Presented by Larry Garfield (@Crell)
Think NetFlix/HBO Go
Oh, right, 2013...
Pro: CMS and page display
Con: Mediocre at REST
Pro: HTTP handling
Con: Hand-rolled artisinal UI
(aka The Nodes)
<featureexport> <header> <exhibitionwindow start="2013-03-12T13:00:00.0Z" end="2014-07-30T13:00:00.0Z"> <destinations> <destination destinationid="svod" deviceid="STBmanaged"> </destination></destinations> </exhibitionwindow></header> <feature> <description> <title>The Dark Night</title> <sorttitle> <shortsynopsis>When Batman, Gordon and Harvey Dent...</shortsynopsis> <genre sub="1" main="4">Movie:Action/Adventure</genre> <production> <credits><credit role="Actor"><person>Christian Bale</person></credit></credits> </production> </sorttitle></description> </feature> <media> <videos> <video class="feature"> <duration>PT152M0S</duration> <files base=""> <file filename="ON600007.gxf" assetid="ON600007"> </file></files> </video> </videos> <images> <imagesource base=""> <img filename="the_dark_knight.jpg" imageid="I@023072"> </imagesource> </images> </media> </featureexport>
Closure-based mapping objects
Potentially multiple nodes
One more thing…
Drupal's got this, right?
Another mini-custom OOP system!
So when should it be public?
A Program is publishable when:
Actually it's a bit more complex than that
An Offer is publishable when:
Actually it's a bit more complex than that
An Asset is publishable when:
Actually it's a bit more complex than that
It's complicated…
…And potentially expensive
One API, Palantir uninvolved
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