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Talk given to Bestinvest - Some Basic subject matter on JQuery

On Github quintons / jquery-talk-basics

Basics of JQuery...

Twitter: #quintons Github: https://github.com/quintons Stackoverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/users/684855/quinton 'The most misunderstood language has become the worlds most popular programming language'Douglas Crockford - Javascript architect, yahoo Q: How do you comfort a JavaScript bug? A: You console it!

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In the beginning


$("id_of_element").setStyle({color: "#ffffff"});
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In the beginning

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In the beginning...code before...

example of a function fetching an elements font size

    function getStyle(oElm, sCssRule){
        var val;
        if(document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle){
            var style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(oElm, "");
                val = style.getPropertyValue(sCssRule);
                console.log('unable to find element');
        }else if(oElm.currentStyle){
            sCssRule = sCssRule.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function(sMatch, p1){
                return p1.toUpperCase();
            val = oElm.currentStyle[sCssRule];
        if(val === undefined){
            console.log('unable to find style "' + sCssRule + '" on passed element.');
        return val;

calling the function...

var fStyle = getStyle(document.getElementById("container"), "font-size");
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In the beginning...then came...(JQuery)

accessing the elements font size...

var fStyle = $("container").css("font-size");
// fStyle = font-size of 'container' element

'Code less, Do more'John Resig

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'$' demistified

different ways of accessing the jquery object...

// using the jquery/$ object
var mySelector = jQuery("selector");

var mySelector = $("selector");

// under the hood
window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery;

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Working with Selectors

Other ways to create a jQuery object

// create a jquery object from a DOM element
var jqObj = $(document.body.children[0]);

// make a selection in the context of a DOM element
var jqObj = $('ul.myclass li', document.body.children[0]);

// make a selection within a previous selection
var jqObj = $('a', $('p'));

Getting an element from a selection

var items = $('ul.myclass li');
var jsObj = $('ul.myclass li').get(0);
var html = jsObj.innerHTML;

If you try this it will fail

var html = jsObj.html(); // jsObj is a DOM object 'not' a jq object
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Working with Selectors...


accessing single elements from a list

var items = $('ul.myclass li');
var secondItem = items.eq(1); // eq() returns a jq object of a single element

Checking if a list exist then Looping over the UL list of LI's

if(items.length > 0){
    // there are 1 or more li's in the ul
    items.each(function(index, elem){
        // this: current context, raw DOM element of li
        // index: the current elements index
        // elem: same as this
        $(elem).prepend('<b>' + index + '</b>'); // inserts into each li item '<b>[n]</b>'

Create/Add elements in the DOM

Creating an element

// creates a new p element
var pObj = $('p');

// creates a p element with text
var pObj = $('<p>this is some text<p/>');

// creates a p element with text, a class and inline style
var pObj = $('<p class="someClass" style="text-align:left">this is some text</p>')
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Create/Add elements in the DOM

Add an element

take the following html

<div class="someClass">
    <h4>Insert element before/after</h4>
    <div class="content">my content goes here</div>

If we execute the following jquery...

$('<p>some text</p>').insertAfter('.someClass div'); // there is also insertBefore() method

the HTML will change to...

<div class="someClass box">
    <h4>Insert element after</h4>
    <div class="content">my content goes here</div>
    <p class="blue">some text after</p>
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Clone elements in the DOM

The clone method performs a deep copy of a set of elements, it copies the matched elements as well as all of there descendant elements and text nodes. Any events or user data applied to elements being cloned, will be set to there defaults and not be included.

take the following html

<div class="someClass">
    <h2>some heading</h2>
    <div class="content">my content</div>

the HTML will change to...

<div class="someClass">
    <h2>some heading</h2>
    <div class="content">my content</div>
    <div class="content">my content</div>
- Clone element with bound data and/or event handlers (next)

Clone elements in the DOM

Clone element with bound data and/or event handlers

Remember if you clone an element with an ID attribute, this is supposed to be unique in the DOM.

