An in-depth look at Twitter and Facebook
What are your social media goals?
What scares you about social media?
Clustering and developing personas
The right mindset
Don't be afraid to try new things out
Have fun, be expressive online
Brevity is key
Use visuals
Content demands to be shared
Content demands to be curated
Content demands to be adapted
Content demands to be discussed
Brands aren't your friends
Flip the script
What are the keys to strong writing?
Be personal
Use strong verbs
Humour me
Include a call-to-action
Ask how can I add value?
What should you always look over?
Ensure all words are spelled correctly
Do the numbers make sense?
Are there any missing words?
Read your sentence aloud
Build a narrative that starts with why
How do I grow my following?
"I don't have the time."
"I don't have anything important to say."
"Who is going to read this?"
Our future robot overlords
Add it to the queue
Write a recipe
Bounce rate
When is the best time to post content?
How frequently should I post online?
Practice makes perfect
Any questions?
Marius Masalar
Jill Krawjeski
Clare Hutchinson
Hilary Duff