My name is Daniel McNamara. I'm an artist, musician, and general maker of things, based out of Toronto, Ontario. I especially like working with technology and am currently spending the most of my time making musical machines.
This is a robotic needle dropping machine I am working on. I got the idea from watching Q-Tip needle drop. I am currently installing a linear encoder system to read where the needle is on the record.
This is a gearing mechanism I designed for Boards of Canadarm to increase the resolution of its optical encoder. This allows the RasPi to know exactly where the record players arm is.
This is a web app I am developing to allow access for anyone to a controller for the robotic instruments I build.
This is the latest music project of mine. I compiled a record from songs I recorded over the past 2 years and put them onto 8 track cartridges. My main instrument is bass so I like to make funky, bass heavy music.