Created by Pranav Garg / @pg2286
In it's current state would not last beyond 2033.
Yes. One now have the flexibility to decide investment amount, when and where to invest.
What about if I lost everything like what happened in 2008 or dot com burst. I don't have enough. (Check if you are buying things you want or you need) I have lot of time to do planning.
Don't worry we will go over it in a minute.
A company who invests in buying stocks/equities or bonds of publicly traded companies on S&P or other indices. As a consumer one just buy shares of these companies.
In simple terms its an I-Owe-yoU agreement between two parties. Is regarded less risky than equities.
25 times your annual salary or atleast 1 million.
Atleast 20% from your paycheck.
As early as possible, so one can harness power of compounding.
% of stock investments = 100 - Age Stocks provide more growth however but they are also volatile.
$17500 (401k/403b) and $5500 (Roth/Traditional IRA)
(401k/403b) are offered by employers usually and sometimes they give free money away.
Always opt for Roth IRA as one doesn't pay taxes on future earnings.
Buying a combination of stocks, mutual funds and bonds.
Happy Investing BY Pranav Garg
Without Sharon's help, I wouldn't have discovered Reveal.js. It really blew my mind.