<button>Lets Clone!</button>
<div class="someClass">
    <div class="myElement">my content</div>
<div class="container"></div>
    var elem = $('.someClass');
    elem.data('names' , ['john', 'ben', 'paul']);

    $('button').on('click', function(){
        // passes true (withDataAndEvents attribute) to clone data and events
        return false;

    $('.someClass').on('click', function(){
        var dataResult = elem.data('names');
        dataResult.forEach(function(ele, idx){
- id on cloned element, produce duplicate id's

Delete elements in the DOM

remove(), empty(), detach()

using remove() you will remove an element from the DOM including 'any' attached events/data

<ul class="container">
    <li><p>content&nbsp;<a href="#link">a link</a></p></li>
$('ul.container li').on('click', function(){
    // does an '<a>' tag exist in the clicked on li?
    if($(this).find('a').length > 0){
        // removes element that contains an '<a>' tag, including its click event handler

the HTML will change to...

<ul class="container">

Delete elements in the DOM

remove(), empty(), detach()

using empty() you will remove all child nodes inside matched elements

<ul class="container">
    <li><p>content&nbsp;<a href="#link">a link</a></p></li>

the HTML will change to...

<ul class="container">

Delete elements in the DOM

remove(), empty(), detach()

using detach() is the same as remove() the exception is that it will not delete all the data/event handlers associated with the matched elements.

<div class="myDetail">
    <p>Foo bar</p>
<a href="#" class="button">remove</a>
$('.myDetail p').on('click', function(){
    alert('my name is ' + $(this).html())

var detail;
$('a.button').on('click', function(){
    var that = $(this); // grab the JQ object
        detail.appendTo('.myDetail'); // append detail to container
        detail = null;
        detail = $('.myDetail p').detach(); // detach element from dom, not the event handler
    } return false;


basic chaining

$('ul.someClass li').click(function(){
}).find('span').attr('title', 'I am a title')

better way...

var someClassList = $('ul.someClass li');
var someClassSpans = someClassList.find('span');


someClassSpans.attr('title', 'I am a title');

Basics of Traversing

take the following

    <li class="last">bar</li>
  • the first list item is a child of the parent list
  • the <ul> is a parent of both list items
  • the <span> is a descendant of the unordered-list
  • the <b> is a child of the <span> inside the first list item
  • the unordered list is an ancestor of everything inside of it
  • the two list items are siblings
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Basics of Traversing

take the following

    <li class="last">bar</li>

Filter your selections

// grab all li's under the unordered list
var items = $('ul li');

// filter out only li's with class 'last'
var last = items.filter('.last');

// filter out li's 'not' having class 'last'
var notLast = items.not('.last');

// filter selection to only ones that have a span
var hasSpan = items.has('span')
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Basics of Traversing

take the following

    <li class="last">bar</li>

Traversing the DOM

var item = $('ul li').last(); // get last element in unordered list
var item = $('ul li').first(); // get first element in unordered list

// get siblings of the item (first li element, the '<span><b>foo</b></span>' as a JQ object)
var siblings = item.siblings();

var nextSibling = item.next(); // get next li in unordered list

var list = item.parent(); // get li's parent, the ul

var items = list.children(); // get children of ul, all li's

var module = items.closest('.last'); // get closest li with class 'last'
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Manipulation - elements & attributes

take the following

    <li class="last">bar</li>

altering classes & styling

$('li:first-child').addClass('hidden'); // add class hidden
$('ul li').eq(1).removeClass('last'); // remove class last from 2nd li

// adds hidden class if not present, removes hidden class if it is present
$('ul li').eq(1).toggleClass('hidden');

