What Panels can Teach us About Web Components – Steve Persch – Defining the terms

What Panels can Teach us About Web Components – Steve Persch – Defining the terms

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Slides for https://events.drupal.org/losangeles2015/sessions/what-panels-can-teach-us-about-web-components

On Github palantirnet / slides-panels-web-components

What Panels can Teach us About Web Components

Presented by Steve Persch (@stevector)

Steve Persch

Senior Engineer and Team Lead at Palantir.net

@stevector on Twitter

Defining the terms

What are Web Components?

...a W3C specification that allow for the creation of reusable widgets or components in web documents and web applications. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Components

An (extremely) abbreviated history of HTML

Before HTML5

The Select Element

Los AngelesAustinPortlandAmsterdamPragueMunich

Los AngelesAustinPortlandAmsterdamPragueMunich
Imagine how hard it would be to make a select element in the 1990s or 2000s if it didn't exist. How hard to style.


Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio element.

Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio element.

After 10ish years of debate. Usage of HTML5 elements is normal. Easier to imagine getting by without them. Easier to customize.

After HTML5:Web Components


X-Gif Web Component

You don't need them. Customization/Extension is built in.

Separating the definition of an element from the usage

Don't write code. Use Drupal. Lots of code defines the element Very little to invoke
├── layout.html
├── platform.js
├── polymer.html
├── polymer.js
├── polymer.js.map
├── x-gif.angular.js
├── x-gif.css
├── x-gif.html
├── x-gif.js
└── x-gif.local.html

Proof of Concept in Drupal

< ? php print $front; ?>< ?php print $back; ?>

Chris Ruppel

Web Component demo

What is Panels?

Panels is a user interface for theme()

But let's forget about the UI for a minute

Panels is a way to take data (Context)

    stdClass Object
    [vid] => 1
    [uid] => 1
    [title] => This is an Article
    [log] => 
    [status] => 1
    [comment] => 0
    [promote] => 1
    [sticky] => 0
    [nid] => 1
    [type] => article
    [language] => und
    [created] => 1431529567
    [changed] => 1431529567
    [tnid] => 0
    [translate] => 0
    [revision_timestamp] => 1431529567
    [revision_uid] => 1
    [body] => Array
            [und] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [value] => With a Body field!
                            [summary] => 
                            [format] => plain_text
                            [safe_value] => 

With a Body field!

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => b:0; [entity_view_prepared] => 1

And get it ready for printing in a template

< ?php print $content['left']; ?>
< ?php print $content['right']; ?>
HOOK_THEME When I say that Panels is a UI on theme I mean that it takes the responsibility for figuring out how to get something into these variables. We've got a node object and a template file that simply prints Left and Right. Normally you would need to do a ton of preprocessing to make that work. Or you do that work before even calling theme().

By passing the data through user defined configuration

$handler = new stdClass();
$handler->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default handler disabled initially */
$handler->api_version = 1;
$handler->name = 'node_view_panel_context';
$handler->task = 'node_view';
$handler->subtask = '';
$handler->handler = 'panel_context';
$handler->weight = 1;
$handler->conf = array(
 'title' => 'Person',
 'no_blocks' => 0,
 'pipeline' => 'standard',
 'body_classes_to_remove' => '',
 'body_classes_to_add' => '',
 'css_id' => '',
 'css' => '',
 'contexts' => array(),
 'relationships' => array(),
 'access' => array(
 'logic' => 'and',
 'plugins' => array(
 0 => array(
 'name' => 'node_type',
 'settings' => array(
 'type' => array(
 'person' => 'person',
 'context' => 'argument_entity_id:node_1',
 'not' => FALSE,
$display = new panels_display();
$display->layout = 'onecol';
$display->layout_settings = array();
$display->panel_settings = array(
 'style_settings' => array(
 'default' => NULL,
 'middle' => NULL,
$display->cache = array();
$display->title = '%node:title';
$display->content = array();
$display->panels = array();
 $pane = new stdClass();
 $pane->pid = 'new-1';
 $pane->panel = 'middle';
 $pane->type = 'custom';
 $pane->subtype = 'custom';
 $pane->shown = TRUE;
 $pane->access = array(
 'plugins' => array(
 0 => array(
 'name' => 'entity_field_value:node:person:field_ref_term_designation',
 'settings' => array(
 'field_ref_term_designation' => array(
 'und' => array(
 0 => array(
 'tid' => '73',
 'field_ref_term_designation_tid' => array(
 73 => '73',
 1 => NULL,
 2 => NULL,
 3 => NULL,
 72 => NULL,
 'context' => 'argument_entity_id:node_1',
 'not' => FALSE,
 $pane->configuration = array(
 'admin_title' => 'Honorary Member',
 'title' => '',
 'body' => '

