Push your best and pull improvements – My experiences in open source development

Push your best and pull improvements – My experiences in open source development

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My presentation at KRUG (Krakow Ruby User Group)

On Github rafaelcaricio / krug_push_your_best_presentation

Push your best and pull improvements

My experiences in open source development

by Rafael Caricio / @rafaelcaricio

Who am I?

  • Web developer
  • Work at Lunar Logic
  • Brazilian discovering the other side of the world
colocar alguma coisa sobre os projetos que eu faco parte do core-team e como me achar online.

Why Poland?

What have I already done in open source?

BAD experiences in open source

  • pull requests which don't get accepted
  • bad feedback from the core developers
  • closed groups inside the projects
  • abandoned projects

GOOD experiences in open source

Your pull request gets accepted GOOD experiences in open source

Your project gets a good feedback GOOD experiences in open source

Make friends and have fun GOOD experiences in open source

Get help in your projects GOOD experiences in open source

Spread your ideas to the world GOOD experiences in open source

Many other things... GOOD experiences in open source

How can you start? There is nothing special

All projects need help

  • GitHub is amazing
  • search for projects you like
  • look for open issues
  • send your pull request

Open source your existing project

  • help from the community
  • bugs that you could never imagine
  • see how your project behaves in differents user cases

We want to help you!

And I'm sure that we can amaze you! ;)


Thank you!

Rafael Caricio @rafaelcaricio on GitHub

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