// changes the CSS on an element
$('ul li span').css({
    font-family: 'helvetica',
    color: '#000'
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Manipulation - elements & attributes

take the following form

<form id="convert">
    <span>$</span><input value="" type="text" class="sum" />
    <select id="currencies">
        <option value="dollar" selected>pound</option>
        <option value="yen">yen</option>
    <input value="submit" type="button" class="submit" />
$('input.submit').on('click', function(){
    var sum = $('input[type="text"]').val(); // gets value from text box
    var currencyType = $('select.currencies').val(); // gets value from select option
    var res = calculate(sum, currencyType); // performs some currency conversion calculation
    return false;
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Manipulation - elements & attributes

other form elements

<input type="checkbox" name="cbfoo" value="foo"> foo
<input type="checkbox" name="cbfoo" value="bar"> bar
<input type="radio" name="rbar" value="foo"> foo
<input type="radio" name="rbar" value="bar"> bar
// Get the value from a checked checkbox
$( "input:cbfoo:checked" ).val();

// Get the value from a set of radio buttons
$( "input:radio[name=rbar]:checked" ).val();
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Styling elements

coming back to the html before

    <li class="last">bar</li>
// set color on li
$('ul li').css('color', 'black');

// set color and font size on li
$('ul li').css({
    color: 'black',
    fontSize: '10px'

// get color from li
var myColor = $('ul li').css('color');

// add class to element
$('ul li:first-child').addClass('item');

// remove class from element
$('ul li:first-child').removeClass('item');

// has class on element
var found = $('ul li:first-child').hasClass('item'); // returns true/false
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Styling elements

    <li class="last">bar</li>
$('ul li').on('mouseenter', function(){
        backgroudColor: 'black',
}).on('mouseleave', function(){
        backgroundColor: 'none',

// or you can use the hover() method like so...
$('ul li').hover(function(){
    // mouseenter
}, function(){
    // mouseleave
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Basics of Event handling

Native event name Shorthand method click .click() keydown .keydown() keypress .keypress keyup .keyup() mouseover .mouseover() mouseout .mouseout() mouseenter .mouseenter() mouseleave .mouseleave() scroll .scroll() focus .focus() blur .blur() resize .resize() This will be my notes

Basics of Event handling

// bind an event
$(selectors).on([eventType], callBackMethod);

// removing an event

// bind a click event to an li element
$('li').on('click', function(evt){
    // ...code

// remove a click event

Name spacing events

// bind a namespaced click event to li elements
$('li').on('click.menu', function(){
    // ...code

// remove a namespaced click event from li elements
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Basics of Event handling

Multiple events

$('li').on('click.menu mouseenter.menu', function(){
    // ...code

$(window).on('resize.foo scroll.bar', function(){
    // ...code

Passing named functions as events

var myHandler = function(){
    // ...code

$('li.last').on('click', myHandler);
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Basics of Event handling

The event object

$( document ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
  console.log( event.type );    // The event type, eg. "click"
  console.log( event.which );   // The button or key that was pressed.
  console.log( event.target );  // The originating element.
  console.log( event.pageX );   // The document mouse X coordinate.
  console.log( event.pageY );   // The document mouse Y coordinate.

Prevent the default action

$('a.button').on('click', function(){
    // prevents the default click action
    // ...code
    console.log('I was just clicked...')
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Basics of Animations

Built in effects

  • .show([duration], [easing], [completeCallback])
  • .hide([duration], [easing], [completeCallback])
  • .fadeIn([duration], [easing], [completeCallback])
  • .fadeOut([duration], [easing], [completeCallback])
  • .slideDown([duration], [easing], [completeCallback])
  • .slideUp([duration], [easing], [completeCallback])
  • .slideToggle([duration], [easing], [completeCallback])

Basics of Animations

Examples of inbuilt animations

$('.hidden').show('fast', function(){
    console.log('animation complete!');

$('.hidden').hide(1000, function(){
    console.log('animation complete!')



removing an element using the 'this' keyword

$('ul.myClass li:first-child').hide('slow', function(){

Basics of Animations

Custom effects using 'animate()'

// signature
animate(properties, [duration], [easing], [completeCallback]);

Example of its use

$( "p" ).animate({
  height: 200,
  width: 400,
  opacity: 0.5
}, 1000, "linear", function() {
  console.log('animation complete!')
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Material references