Honorary Member

', 'format' => 'full_html', 'substitute' => 0, ); $pane->cache = array(); $pane->style = array( 'settings' => NULL, ); $pane->css = array(); $pane->extras = array(); $pane->position = 0; $pane->locks = array(); $display->content['new-1'] = $pane; $display->panels['middle'][0] = 'new-1'; $pane = new stdClass(); $pane->pid = 'new-2'; $pane->panel = 'middle'; $pane->type = 'node_content'; $pane->subtype = 'node_content'; $pane->shown = TRUE; $pane->access = array(); $pane->configuration = array( 'links' => 0, 'no_extras' => 0, 'override_title' => 1, 'override_title_text' => '', 'identifier' => '', 'link' => 0, 'leave_node_title' => 0, 'build_mode' => 'full', 'context' => 'argument_entity_id:node_1', ); $pane->cache = array(); $pane->style = array( 'settings' => NULL, ); $pane->css = array(); $pane->extras = array(); $pane->position = 1; $pane->locks = array(); $display->content['new-2'] = $pane; $display->panels['middle'][1] = 'new-2'; $pane = new stdClass(); $pane->pid = 'new-3'; $pane->panel = 'middle'; $pane->type = 'views_panes'; $pane->subtype = 'videos_by_person-panel_pane_1'; $pane->shown = TRUE; $pane->access = array(); $pane->configuration = array( 'more_link' => 1, 'use_pager' => 0, 'pager_id' => '0', 'items_per_page' => '3', 'path' => 'node/%/videos', 'context' => array( 0 => 'argument_entity_id:node_1', ), 'override_title' => 1, 'override_title_text' => 'Videos featuring %node:title', ); $pane->cache = array(); $pane->style = array( 'settings' => NULL, ); $pane->css = array(); $pane->extras = array(); $pane->position = 2; $pane->locks = array(); $display->content['new-3'] = $pane; $display->panels['middle'][2] = 'new-3'; $pane = new stdClass(); $pane->pid = 'new-4'; $pane->panel = 'middle'; $pane->type = 'views_panes'; $pane->subtype = 'clips_by_person-panel_pane_1'; $pane->shown = TRUE; $pane->access = array(); $pane->configuration = array( 'more_link' => 1, 'use_pager' => 0, 'pager_id' => '0', 'items_per_page' => '3', 'path' => 'node/%/clips', 'context' => array( 0 => 'argument_entity_id:node_1', ), 'override_title' => 1, 'override_title_text' => 'Podcast clips featuring %node:title', ); $pane->cache = array(); $pane->style = array( 'settings' => NULL, ); $pane->css = array(); $pane->extras = array(); $pane->position = 3; $pane->locks = array(); $display->content['new-4'] = $pane; $display->panels['middle'][3] = 'new-4'; $display->hide_title = PANELS_TITLE_FIXED; $display->title_pane = '0'; $handler->conf['display'] = $display;

Overly-simplified Panels Pseudo-code

function render_a_panel($nodes_or_other_data, $name_of_panels_config) {

  // Each Panels layout plugin becomes a theme hook.
  $name_of_theme_hook = $this->get_theme_hook_name($name_of_panels_config);

  // Panels stringifies render arrays before passing to theme().
  $printable_vars = $this->get_printable_vars($nodes_or_other_data, $name_of_panels_config);

  // Dead simple insertion of variables into a template. 
  return theme($name_of_theme_hook, $printable_vars);

Panels can operate on multiple levels

  • Panels Everywhere for the page.tpl.php level
  • Page Manager for the hook_menu() level
  • Panelizer for View Modes
  • Mini Panels for Block level

Why should we care about Web Components* ?

  • Or Angular
  • React
  • Ember
  • Backbone + Marionette
  • Riot
  • Knockout
  • Whatever was released during this session

The ability to componentize and reuse is a measure of progress

The way to be more productive is to write less code. The way to be more productive is to reuse more code. The way to be more productive is to share more code.Larry "Crell" Garfield

What caused the PHP Renaissance?

  • Class autoloading
  • Github
  • Namespaces
  • The PHP Standards Group
  • Composer
  • Common Interfaces

Larry "Crell" Garfield

What do we have to show for it?

