficient
Normalisation is the formalisation of the design process of making a database compliant with the concept of a Normal Form.
It addresses various ways in which we may look for repeating data values in a table.
There are several levels of the Normal Form, and each level requires that the previous level be satisfied.
The normalization process is based on collecting an exhaustive list of all data items to be maintained in the database and starting the design with a few "superset" tables.
For best results, start with a reasonable breakdown of all attributes in different tables
Reduce entities to first normal form (1NF) by removing repeating or multivalued attributes to another, child entity.
Basically, make sure that the data is represented as a (proper) table.
While key to the relational principles, this is somewhat a motherhood statement.
However, there are six properties of a relational table (the formal name for "table" is "relation"):
Entries in columns are single-valued. Entries in columns are of the same kind. Each row is unique. Sequence of columns is insignificant. Sequence of rows is insignificant. Each column has a unique name.The most common sins against the first normal form (1NF) are the lack of a Primary Key and the use of "repeating columns."
Reduce first normal form entities to second normal form (2NF) by removing attributes that are not dependent on the whole primary key.
The purpose here is to make sure that each column is defined in the correct table. Using the more formal names may make this a little clearer. Make sure each attribute is kept with the entity that it describes.
Reduce second normal form entities to third normal form (3NF) by removing attributes that depend on other, non-key attributes (other than alternative keys).
This basically means that we shouldn't store any data that can either be derived from other columns or belong in another table
* for more background and guidance code guru
Create Database
Create 3D City Database
Import City Model
Inspect Database with pgAdmin
Export building data with QGIS
WITH groundSurfaces AS ( SELECT thematic_surface.* FROM citydb.thematic_surface INNER JOIN citydb.objectclass ON objectclass.id = thematic_surface.objectclass_id WHERE classname='BuildingGroundSurface' ), surfaceGeometries AS ( SELECT * FROM citydb.surface_geometry INNER JOIN groundSurfaces ON groundSurfaces.lod2_multi_surface_id = surface_geometry.parent_id WHERE geometry IS NOT NULL ), heights AS ( SELECT measured_height, surfaceGeometries.* FROM citydb.building INNER JOIN surfaceGeometries ON building.id = surfaceGeometries.building_id ) SELECT row_number() OVER() As id, building_id, measured_height, ST_Force2d(geometry) AS footprint FROM heights;
Footprint provided by Gerardo Fratini!
Low Carbon City Lab
Information View
Focus for tomorrow?
Open presentation so that you can copy paste needed commands!
Eddy Footprint with 3D City Model
Footprint provided by Gerardo Fratini!
Multiple simultaneous changes to data (concurrency)
Data changes on a regular basis
Large data sets where you only need some observations/ variables
Share huge data set among many people (data consistency in a working group!)
Rapid queries
Web interfaces to data, especially dynamic data
Start Virtual Machine
Create Database
Create 3D City Database
Import City Model
Inspect Database with pgAdmin
Export building data with QGIS
Open VirtualBox
Import virtual machine:
Start virtual machine
We use PostgreSQL as database management system
Open source
SQL based
Use it by console, GUI (pgAdmin), or programming interfaces (R, Python, Java, ...)
PostGIS adds spatial functionalities
Execute following statement as PostgreSQL admin:
... and to enable PostGIS:
It is already done on the VM! \o/
The 3DCityDB is a relational database schema
Schema results from a mapping of the object-oriented data model of CityGML to the relational data model of the RDBMS
Schema is like a 'blueprint' of the database
That means, the database structure is created, no data is added!
To create 3DCity DB:
Start 'Terminal Emulator'
cd /home/ghg/Documents/3DCityDB-3.0.0-postgis/PostgreSQL/SQLScripts/ psql ghg_handson -f CREATE_DB.sql
Coordinates of Berlin's city model defined in:
Setup requires user input:
GML conformant URN encoding for gml:srsName attributes:urn:ogc:def:crs,crs:EPSG::25833,crs:EPSG::5783
Path to CityGML file:
pgAdmin provides an interface/gui to:
Administration of the DBAsk for all building greater than height X
Open the sql-query window
Similar to DB connectors shipped with common Office suites (e.g. MS the evil Office and Librethe brave Office)
interface to restrict table attributes
Open QGIS Desktop
Add new database:
Click on the PostGIS logo (Elephant)
Select 'New'
Open 'Database' > 'DB Manager' > 'DB Manager'
Select database 'ghg_handson' and open 'SQL window'
Execute following query:
WITH groundSurfaces AS ( SELECT thematic_surface.* FROM citydb.thematic_surface INNER JOIN citydb.objectclass ON objectclass.id = thematic_surface.objectclass_id WHERE classname='BuildingGroundSurface' ), surfaceGeometries AS ( SELECT * FROM citydb.surface_geometry INNER JOIN groundSurfaces ON groundSurfaces.lod2_multi_surface_id = surface_geometry.parent_id WHERE geometry IS NOT NULL ), heights AS ( SELECT measured_height, surfaceGeometries.* FROM citydb.building INNER JOIN surfaceGeometries ON building.id = surfaceGeometries.building_id ) SELECT row_number() OVER() As id, building_id, measured_height, ST_Force2d(geometry) AS footprint FROM heights;
Query stored in file:
Select 'Load as new layer'
'Column with unique integer values' : 'id'
'Geometry column' : 'footprint'
Example building:
Do a right-click onto the layer:
Live coding examples are provided here:https://gist.github.com/sluedtke/c69b545a0937f560245f