in places where WiFi was present, local clinicians assumed everybody had similar levels of WiFi access
conversely, where WiFi was absent, clinicians assumed nobody had WiFi
nobody actually had a picture of WiFi access across the whole NHS
John Popham - Patient WiFi
2013 results
"Which of the following best describes Staff access to WiFi at your place of NHS work?"
My organisation has a free WiFi network and I have the password 20.30%
My organisation has a free WiFi network but I do not have the password 20.18%
My place of work has installed its own free WiFi outside of NHS provision 2.63%
WiFi service that is not free (eg Commercial Provider) 3.76%
No WiFi - there are no WiFi networks at all 36.22%
EduRoam academic network 1.38%
The "12%"
12.16% responded 'Other'
A large proportion of these were along the lines of
"There is WiFi for managers and IT staff only"
Why do clinicians need WiFi anyway?
(aren't you meant to be working?)
knowledge resources at the point of care
better decision making
based on better evidence and latest guidance
better information for patients
most up-to-date information is internet based...
searchable... comparable... reviewed...
carrying a load of books around is increasingly infeasible
"Were there none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach anything better"
Florence Nightingale, Cassandra, 1860
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself... Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man"
George Bernard Shaw, Maxims for Revolutionaries, 1903
Why isn't he talking about mobile access to EHRs, test results, radiology?
it's a whole other can of worms
issues with interfacing with EHRs
vendor-specific complications & obstinacy
Information Governance, security, device lockdown, authentication
let's leave that for another day shall we...
Medical School iPads
Numerous medical schools (Manchester, Leicester, Dartmouth) are providing iPads to all medical students
2013 survey impact
turns out...
HSCIC & NHS England don't actually have any of this information
but they were interested to hear about it
presented findings to Jonathan Kay, Clinical Informatics Director, NHS England