├── autoload.php
├── behat
├── bin
├── composer
├── doctrine
├── easyrdf
├── egulias
├── fabpot
├── guzzlehttp
├── masterminds
├── mikey179
├── phpunit
├── psr
├── react
├── sdboyer
├── sebastian
├── symfony
├── symfony-cmf
├── twig
└── zendframework

And we're doing well on the front end

├── backbone
├── ckeditor
├── classList
├── domready
├── farbtastic
├── html5shiv
├── jquery
├── jquery-form
├── jquery-joyride
├── jquery-once
├── jquery-ui-touch-punch
├── jquery.cookie
├── jquery.ui
├── matchMedia
├── modernizr
├── normalize-css
├── picturefill
└── underscore

We are playing out the Ship of Theseus thought experiment

Ship of Theseus video

In our markup, can we

  • write less?
    • Yes (Thanks Twig!)
  • reuse more?
    • Yes (Stay for John's Core Conversation)
  • Share more?
    • With the outside world?

The Dependency Injection Container bridges between 3rd-party interfaces and Drupal's internals

a Dependency Injection Container (DIC) is simply an easier place to wire up what objects get passed to what objects.Larry "Crell" Garfield

Panels does analogous wiring for Markup between source data and templates

To use Web Components properly, we will need to bridge data and display without strong coupling

Lessons from Panels

Lesson: Not all theme hooks require equal attention

Drupal 7 theming:

One of the things that makes Drupal theming so powerful is its granularity. Each piece of content is handled separately as it's passed through the theming system. Each bit of data is themed individually, then combined into ever-larger chunks. At each step in the aggregation process, it's themed again. John Albin Wikins in Drupal 7 module development(Packt Publishing)

With great power comes great responsibility

Where to start customizing Drupal markup?

John Albin Wikins in Drupal 7 module development(Packt Publishing)

Each internal layer of Drupal is reflected in the markupYou can debate endlessly whether a given html element should be coming out of a given theme hook or it's parent. Are you theming the Views row? Or the thing in the Row?Whichever is the Panel. Whichever is the web component.

Panels priortizes some layers

You can debate endlessly whether a given html element should be coming out of a given theme hook or it's parent. Are you theming the Views row? Or the thing in the Row?Whichever is the Panel. Whichever is the web component.

Lesson: “A good architecture allows you to defer critical decisions”

(Uncle) Bob Martin

Anecdote about breaking up home page The Drupal theme system is used in lots of different ways. theme_item_list vs. panels. Standardizing has huge benefits.Ancedote about theming at the field instance level vs. the Field Collection entity level

Lesson: Separate names indicate separation of concerns

The name of the template matches the name of the internal data

Traditional Drupal encourages "overriding" the node template. What if you want something completely different?

What is the name of the template used by article node teasers?


That indicates a certain level of coupling. Not necessarily bad

Panelizer gives you the option to make the article teaser's template be


If we're going to pull in a 3rd party Web Component for the article teaser we can't expect it to be named "article--teaser"

Lesson: Simple mental models help

Context, Configuration, Template Here is where to put MV*, etc.

The modern front end world has its patterns of choice

Model View Controller


Model View Presenter

WikipediaUsed by riot.js and Backbone (kind of)

Model View ViewModel

WikipediaUsed by Knockout.js

Presentation Abstraction Control

WikipediaUsed by Drupal?

Drupal Drupal Drupal

Diagram from John Albin Wilkins

D8 Render Pipeline

The Drupal 8 Render Pipeline

Symfony HTTP Kernel

Symfony Documentation

The time browsers take to process Web Components is nothing compared to that which brains take to understand them.

I mean this in the obvious literal sense. Also that fast computational performance is useless if we don't know how to use it. In Panels we have an example of how surface complexity blocks understanding and adoption.

Lesson: Nesting is hard

Easier if the concepts are the same at each layer.

Lesson: Define dependencies / properties

$plugin = array(
  'title' => t('Three column 33/34/33 stacked'),
  'category' => t('Columns: 3'),
  'icon' => 'threecol_33_34_33_stacked.png',
  'theme' => 'panels_threecol_33_34_33_stacked',
  'css' => 'threecol_33_34_33_stacked.css',
  'regions' => array(
    'top' => t('Top'),
    'left' => t('Left side'),
    'middle' => t('Middle column'),
    'right' => t('Right side'),
    'bottom' => t('Bottom')

Panels Plugin definition

As the Drupal community asks itself again how it wants to do rendering, let's also ask "how do we want to think about rendering?


Questions for conversation

  • Can we separate the thing that prints data at all from the thing that says how it gets printed?
  • Is sharing our markup outside of Drupal something we even want to do?
  • Does someone need to write a Web Component theme?
  • How many Invented-Here parts of Drupal can we strip and still be Drupal?
  • Which pattern do you see Drupal implementing now? (MVC, PAC, ADR)
  • Which pattern do you want Drupal to use?
  • Which part of the D8 render pipeline do you expect to think about most?